Description of the game darts in English. Darts: Basic Rules. Official Modern Rules game Darts

Darts is a sports gameIn which the darts are thrown into the round target marked at sectors. Translated from English Darts (Darts) - Darts. The darts game appeared in England over 200 years ago and is played in the Darts worldwide.

Good players in Darts distinguishes the ability to accurately get into the desired target sector. Beginner players are often trying to get to the very center of the target, which gives 50 points, but in order to get the maximum number of points you need to hit the tripling sector 20, which will give 60 points. It is to enter all three darts to the narrow sector of tripling 20 all professional players seek.

For the game in darts, only target and darts are needed. The target is hanging on the wall at an altitude of 173cm from the center of the target to the floor. Fastening is included in the target set. Thursts are carried out from a distance of 237cm. A set of darts consists of three pieces, each dart is completed with a plumage and a shank holding the plumage. The plumages and shanks are removable and they can be easily replaced by damage.

Beginners about darts.

Since darts is an unconstructive sport for our country, then they began to be interested in the simplest questions, it is difficult to find answers. To facilitate the life of the novice and this article is intended.

Darts is a very affordable sport. It does not impose almost no requirements for the physical state of the player. Darts can be played in any weather. Children can greatly play in it (in classic darts - under the supervision of parents, which is unlikely to be considered a disadvantage!). It can be played in the company from any number of people and one, and even remotely, "by correspondence".

Darts is classic (using a sisalie target) and electronic (plastic target with holes). Electronic darts are strongly distributed in Asia, Europe is classical. In general, one else does not interfere, but it is worth remembering that the darts are generally incompatible. All of the above refers mainly to the classic darts.

Darts rules

Darts rules are quite simple, while the number of games is huge. The target field is divided into sectors, painted alternately in black and white (possibly yellow) color. Each sector has its own basic nominal from 1 to 20. The denomination is indicated by the number, usually made from the wire located on the outside of the sector. The top of the target is always the sector "20", it is traditionally black. The location of the rest of the sectors is fixed relative to it and never changes.

Four circles in sectors highlighted rings of doubling (external) and tripling (internal). Segments of these rings are usually painted alternately in red and green.

The sector gets into the sector gives the number of points equal to its nominal. It does not distinguish between the external (between the rings doubling and tripling) and the inner part of the sector (inside the triple ring). The doubling and tripling rings falling into segments gives the amount of points equal to the nominal sector, multiplied by two or three respectively.

The center of the target consists of an external ring ("Bull" - 25 points) and the inner circle ("Bull-ah" - 50 points).

There is a huge variety of games in Darts. At the same time, nothing bothers you or your child come up with your version of the game.


It should be noted that in the darts club most likely it will be possible to get a "spare" or "guest" kit, but for a permanent game, even in the club, you, of course, need your darts.

Darts are brass and tungsten (recent with different, from 80% to 97% by tungsten). Brass darts are very cheap, but do not consider that it speaks of their low quality. Simply both brass itself and the process of processing does not require special costs. There were cases that athletes played their first tournaments brass darts. However, brass is less dense metal than tungsten, which means that with the same weight, brass darts will noticeably thicker tungsten. It is critical for a professional athlete, but for the beginner, the large thickness will rather turn out to be, on the contrary, the factor is positive.

When choosing darts, pay attention to the weight. As a rule, it fluctuates in the range of 21-26 grams (the weight of the dart is spinning along with the needle). I would recommend initially choosing very light darts weighing 18-20 grams (usually brass are made in such weight), since the hand will quickly get tired of (yes yes, the difference between 18 and 23 grams is felt at once!). And what kind of pleasure from the game, if you will quickly get tired? Further, as a set of experience, you will figure it out with a weight yourself.

Also pay attention to the "pump" (the texture of the dart spindle). The newcomer would advise the use of darts with a developed, deep-rink - it will facilitate the holding of the dart in the fingers, with which the newcomers often have problems.

And most importantly. Darts may not answer any of the above requirements, but will be perfectly flying and bringing you pleasure if they like you. This is a prerequisite! Darts must "ask for a hand."


Targets for classic darts are made from a compressed sisal - agave plant fibers. The sisalous array is glued on the base from the chipboard. The array may contain seams, it is natural, but on expensive targets, the technology of seamless formation of the canvas is used. The absence of seams somewhat increases the durability of the target.

Also in the target design includes a rigid wire mesh, a distinguishing sectors. This is the main classifying sign of the target. The grid ("spider") can be from a round, rarely elliptical, triangular or lamellar ("blade", "blade") wire.

The grids of the first three species are attached to the target with the front side by brackets that break through the canvas and fixing in the base from the chipboard. If the darts are hit in a wire (getting exactly in a wire with a thickness of 1mm, it turns out to be surprisingly simple!) The grid begins to gradually deform and move away from the target. This effect is more prone to targets with a round wire and less - with elliptical and triangular. The grid should be periodically (once every 3-4 months) to shoot, straighten and put in place, possibly changing the locations of the brackets.

The lamellar grid is welded in the factory and is attached to the base from the chipboard long hidden spikes. At the same time, the grid is most of its part right in the array of Sizal and performs from it only about a millimeter. This grid is not deformed by hits, does not get out of sisal. But the main thing is that the probability of getting into it is significantly less than in the usual grid of a round wire.

I would advise you to buy a target with a lamellar mesh. You can scare the price. Yes, such targets are one and a half, or even twice as expensive than basic targets with a round wire. But first, since these targets are the flagships of the model range, the quality of their manufacture (especially the center of the target is the Achilles spot of cheap targets) is significantly higher. Such a target simply serves you longer. And secondly, do you know how the dart bounces bend from the round wire? Ohhh, it is better not to know this :)

Personal experience. The cheapest target with a grid of a round wire served for about five months. After this time, the grid was not simply deformed, and the center of the target was swept away. Bought after this dear (two and a half times more expensive) The target serves at work (two users) already a year without significant comments. Sizal has become slightly cut, but it clearly serves another year. I think that at home she would freely serve me three or four years. What is more profitable - the question is rhetorical :)

How to hang target

The target is attached on the central suspension. The height of the central point of the floor of the floor is 1 meter 73 centimeters. Throw line, which cannot be intercedllied, is at a distance of 2 meters of 37 centimeters from the face of the target (not from the wall!). You can find detailed instructions.

The target weighs approximately 5-6 kilograms, so it will be withstanding almost any wall. But remember that vibrations are transferred to the wall from darts, so it's still thicker - the better.

To reduce the noise level, it is recommended to salary the back side of the target with porous material and make soft porous gaskets between the legs of the target and the wall, as well as in the "saddle" of the central screw. However, such measures are required very rare, for very sensitive people's noise. Best noise level reduce light darts :) Light darts 20-22 grams are heard only when it gets into a wire. Of course, it is not necessary to play until nine in the morning and after ten o'clock in the evening. Instead, you can see one of the records of the magnificent matches of Phila Taylor, Gary Anderson, Adriana Lewis.

The target can be hung at the end of the corridor, but it is desirable that the corridor is wide enough for a comfortable game (a meter of half a half is enough). However, it is not necessary to do this if there are little children in the house so that they suddenly did not ran out on the "line of fire".

Remember that in order to extend the service life of the target, it must be rotated once every 2-3 months either clockwise or counterclockwise. Turning is made by two sectors so that the dark sector has always been up. Naturally, after that, it is also necessary to turn the wire with the numbers so that the upper sector always remains the "20" sector.


The game in Darts has, like any hobby, the mass of subtleties. Selecting the type of shank, plumage, rack and grip dart, the choice of exercises and the technique of workouts ... But these subtleties will not prevent you from start playing at any time. They only glorify this passion for additional paints. A large and friendly dart community will help you and answer any of your question. Come to any local darts club, read the forum and I hope you join us!

The word "darts" with English translates like darts. The game consists of a target, which throws darts from a certain distance. This is a rather old entertainment invented in England. Even today in the beer bars (pubs) of many countries, they like to throw darts in the interruptions between the circles of fresh beer. The target is usually made of compressed agave leaves of the so-called sisal. It is round and divided into 20 sectors.

The rules of the game in darts provide for the target to be at a distance of 2.37 cm, at an altitude of 1.73 cm. Darts should also be a specific species. Their weight should not be more than 50 grams, but most often used models with an average weight of 20-25 grams. They are made of nickel, tungsten or brass. For a novice player, brass is the most optimal material. The target sectors for darts are painted in black and white colors. Apple, that is, the center of the target, painted in red and when hitting it, the player earns 50 points.

Next comes a green ring, for hitting which the player is given 25 points. If you get into a narrow inner ring of the red-green color, the number of sectors is tripled, and when hitting the external narrow ring - doubles.

Darts rules dictate the order of throws. Each of the participants must take a certain number of points for three throw. The maximum possible number is 180. This result can be achieved if all three times get into the internal narrow ring 20 sector. If the player does not fall into the inner narrow ring, he does not get points. If the dart has not stayed in the target, then it is also an unsuccessful stroke. After three shots, the result is calculated, and the move goes to the next player. Rules of the game in Darts must be learned before you start by the game. Before the start of the competition, the participants alternately throw darts, and the results choose the one who will start the competition. Naturally, lucky who managed to get as close to the center.

Rules of the game in Darts 301/501.

The account in this case begins with 301 points for each participant. Next, the points scored in one move (3 throw) glasses are deducted, and the one who first reached zero wins. The last throw should be made in an apple or an external sector ring. If the result is more points or one, the previous throws are not counted, and the result remains as it was before the last series of finish hits. Each regular game is called LEG, and five lags make up a set. Wins the one who won three lads. In 301 play two players, and in 501 are two pairs.

Rules of the game in Darts "All Five"

Players are trying for three throw to dial the amount of points, multiple five. With a different amount, the moves are not counted. If you scored 50 - these are 10 points, 10 - gives 2 points, 5, respectively, 1 point. One who quickly scored 51 points, becomes the winner. It should be noted that when there is a sort of glasses, the last series is repeated. There must be 51 points and no more nor less.

Darts rules for lovers differ significantly from those on which professional players play. Try first to master the amateur option, which, by the way, is also not so easy to master, and gradually you will go to professional.

In the darts lies in the right throw, which, if desired, can be easily seized. Try to make your housing be immobile, slightly tilted forward and involved and brush hands. Also try so that the dart in your hand is directed exactly to the target and amounted to one as a hand. Technique Games in Darts requires certain skills, so it is necessary to train in throwing darts every day at least an hour. Try to aim in the apple and with regular classes you can freely choose any of the necessary goal for the game.

History darts

The appearance of the title may have its origin from the name of the cross section of the tree. The old name DartBoard is translated as "butt". This can mean that the bottom of the veil barrels was originally target for darts.

There is a suggestion that the game arose among the soldiers. The soldiers threw short arrows into the lower part of the barrel or into the lower part of the trees. In a dry tree, cracks usually diverged, creating a "sectors".

Standard marking with the 20 sector on top was created in 1896 by a carpenter from Lancashir Brian Gamlin. However, many other configurations were used for many years and in different geographic points.


Targets for darts are usually made from sisal (compressed agave fibers). The idea of \u200b\u200busing sisal for the production of targets belongs to NODOR and in 1932 the first sisalous targets appeared. The production of targets is concentrated in Kenya and China that is explained by the proximity to sources of raw materials. The target is divided into sectors who are assigned numbers from 1 to 20.

Sistelle targets are distinguished by the form of separation wire:

  • The usual (round) wire is distinguished by a large percentage of darts of darts, when it gets into a wire and a low price. Used in targets: WinMau Pro SFB, NODOR SUPABULL II, HARROWS CLUB.
  • The triangular wire is characterized by a reduced percentage of rebound of darts from the wire. If it gets into a wire, the darts "move" on the verge of the nearest sector. Used in targets: NODOR SUPAWIRE, HARROWS APEX WIRE, WINMAU DIAMOND.
  • The finest separation wire is used in professional targets, it has a minimum number of rebounds and a fairly high price. Used in targets: Winmau Blade 4, Unicorn Eclipse Pro, Harrows Matrix, Nodor Supamatch.

In 1984, a dull fastening of the Staple-Free Bullseye target center appeared, which significantly reduced the number of rebounds of the target darts.

The height of the target and the distance to her

In the standard game, the target center must be at an altitude of 1.73 meters (5 feet, 8 inches) from the floor, and the distance from the front side of the target to the line with which players throw darts is 2.37 meters (7 feet, 9.25 inches).

Standard target sizes:

The inner width of the "Dublov" rings and "reques" is 8 mm. The inner diameter "Apple" is 12.7 mm. The inner diameter of the external central ring is 31.8 mm. The distance from the center of the target to the outer side of the Dublov rings is 170.0 mm. The distance from the center of the target to the outer side of the rings "Class" 107.0 mm. Total target diameter 451.0 mm ± 10.0 mm. Wire thickness 1.5 mm.



The standard target is divided into twenty numbered sections, usually black and white colors, each awarded number from 1 to 20. In the center there is an "apple" (eng. bullseye.), hit which is estimated at 50 points, surrounded by a green ring around it (25 points). The external narrow ring means doubling the number of sectors, the internal narrow ring means the tripling of the sector number. And external, and the inner narrow rings are traditionally painted in red and green colors.

Dart hit outside the narrow outer ring of points does not bring. If the dart does not remain in the target after the throw, it also does not bring points. Usually glasses are calculated after the player rolling 3 darts. After that, the move goes to another player.

The maximum possible result of 3 shots - 180 points (if the player enters all three darts to the internal narrow ring of the sector 20).

Important note: According to the standard, players use darts, the mass of which does not exceed 50 grams. In cases of amateur games (not classified), it is permissible to use heavy darts weighing over 50 grams, but this exception is made for darts made under the order, and in the conditions of the championships. As for the semi amateur and professional game, the use of darts weighing over 50 grams is the basis for not tolerance or disqualification of the player. The most popular weight of the darts is held within 19 - 25 grams. To date, the most well-known manufacturers in the darts are Unicorn, Harrows, Nodor, WinMau. Professional players use tungsten and nickel darts, and latter darts are suitable for novice players.


Each party in the game begins with the score 301 (option 501). The method of accounting is the subtraction of the received amount of points from the remaining, while one of the players does not reach 0. To finish the game, it is necessary to throw the target in the "doubling" or in the "Apple" of the target so that the amount of points get the scope to zero ("Apple" is counted For double 25).

If the dart throw gave more points than you need to zero completion of the game (or it leads to a unit), then all the throws of the current approach are not counted, and the score remains the same, which it was before a series of throws, which led to the mischief or unit.

Each game in 301 is called "LEG". Five "lags" make up "Seth" (the game is being done up to three victories in the "Langs"). The final winner is the one who won the specified number of "Sets".

All major tournaments play an option to play with the initial number of points in 501. The minimum number of darts needed to end the game - 9. Depending on the type of tournament, the format is also varied - both network and up to a certain number of wins, without dividing on sets .


The rules of the game are reduced to alternately to hit the sectors from the 1st to 20th, then the "doubling" and the "tripling" of the 20th sector, and complete the game in the "Apple" target. In case, in a series of throws, all three darts reach the targets (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14, etc.), which led the game out of turn. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sector is considered to be the entire area, including the Rings of Doubling and Multi-Account.

The winner is the player, the first struck the "apple".

Big Round

The game is carried out by sectors from "1" to "20", including the Center (Green Ring or Bull). The task of each player for one approach (3 throw) to hit your current sector maximum number of times. It is considered to fall into the current sector. If you get into the doubling area or tripling sector, glasses, respectively, double or triple. Wins the player who scored the most points.

All fives

Series of three darts players seek to dial the maximum number of multiple 5. A series of throws, which has given no multiple 5, not counted. Number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc.

The winner is the one who first will give 51 points.

The game has a "busting" rule.

Twenty seven

Each player initially gives 27 points. The first three darts need to hit the "doubling" of the sector 1. In this case, each hit in the target brings 2 points (1x2). If none of the darts fell into the "doubling" of the sector 1, then 2 points (1x2) are subtracted from the existing amount of points (27).

The next three darts need to hit the "doubling" of the sector 2. In this case, each hit in the target brings 4 points (2x2). If none of the darts fell into the "doubling" of the sector 2, then 4 (2x2) is subtracted from the existing amount of points.

Thus, the game is conducted until the 20th sector of the target. The winner is the one who, after the shots in the "doubling" of the sector 20, there are more points.

That player whose account during the game is becoming less than a unit, drops out of the competition.

One thousand

The test field of the game is "Bull" and "Green Ring". Each player initially does not have glasses and gains their series of three darts, considering only 50 and 25.

The winner is the one who first scored 1000 points.

The game has a part of the busting.

Five lives

For throwing three darts, you need to dial more points than the previous player scored, at least one point. Exception is only 180 points. Each player can make a mistake 5 times. On the sixth player coming out of the game. It is better to play in this game - a guide.

Sector 20.

In the exercise "Sector 20", the player performs 30 shots (10 episodes of 3 darts), trying to dial as much as possible only due to the hitting of the target in the "sector 20". Hit to "doubling" is counted for 40 points, in the "tripling" for 60 points. Darts that do not fall into the zone "20" to the result of the total amount are not added.


There are 10-20 people in the game. Everyone chooses a cell (1-20), falling into which rivals reduce the number of its lives. If the player takes the last life (kills), he receives +1 to his life - thus eliminated suicide. If the player gets into the apple, also gets +1 to life, if it gets into the ring - selects life from any player if it gets in 3 or 2x - 3 or 2 lives are removed accordingly. The game ends after the "murder" of all rivals.


Players arbitrarily choose two diametrically opposite sectors and try to hit their "doubling" and "tripling" on the imaginary straight line, for example: "doubling" sector 11, "tripling" of the sector 11, "Green Ring", "Morning" sector 6 and "doubling" Sectors 6. The one who is the first will be the imaginable line at the specified points.


At the same time, an arbitrary number of players can take part in the game. Players take turns perform a series of throws of 3 darts. The point is awarded for a set of 30 points for 3 throw. The player is defeated, the first scoring the number of points (usually 3, 5 or 7). The game is popular among newbies at the expense of simplicity and inseparable to keep complex counts.

Rules of darts tournaments

Most Popular Darts Tournaments

  • World Cup PDC.
  • Winmau World Masters.
  • Grand Slam Of Darts
  • UK Open
  • Darts Premier League
  • Players Championship Finals.
  • Zuiderduin Masters.
  • PDC World Cup of Darts
  • WDF World Cup

In addition, PDC holds a PDC Protour - cycle of 39 tournaments not broadcast on TV, which are held on weekends around the world. The prize fund of such tournaments is the same, and is about 35 thousand pounds sterling.

Since 2011, PDC Unicorn Youth Tour has been launched, which takes part young players aged 14 to 21 years. A total of 14 tournaments, the prize fund of each - 2 thousand pounds of sterling.

In 2010, WORLD CUP OF DARTS was held for the first time, as well as the female and youth world championships PDC.

In 2012, 5 European PDC tournaments were launched, which were held in Austria, Germany and Holland. The prize fund of each tournament is 79,200 pounds.

Famous dartsmen


  • Gary Anderson
  • Phil Taylor
  • James Wade
  • Adrian Lewis
  • Colin Lloyd
  • Simon Whitlock
  • Paul Nicholson
  • Tony O'Shi.
  • Ronnie Baxter
  • Raymond Van Burnevueld
  • Yellla Klasen
  • John Pat.
  • Mark Webster
  • Robert Tornton
  • Martin Adams.
  • Terry Jenkins

Darts - popular Game Developing Accuracy and Eyemer. The game process consists in throwing targets on a target from a certain distance and a set of glasses.

Despite the same inventory - Darts consists of several varieties with their features and subtleties.

Target, her pictures

Standard target is a circle diameter 45 cm. If we consider it components from the center, then the target can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Apple or Bull's Eye. Central circle diameter 12.7 mm.
  2. Center or Bull.Ring diameter 31.8 mm Embossed apple.

Photo 1. Target for darts with a dot into the center of the projectile. This area is located around the apple.

  1. Sectors. Ring around the center of the radius 170 mm divided by 20 pieces. The colors alternate, most often it is white and black.
  2. Ring doubling or "Double". On the outer edge of the target there is a ring width 8 mm. If you get the number of points doubles.
  3. Mortgage ring or "demand". Ring on target with internal radius in 99 mmand thick 8 mm. If you get into it, the number of points is tripled.
  4. External field. The distance between the game field and the edge of the target serves to apply numbers. Hit points in it does not bring.

Photo 2. Target chart for darts, divided into 20 sectors. Arrows are indicated part of the projectile.

Each target sector is numbered from 1 to 20. This number is "worth" - it is so many points brings the player to get into it. If you get a doubling ring, the number of points is doubled. That is, if you get into the doubling ring sectors 5., Accrued is accrued 10 points. Similarly, with a rounding ring - when the cost is lost in it. Hitting the apple gives the player 50 points, successful throw in the center gives 25 points.

Important! Naturally, the most complex throw to the center of the target. But he is not the most efficient. Successful throw in the apple brings 50 pointswhile getting into the triple sector 20 - 60 points. Thus for 1 campaign, the player can knock out not 150, and 180 points And faster to score the necessary amount.

Popular games in darts for beginners how to consider glasses in them

The options of the game in darts are quite a lot. Different options are popular with different options, but there are several classic games.


The most popular and common game. At the beginning of the game each participant On account 501 score. In turn, players throw darts in the target. After each approach, the scored points are deducted from the amount until while someone does not reset your account.

Attention! If after calculating Amount is negative or equal to 1, Thursts are not taken into account. At the same time, the right to try to go over the next player.

You can write off 501 points in 9 shots - 3 approaches. To do this, you need to knock out the sector 7 and 8 times knock round 20 points.

Photo 3. Three darts in the twentieth sector in the process of tripling points. For such a throw, you can get 180 points.

This will bring 21 and 480 points respectively. Sometimes players introduce additional rules - the first or last cast should be with doubling, tripling or in the sector of a specific color. These are optional rules and are introduced by agreement. With a command game, you can use a large amount by agreement.

The game 501 is important ending party. Since there is a ruble rule, it is necessary not to just gain glasses, but try to go to a comfortable ending. For example, with the current completion rule with doubling, knock out 2 pointscan be only one way - doubling 1..


Before starting the game, the number of points is negotiated. It must be more than 50, most often playing up to 300 or 500 points. The one who first scores this quantity wins. In the event goes only to a center or an apple - 25 and 50 points respectively. When passing, the throws are not counted. By agreement, the first or last throw should be in the apple.

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American version of darts with specific rules. Not all target participates in the game, but only a center with an apple and sector from 15 to 20. Throwing into the remaining parts of the target is not taken into account and are considered to be a slip. The center and apple are considered one.

The closing order is not important, you can throw in any order. The sector is considered closed after three hits in it. At the same time, the doubling is considered for two hits, and tripling for three.

For the central sector, the Center is considered to be for the usual hit, and the apple for doubling. If the player gets into his closed sector, and the opponent is not yet closed, then he is charged glasses in accordance with the hits. If you get into the zone, closed by both players, the result of the result does not bring.

Important! Sector it is considered closed after the end of the throws. That is, if the first dart from the three player gets into triple, then the throws of the remaining darts in this sector do not bring points in this approach.

The game ends when one of the players close all its sectors and he has more points than the opponent. If he has fewer points than the opponent's opponent continues. The player who finished closing picks up glasses, and the opponent should close the remaining zones. In this case, the game ends if both players have closed the entire target or when the first player scores more points.

Rule of the game with the sector 20

Despite the fact that the central circle costs the most the most convenient for the throw is considered to be 20 sector. This construction tactics are built on many types of darts with a set of glasses.

Any successful throw brings 20 pointsThat is why it is more profitable for most areas. Sector is always more profitable sectors from 1 to 6 and almost always sectors from 7 to 10. The remaining parts of the target are comparable by the number of points, but more difficult to stable.

Most often deviations occur vertically. therefore It is necessary to aim in the part of the target above the round rings. By area, this is the largest part, so getting into it easier. A small deviation vertically up or down will bring in doubling or tripling, which speeds up a set of points.

After working out a confident throw, you can move part between the tripling ring and the center of the target. When the vertical deviation hitting takes place in a tripling ring or to the center of the targetthat brings extra points, compared with the simple hit in the sector.

Table for counting points

For convenience of calculating scored points and memorizing value below is the table of all parts of the target:

Usual Doubling Morning
1 1 2 3
2 2 4 6
3 3 6 9
4 4 8 12
5 5 10 15
6 6 12 18
7 7 14 21
8 8 16 24
9 9 18 27
10 10 20 30
11 11 22 33
12 12 24 36
13 13 26 39
14 14 28 42
15 15 30 45
16 16 32 48
17 17 34 51
18 18 36 54
19 19 38 57
20 20 40 60

The goal of the game in darts is to get exactly a dot target. Two or several opponents compete, take turns throwing darts and earning glasses. He wins the one who gains the right amount of points by amazing the necessary target sectors with its darts.

Darts for playing darts

Metal dart for playing darts, according to the rules, has the maximum length of one foot (30.5 centimeters), in practice, as a rule, is significantly shorter. His mass should not exceed 50 grams (in practice, it is usually 19-25 grams).

Rules of the game in Darts: Target and her scheme

The target is a round plank, separated by concentric circles and sectors. Most often, it is made of agave fibers (the dart passes through the target through, only lifting the fibers and almost leaving traces).

The central part of the target, painted in red, is called an apple. There is an unbreakable area painted in green. The main part of the target is divided into twenty sectors, which are assigned numbers. For the convenience of players of the sector, painted in contrast colors (black and white)

In addition, there are also two narrow rings. A narrow inner ring is called "demand" (or "zone of tripling"). A narrow external ring is called "Double" (or "doubling zone").

Rules of the game in Darts: Distance to target and its size

The sizes of the target are regulated by the most stringent way:

  • total target size: 451 millimeter ± 1 centimeter;
  • the diameter (internal) of the external central ring is 31.8 millimeters;
  • diameter (internal) apple - 12.7 millimeters;
  • the inner width of the narrow rings "Dublov" and "Class" - 8 millimeters;
  • wire thickness (rings borders) - one and a half millimeters.

The target is hanging on the wall so that its center is at an altitude of five feet and eight inches (173 centimeters). The target should defend from the player for seven feet and 9 inches (that is, 237 centimeters).

Eating into the Red Apple gives the greatest number of points - 50. Once in a narrow green circle around the apple, you earn 25 points. Once in various sectors, you will earn the number of points that is written in the sector. If you get into this or that sector in the zone of the external narrow ring "Double" the number of points earned is doubled. If you get into a particular sector in the zone of the indoor narrow ring, the number of earned points is tripled.

If the dart falls into the target outside the outer ring, then no points are accrued.

The glasses are counted only in cases where the dart remains in the target, and does not fall on the floor.

As a rule, the player throws three darts in a row, after which the enemy turn comes.

Rules of the game in darts: video for beginners

Strictly speaking, there are several darts games with a variety of rules. Tell some of them!

Rules of the game in Darts: 501 points

The peculiarity of the game "501" is that the points are not added, but are deducted. At the beginning of the game, each participant has 501 points, with successful shots, points are removed. Players take turns perform a series of three shots. The very last throw (when the account approaches zero) is counted only if the dart fell into the external narrow ring of the sector or in the apple. In addition, only such a final series of throws is counted, which brings the score to zero. If, as a result of these three throws, the number of points reaches one or becomes negative (for example, -10), the results of all these throws are not counted. Thus, for the successful completion of the set, the player should get into a narrow external ring of the sector of the sector necessary for him (by the number of points).

Finally, you brought the number of points to zero. But this is not the end of the game in 501! This is just the first round or the first LEG. One SET can consist of 3-5 lanes. The match may consist of several seats, by agreement of the participants.

The game "501" has less "professional" option - "301". In this case, the initial number of points - 301.

As you can see, a successful darts player should not only throw a dart without mishai, but also to carry out complex calculations.

Twenty seven

Initially, each participant has 27 points. The task of the players is throwing three darts, hit the "Double" zone of the sector 1. Each dart that has fallen exactly to the target brings a double point of points. But if none of the darts in the goal fell, the player takes the same (double) number of points.

The players are then moving to the sector 2, gradually "raising rates", and so reach up to the twentieth sector. If the player has less than one point, he instantly crashes out of the game. Therefore, the game of twenty-seven is suitable for enough skillful rivals. The winner is the one who earned most points.

In this option, the rules of the game in Darts can be played threesome or with a large number of participants.

There are many other options for playing darts ("Round", "Big Round", "Thousand", "Sector 20", "Five Lives", Killer, "All Five", "American Cricket", "Diameter", " thirty ").

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