Where is the tower of eternity ayon. Aion - My choice! v4.8 "New Dawn"

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

Aion is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) where your character has devastating wide powers and wings to explore the celestial world, breathtaking beauty and epic adventures.

O Aion "e I heard about a year ago. My interest in it was manifested by the fact that its developers, my favorite N.C.Soft. As soon as I heard about Aion "e, then immediately tried to ask google, what is it and with what it "eat". Seeing the screenshots, wallpaper, I got even more interest in it, and especially in the race Elyos.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

The next year, 2009, I heard on the forum 4Game(I found out about this forum because I play Lineage 2 on the l2.ru) that Innova Systems bought a domain name www.aion.ru.I, by clicking on this link, saw (exactly what I don’t remember now) a message similar to the fact that technical work is underway on the site. And I started to wait.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

And so, one fine morning, I remembered this site, and when I went to it I saw, I’m not afraid of this word, Fabulous site written in Flash. My eyes immediately ran in different directions, and in the center of the site I saw a video, after watching which, my desire to play AION: Tower of Eternity it increased several times, and I was most glad that the video was completely in Russian, and the voice was chosen exactly. And at the top of the site I saw the inscription "Elyos", and below "Asmodians". The hand immediately reached out, of course, to the inscription "Elyos", and by clicking on it, I saw what I had been looking for for so long - the history of this race. Immediately copying and printing on A4 sheets, I sat down to read. After reading, I understood a lot about the world of Aion and the Elyos race that I loved.

The Elyos are one of the peoples that play a key role in the endless battles on Atreus. Their outward resemblance to angels is deceptive. They are merciless to enemies, so even the white wings spread behind their backs do not mislead anyone.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

My very first client was, of course, Korean. I downloaded it for days, the computer did not turn off at night (I had a speed of 115 Kb / s). And now the hour has come. The inscription lit up on the screen: "aion.rar downloaded". After the time that I spent jumping for joy, I unzipped the client's installation files and started installing. After installation, I started looking for AION servers to get into this extraordinary world as soon as possible, to fly on wings, to see new ideas from developers ncSoft, but strangely enough, I did not find a single server.

Sitting at the computer, my mood immediately dropped. A few days later on one of the sites I saw "Emulator", which the client launched, and you could even create a character. After downloading it, I saw on the screen a magnificent, that great tower that the god Aion created - the Tower of Eternity.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

Having examined it, I began to "connect" to the downloaded emulator and saw magnificent races: Asmodians and Elyos. Of course, I chose the Elyos and started creating them in different ways, I started changing every detail, and I wondered what great opportunities character creation provides us (Since I'm used to the game Lineage 2 that there's not that much variety in character creation). Having created the Elyos, I wanted to enter the game by clicking on the "Start" button, the game hung and later crashed. The mood again fell below the plinth. After all these frustrations, I decided to remove Aion and wait at least for the Euro client.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

Didn't have to wait long. A few months later a Chinese client showed up and I decided to try my luck again. I found the OBT registration guide and started registration. I did everything right, but the letter did not come. I waited a week, two, three .. But still the letter did not come. And I felt sad again, I continued my adventure in Lineage 2.

But once, having gone to my brother, I still decided to download the Chinese client Aion in order to play on pirate servers (I really wanted to look at AION, and then and still the development of pirate servers is very fast). I didn’t have to wait long for the download, my brother’s Internet speed was great. And I decided to try my luck a second time, and passed the registration for the Chinese MBT. It was already at night. Specifying your e-mail address, I went to bed.

The next morning, when I woke up, I immediately went to check my Email box. And there I saw the letter. Nothing in this letter was clear to me (Everything was in Chinese), but I understood one thing, when I followed the link that was in the letter, I saw a picture in the browser: An envelope with a green checkmark. After reading the registration guide, I realized - I was taken to the Chinese MBT.

And then it was my turn to plunge into the world of Artea. I quickly created my character (Elyos, of course), and pressed the "Start" button. You would have thought that my heart had stopped. I sat waiting for the loading screen to pass.

And now this moment has come. The first feeling was just great. It's not because I saw my character in front of me against the background of stones (Elyos's initial lacing), but because I finally got into this world.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

The eyes widened again. And I started playing. The game was not long, because. on the Chinese MBT they give only 8 hours. But here I will tell you why I liked the world of Artey so much (Although I didn’t see all of it), and the Aion game itself:

    Immediately what I liked about Aion, this is an interface that you can customize for yourself as you like.

    The character editor is varied, and you can make your own unique character, and you will never see your "twin" (As you can see in Lineage 2, all characters have the same face).

    The world of Aion is drawn carefully and beautifully. Mountains, rivers, lakes and a background with the Tower of Eternity.

    Quests. They are just wonderfully made. Quests are divided into 3 categories. Story, Missions and Hired (I could be wrong).

    The interface of the quest window is also convenient. There is a search system for locations and NPCs.

    The physics in Aion did not disappoint either. What I really liked was that if you killed an enemy in the water, then after death he floats to the surface.

    Videos. This is probably the first MMORPG game that has "quest" cutscenes. And thanks to NCSoft for that.

    Voice acting. It is also probably the first MMORPG game in which there will be Russian voice acting for quests and other dialogues. And thanks for this Innov "e.

In general about sights and beauty Aion "a I can talk for a long time, but so far I have chosen the very thing that I remember.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

I respect Innova Systems and those who work there. And I believe that they will make Aion of high quality, and will try in the future. Good luck to you Innova Systems, I believe in you! And I would really like you to come to Igromir 2009 with his Great (!) Aion!

Why should I go to the CBT Aion in Russia.

Of course, I'm not necessarily the one who should take part in the Aion Closed Beta Test in Russia, but I would really like to help Innova Systems in finding bugs, shortcomings and much more in the world of Aion. But still, if I get there, I will do everything that will be required of me by Innov "e Systems. I will be on the CBT every day and look for server errors. Do everything in good faith so that the CBT ends as soon as possible and the OBT begins, so that and other players from all over Russia and not only could get into this magnificent world.

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

My general opinion about Aion.

Aion is a game that I have been waiting for a very long time. Many say this game is a copy of World of Warcraft with wings from Perfect World. I say "No! Why, if this game is a “copy” of World of Warcraft, then I don’t sit and play WoW now, but I want to get into the Aion CBT? Of course, it's not for me to influence the opinions of others, but for me Aion is the Ideal game for today. But Aion will soon have a serious competitor: Tera Online. I will not say anything about it, but the game seemed worthwhile to me, but a lot can change over time. So far I have seen Aion, I have played Aion and I will play Aion!

Aion - My choice!

Aion - My choice!

→ Innova

Release date Version 6.2 latest version 7.2 genre role-playing game Age
ratings GRB : 15+
ESRB: Teen[d]
USK : USK 12[d]
Technical details Platforms Windows Game engine CryEngine Game modes multiplayer Carrier DVD, digital distribution Systemic
requirements Control keyboard and mouse Official site

The history of the creation of the game

In total, 25 servers were launched (7 of them were additional), each of which could accommodate up to 5000 players. Over 11,000 people have logged into the game after two minutes of open server operation. In less than an hour, that number rose to 40,000. At the time of the open beta, over 200,000 players were registered. On November 25, 2008, the official launch of the Korean version of Aion with a P2P (pay-to-play) business model took place in Korea. In December 2008, Aion was announced as the best Korean game of 2008.

In Russia, on April 23, 2009, a closed press conference was held in the Forum Hall, during which representatives of Innova and NCsoft announced the conclusion of an agreement for the localization and support of Aion. In May 2009, an active PR campaign began, aimed at informing a wide audience.

On May 16, 2009, Aion was aired on MTV's Virtuality show, and the game was also shown on 2x2. On October 12, closed beta testing of the game started. More than 100 thousand users expressed their desire to participate in the CBT. On December 8, Innova announced the start of open beta testing. On December 20, Aion was talked about in Video Game Icon. Also, a review of the game could be read in the magazine "RS GAME", which was released in December.

On December 25, 2009, open beta testing ended and preparations for the official release began. In total, over 150 thousand people took part in open testing. The release of the Russian version of Aion took place on December 27 . At the time of the start of the Aion project in Russia, update 1.5 "Shadow of the Balaur" was installed.

At the moment, official Russian servers have become completely free, with the ability to purchase a premium (which allows you to increase the player's benefits such as a buff for the amount of experience, loot and others, it is also possible to buy a premium for game currency, however, in the case of such a purchase, veteran experience will not be credited ).

After switching to the F2P (free-to-play) business model, European servers became completely free, with the ability to purchase a Gold Pack (removing restrictions on trading and transferring items, it is also possible to buy a Gold Pack for game currency)

game world

There are two playable races in the game - the Elyos (English Elyos) and the Asmodians (English Asmodian).

The Elyos live in the southern part of Atreia - Elios, and the Asmodians, the inhabitants of the northern part of Atreia, live in Asmodeus. The capital of the Elyos is the giant city of Elysium floating in the air (eng. Sanctum). The capital of the Asmodians is Pandemonium (eng. Pandemonium).

There are several locations in Elios and Asmodeus that players can go to. So, in Elios are Foeta, where the Ely player starts the game, Bertron, Theobomos, Eltenen and Interdika. Asmodeus is home to Iskhalgen, the Asmodian player's starting area, Altgard, Brusthonin, Morheim, and Beluslan.

The in-game currency is kinah(eng. Kinah). There are also abyss glasses(eng. abyss points, ap, ap), for which you can purchase exclusive items that are not available for purchase with kinah. To purchase certain classes of items (weapons and armor of level 40 and above) with abyss points, you also need the corresponding medals: silver for items of level 40, gold for items of level 50, platinum for items of level 55, and mithril - for items of the 60th level, as well as ceramium for items of the 65th level. Update 2.5 introduced Arena Badges, and Update 2.7 introduced Arena Hero Badges, which can be used to buy items that are not available for purchase with Kinah and Abyss Points. Update 4.5 introduced a ranking system based on Renown Points (obtained by participating in sieges).

Game interaction

Characters can unite in legions from 1 to 8 levels. The highest level 8 legion can have up to 240 characters.

There is a hierarchy with ranks in the legion.

  • Legate - the owner of the legion, its creator.
  • Adjutant - the second person in the legion after the legate, has almost all the rights of a legate.
  • Centurion - has all the rights of a legate, except for the removal of the legion.
  • Legionnaire - has no rights, except for viewing the legion's warehouse.
  • Novice - the initial rank when joining the legion, has no rights.
  • The head of the legion is a legate, he can appoint adjutants, centurions and legionnaires.

For game interaction, characters can temporarily unite into groups (up to 6 characters), groups - into alliances (up to 4 groups), alliances - into unions (up to 8 alliances). The commander of the alliance can appoint captains who have some rights to manage the alliance.

Abyss points, ranks, ratings

The game has reward points for killing a player of an enemy race, destroying Balaur and monsters (in some PvP locations). These points are called Abyss Points.

Abyss points can be exchanged for ancient stigmas, jewelry, weapons, armor, elixirs. Some items purchased with Abyss Points also require medals (silver, gold, platinum, mithril, ceramium). Medals are earned for achievements during sieges, completing quests, and completing dungeons in fortresses.

There is a maximum amount of Abyss Points that can be earned for killing one character within a set amount of time, after which points from that particular character are no longer available. This measure is intended to prevent abuse when obtaining Void points from the same object.

In addition to Abyss points, there are so-called Glory points in the game. By collecting them, the character can receive ranks, which are distributed based on in-game ratings. For example, in order to become an Officer of the 1st rank, you must enter the TOP-1000 players on your server within your race. Possession of certain ranks makes it possible to buy and wear unique equipment, participate in cross-server sieges and transform into a lord protector with increased characteristics and additional skills. The character can earn Fame points in fortress sieges and in some temporary zones (Impenetrable Bastion, Runatorium, arenas).


Since the game involves war between races, sieges are one of the main components of high-level content. In the game there are sieges of fortresses, for the capture of which you have to fight with the Lord Protector of the fortress of the race to which it belongs. Fortresses are located on the territory of the Abyss and in the Balaur Lands, there is also a united Pangea server, where inter-server sieges take place once a week. Each of the fortresses, regardless of who owns it, is guarded by NPCs, as well as magical towers that attack from a distance. Around the fortresses there are artifacts guarded by the warriors of the fortress to which the artifact belongs. To capture an artifact, you must fight with its main defender. Artifacts are needed for the player to receive bonus effects during the siege of the fortress, which attack the defenders of the fortress or give additional characteristics to the attackers. To activate an artifact, you must use a special item. The game also has siege weapons that are needed to destroy defensive towers and gates. You can buy siege weapons at the headquarters of the legions in the capitals of the races for characters who are members of the legion.

Game engine

Aion: The Tower of Eternity uses the CryEngine game engine, which was developed by the German company Crytek.

Work on the CryEngine began in 1999 with the creation of the game "X-Isle", which later morphed into Far Cry. On May 2, 2002, Crytek officially announced that CryEngine was complete and ready for third party licensing. However, the first game on the engine - Far Cry - was released only on March 26, 2004. On March 30, 2006, Ubisoft acquired all rights to CryEngine developed by Crytek. All rights to Far Cry have also been acquired. From that point on, Crytek had no legal or legal ties to the engine, nor could they use the engine itself or the CryEngine trademark.

CryEngine was not originally intended for the MMORPG genre, so the key task of the developers was to modify CryEngine and give it the necessary properties and features. Almost all CryEngine subsystems have undergone optimization and processing. According to the developers, the modified CryEngine is very well optimized and will work well even on older PC configurations. According to Knox, the game will run at maximum quality on a PC with a single-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and a 2-year-old graphics card. Another innovation was support for SLI and CrossFire. At the same time, given that Aion is an MMORPG, the game almost does not use game physics - neither the base physics engine from CryEngine, nor any external one. There are no plans to add Direct3D 10 and/or Direct3D 10.1 support to the engine.

System requirements

System requirements
Minimum Recommended
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz / AMD Sempron 2800 Intel Pentium Dual-Core / AMD Athlon 64 X2
RAM 1 GB or more 2 GB or more
video card Nvidia GeForce 6600 / AMD Radeon X1550 Nvidia GeForce 7600 / AMD Radeon X2600
Free hard disk space 43 GB or more
Operating system Windows Vista, Windows 7
DirectX 9.0c(2008.6)
System Requirements for Enhanced Graphics Engine
Minimum Recommended
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo , Pentium Dual-Core 2.5 GHz / Intel Core 2 Duo , Pentium Dual-Core 2.9 GHz /
RAM 2 GB or more 4 GB or more
video card Nvidia GeForce 8600GT / AMD Radeon 4550 Nvidia GeForce 9800GT / AMD Radeon 4850
Free hard disk space 43 GB or more
Operating system Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10
DirectX 9.0c(2008.6) 10c(2012.6)


Flying and fighting in the air

Aion players can enjoy combat in 3D midair. It should be noted that the zones for flying in the game are limited: the only location where flying is allowed everywhere is the Abyss. In other locations, you can fly only in certain zones with a portal to the Abyss or anomalies. [ ] .

Character customization

Aion allows you to create a character's appearance without choosing ready-made options from the database, but through a system of sliders that change the shape of the nose, eye shape, shoulder width and height. If desired, you can achieve similarities with a celebrity or yourself. This allows users to create unique images that are recognizable in the game world. There is also a paid service for changing the appearance of an already created character.


The combat system in Aion is based on PvPvE (player versus player versus environment). In addition to the two playable races, there are also AI-controlled Balaur. Castle battles take place in the Abyss zones, accessible from level 45, as well as in the Balaur Lands from level 50.


Quests are divided into 4 types: missions, tasks, sieges and orders. Missions lead the player through the storyline and are therefore mandatory; as you complete them, new missions become available. Quests are a means of earning money, experience, items, weapons, and items. Sieges are basically tasks to kill opponents of another race, they are taken automatically when entering a certain zone. Orders allow you to improve skills in crafts. Starting with update 2.0, NPCs who give out tasks are marked on the game map with markers.


Depending on the level and completed quests, the characters have slots for inserting stigma stones, each of which makes it possible to use a new skill. Combining stigmas allows you to create characters that are unique in their skill set. The number of stigma cells is six. With an increase in the level of the character, the level of stigma increases automatically. It is possible to increase stigma: it requires exactly the same, but not increased stigma. Upon successful enhancement, the stigma gains an additional effect, and upon unsuccessful attempt at enhancement, the upgraded stigma is destroyed. Empowered Stigma applies the effects of increasing damage, reducing reuse time, and reducing the cost of using the skill. The applied effect depends on the stigma. With a certain combination of installed stigmas, a hidden stigma is automatically opened.

License terms

Innova Systems. - the exclusive licensee of Aion® in Russia, the CIS countries, and Georgia. Private Aion® servers that are publicly available on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries and Georgia are not official and violate the rights of NCSoft to use Aion® on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries and Georgia granted to Innova Systems. Innova Systems is not responsible for the activities and consequences of actions when using private Aion® servers. Be careful when choosing an Aion® game server in Russia, the CIS countries and Georgia.



  1. AU: Aion Is Coming - PC News at IGN
  2. Official launch of Aion in Russia
The game: Aion: The Tower of Eternity

Hello! Our travel agency "Winged Daev" is pleased to welcome all travelers who decide to go to the magical world of Aion. In a few minutes you will find yourself in the beautiful but dangerous place of Atreus. We recommend that you listen to a short survival course for a beginner roleplayer, otherwise you risk falling into a bad company of bloodthirsty Balaur, grow black wings, start robbing caravans and end your days somewhere at the bottom of a great rift. To start, a little history.

So, Atreya. Previously, it was a single planet inhabited by the proud Balaur, who they are and why they are so proud, you will find out after getting to know them. And I will continue. Once, the Balaur became so proud that they rebelled against their creator, plundered the "Tower of Eternity" where he lived, and started a thousand-year war. Few survived: after all, a thousand years is a serious period, and during this time the "Tower of Eternity" did not live up to its name and fell apart from the constant attacks of the Balaurs. Then the planet Atreya split into two parts - light and dark. The cheerful Elyos settled on the light one, and the no less cheerful Asmodians settled on the dark one. Time, in vain, without losing, they immediately began to fight not only with each other, but also with the few surviving Balaur. Such a warlike people lives in the world of Aion.

They fight in the zones of the abyss, which are located at the site of the split of Atreia, and in their free time from battles, they complete various quests, make artifacts, master the professions of a cook, alchemist or tailor, and even fly. All the inhabitants of Aion are winged, and are able to travel great distances on their own two wings. By the way, permission to fly is not required: you just took it and took off, even in armor, even with weapons, and you can even fight in the air, although, of course, it’s more convenient to do it on the ground, but for this you need to become a Daeva - this is not such a pose - it’s hacked character. Yes, yes - your character! You will not be able to come to the world of Aion in slippers and a bathrobe, so you need to create your own hero. Whom to be: a bright Elyos or a dark Asmodian, a faithful guardian or a brave gladiator, a well-aimed shooter or an insidious killer, a powerful wizard or folk healer - everyone determines for himself. And ahead of you are excursions to the picturesque cities of Atreia, sieges of castles, captures of dark and light towers, epic battles and research raids - in any case, unforgettable adventures await you in the world of Aion, through which we, the Winged Daev travel agency, will guide you. Travel agency "Winged Daev" - there is no beauty better than to attack from a height. Welcome to the hotel.

Hello again! And so our second day of travel around the outskirts of the world of Aion came. Well, how do you feel? Are the hamstrings shaking? Not yet, then okay, further - more. Today, our travel agency "Winged Daev" is ready to offer you several excursions to interesting places on the planet Atreya. To begin with, we advise you to gain a few levels by hunting numerous monsters. This exciting safari is needed to become a real Daeva. Only they can fly and fight on equal terms with the merciless Balaur. Also pay attention to the indigenous people of Aion. They will gladly puzzle you with their problems, solving which you will raise your level, well, and when you are done with pumping, we recommend making a daring attack on the mini bosses. For the victory they will give a lot of experience, and those who do not disdain to delve into the things of the dead will find good booty. Feel like you're ready for more dangerous adventures? If you want to lose your head, then go ahead, attack the tailed Balaur, but when your head gets stuck in the teeth of this lizard, do not complain, because we warned. We advise you to use Stigmas in battles - various character abilities that are in special slots. In battle, it can be very useful to poison the enemy or finish him off with some powerful blow. Also, do not forget about special magic stones that increase your performance. Only it is necessary not to throw them, but, on the contrary, to put them in a special pocket on the armor or attach them to the weapon. Then you, for example, can get "+4" to attack or "+13" to parry.

Now let's talk about the battles. How do you fight, well, how do you fight? Yes, such an inept tourist like you will be immediately beaten by the local punks. To get started, learn a few combos - strikes and use them on enemies. Do not forget to slowly accumulate anger, i.e. special Daeva glasses: when there are enough of them, the time comes for a super-hit, then everyone will fall away, and in the literal sense. Now fight for your health, and if you are a pacifist, we suggest you try yourself as a blacksmith, jeweler, gunsmith, cook or alchemist. Collect a lot of stuff and create something useful out of them. Well, or useless. The main thing is that it can be sold at a local auction. And the last offer for the most desperate - a battle with other tourists who are out for blood. After all, it is always interesting to fight with an opponent of equal strength, especially if it’s “much to many”. You can even besiege a castle to get acquainted with its sights. So, choose a suitable offer for yourself and do not forget about a tip for your guide. Winged Daev Travel Agency is glad that you have used our services. We will try not to kill you on the very first days of the tour, but we ask you to make an advance payment. Good luck in the world of Aion! And do not feed Balaur with your hands, they go berserk from this.

And then came the long-awaited and last day of the trip. We just wonder how you're still alive. Anyway. If you still decide to walk alone on the planet Atreya, then you will certainly need a guide - an interpreter. And it's not that you are cut by unpleasant surprises around every corner and the bloodthirsty Balaur, who so love to feast on single tourists. It's just that without knowing the local customs and language, all the words of the locals will seem terrible gibberish to you. Therefore, so that no one gets confused in the flow of this incomprehensible information, translators - pioneers have adapted this huge world for you. It was not an easy path, full of danger and adventure, which they went side by side as a close-knit group, repulsing the attacks of all kinds of monsters. But it was passed with dignity, and they had to overcome as many as 6 million characters (!) of a foreign language, and when translating from Korean, the native language of Aion, this number doubled.

Here are the rock inscriptions that remained after the journey of fearless translators:

“12 million characters is the same as translating War and Peace six times and then editing it”

“So the work began. And for two months we were engaged in translation. Everything was licked and combed. We came to work at 10 o'clock and went home at 10 o'clock in the evening. Sometimes even without lunch - everything was translated and edited "

“Koreans are very interesting in choosing the name for certain things. There are enough bad words here. For example, just a wonderful phrase - I am the Balaurin Cancepturion of Grandenoble came to Irashurath to fight Lord Britor's Balaur - isn't that nice?

But, of course, when talking about the magical world of Aion, one cannot fail to mention its location. Hundreds of Russian servers where all these localized characters live. Moreover, each game world consists of several dozen servers, and when there are about 7-8 thousand users in the game world ... In some aspects of power, even Google is left behind here. For the first time, samples of the most powerful American equipment appeared in Russia. Which Google was certainly offended by.
Our travel agency does not know who this touchy Google is and where he lives, but Google knows exactly what Aion is. And thousands of tourists who have visited the world of Atreus deservedly call their trip the project of the year. And you can't argue with them. With this, our travel agency says goodbye to you and wishes to make many trips around Aion, make new friends there and take part in epic battles. Winged Daev travel agency for those who are born to fly. Even the proud Balaur envy our customers, because our customer is always on top.

Our assessment: 7.90 from 10

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