Collect the house from Dienes blocks. Logic Blocks Dienesh: Training without cramp. History of creating toy

This article offers classes with Dienesh blocks aimed at developing logical thinking, the ability to identify a certain property of the subject.

The game "Where is more?"

The child is laid out two rows of figures - in one 4 block, in the other - 5. The child determines in which row blocks more, and how to make an equal number of blocks in each row (remove the extra or add one more).

Game "Build a number"

A number of 5-6 figures are laid out before the child. Invite the child to construct the lower row so that under each figure of the upper row, the figure of another size turned out to be. Options are another form, another color.

"Fill up the table" game

Draw a table of 9 cells - 3 to 3. In each line, fill in only 2 cells by blocks, combined by a specific feature (form, color, size). Offer the child to fill empty cells.

Game "Build a multi-storey house"

A number of 4 figures are laid out in front of the child - these are "residents of the first floor." The "second floor" is built in such a way that each "resident" of the first floor was different from its "upper neighbor" in color. The next floor - the figures differ from the lower in the form, another "floor" - in size, etc.

Game "Build a Track"

Draw a diagram - a track constructing rule. The child builds the track according to the rule: alternate blocks with color or shape: first red, then square, then yellow, and triangular.

Game "non-property"

Choose one block, for example, a red big circle. Offer the child to describe the properties of this figure, using the prefix "not", for example:

Is this a block?

- Non-yellow, non-small, non-triangular

Offer the child to find all the same blocks - "non-yellow, non-small, non-triangular."

Game "Guessing"

Hide one block. Invite the child to guess which figure you hide, asking questions to which you can only answer, "Yes" or "No", for example: "This figure of blue?", "Is this a triangle?".

Game "Find a dog"

Put in front of the child 8 blocks, under one hide the image of the dog. By analogy with the previous game, offer the child to find a dog, asking questions that can only be answered by "Yes" or "No", for example:

Dog under the blue block?
- Not.
- Under yellow?
- Not.
- Under the red?
- Yes.
- Under great?
- Yes.
- Under the round?
- Yes.

Sort game

Draw 2 intersecting circles. Suggest the child to put in the left circle of the blocks of yellow, into the right - blocks of the square shape, and in the circle intersection zone - the blocks of yellow square shape.

Option - in the left circle - round-shaped blocks, in the right square shape, and in the center - non-round and non-square blocks, etc.

Game "Divide blocks"

The game is a variation of the previous game, but here you will need 3 circles. Offer the child to divide all blocks as follows: Foxes - all small blocks, a bear - all thick, and all round wolves. It is necessary to guess that small round blocks relate to blocks and foxes and wolves - they need to be placed on the intersection of two relevant circles. By analogy, round thick blocks are located at the intersection of the circles of the wolf and the bear, and all small round thick blocks are at the intersection of all three circles.

There is a wide variety of albums, manuals for classes with logical blocks Dieens, in which ready-made scenarios of games are offered. They can be purchased, made independently or download.

Games with logical blocks Dieensha for the smallest look.

Classes with logical Dielesh blocks using cards see.

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Didactic game "How much?"

Material: Logic figures.
Purpose of the game: Develop the ability to ask questions and develop the ability to allocate properties.
Game description: Children are divided into two teams. The educator folds logical figures in any order and invites children to come up with questions beginning with the words "how much ..."
For each right question, the chip. Wins a team that scores more chips.
Options: "How many big figures?" "How many red figures in the first row?" (Horizontal), "how many circles?" etc.

Didactic game " PAINTERS "

"Sketches of Paintings" - Sheets of Big Colored Cardboard
Additional parts from cardboard to compile the composition of the picture;
Set of blocks
Purpose of the game:
Development of ability to analyze the form of objects
Development of ability to compare by their properties
Development of art abilities (choice of color, background, location (composition).
Game description:
Children are invited to "write pictures" by sketches. One picture can "write" immediately
several people. Children choose a "sketch" of paintings, paper for the background, details to the future picture, the necessary blocks. If on the sketch, the part is only circled (contour items) - the thin unit is selected if the part is painted - a thick block. For example, the child will take additional details to the sketch of the patterns with elephants: 2 elephant heads, sunshine, lake, palm trees, cactus, animal and blocks.
At the end of the work, artists come up with their name to their paintings, arrange the exhibition
pictures, and the guide tells the visitors of the exhibition, which is shown in the picture.

Didactic game "Store"

Material: Product (Cards with the image of items) Logic figures.
Purpose of the game:
Development of the ability to identify and abstruct properties
Development of ability to reason, argue your choice
Game description:

Children come to the store, which contains a large selection of toys. Each child has 3 "money" logical figures. On one "money" you can buy only one toy.
Purchase Rules: You can only buy such a toy in which there is at least one property of a logical figure. The rule can be complicated to the choice of toys in two properties (for example, a large square, blue square, etc.)

Didactic game "What changed"


Improve the knowledge of children about geometric figures, their color, magnitude, thickness

Develop thinking.

Material: Set of dienesh blocks.

Game Travel: A few figures that need to be remembered to the table, and then one of the figures disappears or replaced with a new one, or two figures change places. The child should notice the changes.

Didactic game "Horovod"

Purpose: Classifies blocks on two - three features: color, form; Color - shape - size.

Material: dienesh logical blocks.

The course of the game.

The educator suggests to build magic figures in a cheerful dance. The dance will be beautiful and elegant.

Blocks are laid out in a circle. Any block arbitrarily comes, then the unit is attached, in which one sign of the previous block will be present and so on. The last block must match the first block one by any sign. In this case, the game ends - "dance" is closed.

Didactic game "The second row"


Develop the ability to analyze, allocate the properties of the figures, find a figure, excellent one sign.

Material: Dienesh logical blocks.

Game traffic: Share in a row 5-6 of any shapes. Build under them the second row, but so that under each figure of the upper row it turned out to be the figure of another form (color, size); the same form, but another color (size); Other color and size; Not so in shape, size, color.

Didactic game "Find Clay"

Tasks : Improve children's knowledge of geometric shapes, their color, magnitude, thickness. Develop thinking.

Material: Set of dienesh blocks.

I put 8 logical blocks of Dieens in front of the child, and until he sees, under one of them hide the "treasure" (coin, pebbles, cut-out picture, etc.). The child must ask you leading questions, and you can only answer "yes" or "no": "Cold under the blue block?" - "No", "under the red?" - "Not". The child concludes that the treasure under the yellow block, and asks further about the size, shape and thickness. Then the "treasure" hides the child, and the educator sets the leading questions.

Then children who competing in finding treasure can play this game.

Didactic game "Game with one hoop"

Tasks: Develop the ability to break the set of one property into two subsets to produce a logical operation "not".

Material: Hoop, a set of logical blocks of Dieens.

Game traffic: Before starting the game, find out which part of the game sheet is located inside the hoop and outside it, establish the rules: for example, to have figures so that all red figures (and only they) are out of the hoop. After the location of all the figures, two questions are offered: what figures lie inside the hoop? What figures were out of the hoop? (An answer is supposed: "Out of the hoop, everything is not red figures"). When repeating the game, children can choose which blocks to put inside the hoop, and which out.

Didactic game "Play with two hoops"

Tasks: Development of the ability to break the set on two compatible properties, produce logical operations "not", "and", "or".

Material: 2 hoops, a set of logical blocks of Dieens.

Game traffic: Before starting the game, it is necessary to find out where there are four areas defined on the game sheet with two hoops, namely: inside both hoops; inside red, but outside the green hoop; Inside the green, but outside the red hoop and out of both hoops (these areas need to be broken by a pointer).

1. Came called the rule of the game. For example, lay the figures so that all the red figures are inside the red hoop, and everything is round inside the green.

2. The decision of the practical task of the location of the figures is responsible for questions: what kind of figures lie inside both hoars; inside green, but outside the red hoop; The game with two hoops is advisable to spend many times, varying the rules of the game.

Note: In options 5 and 6, the total part remains empty. It is necessary to find out why there are no shapes at the same time red and green, and there are no shapes at the same time round and square.

Didactic game "settles in houses"

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, allocate the properties of the figures, classify.

Material: Set of logical blocks of Dieens, tables with the image of tracks and houses

Game traffic: Before children Table No. 1. The child needs to help each figure get into his house, focusing on signs signs.

Didactic game "On his twig"

Tasks: Develop the ability to analyze, allocate the properties of the figures, classify the figures in several features.

Material: A set of 24 figures (four forms, three colors, two quantities). Each figure is a carrier of three important properties: shapes, colors, values, and according to this, the name of the figure consists of the name of the three properties: red, large rectangle; yellow, small circle; Green, large square, etc.

Game traffic: The figure shows a tree on which the figures should "grow". To find out what branch what "will grow" the figure, take, for example, a green, small rectangle and start moving it from a tree root up branches. Following the color pointer, we must move the figure on the right branch. Reached branching. What branch move on? According to the right, which depicts a rectangle. They reached the next branching. Further, the Christmas tree shows that a large figure should be moved along the left branch, and on the right - small. So we will go on the right twig. Here and should "grow" a small green rectangle. We do the same with the rest of the figures. Similarly, play with the following pattern.

Didactic game "Chain"

Purpose: Development of the ability to analyze, allocate the properties of figures, find a figure for a specified sign.

Material: A set of logical blocks of the Diena.

From an arbitrary chosen figure, try to build as a long chain as possible. Chain construction options:

    So that there are no shape figures (color, size, thickness);

    So that there are no equal in the form and color of figures (in color and size, in size and thickness, etc.);

    So close the figures are the same in size, but different in shape, etc.;

    So close the shapes of the same color and size, but of different shapes (the same size, but of different colors).

Didactic game "Help the fabulous hero"


    Exercise children in grouping geometric shapes

    Develop observation, attention and memory

The task:

- Divide the figures between fabulous heroes so that:

Buratino had all blue squares

So that the pencil got all yellow

To keep the whole yellow and big

Didactic game "Floors"

Software tasks : Develop the ability to classify and summarize geometric shapes on features. Exercise in the account. Develop orientation in space, attention, logical thinking.

Material : Set of blocks.

Game traffic:

We offer to lay out a few figures in a row - 4-5 pcs. These are residents of the first floor. Now we build the second floor of the house so that the detail of another color (or size, form) is under each figure of the previous row.

Option 2: Detail of the same form, but other size (or colors).

Option 3: Build a house with other details in color and size.

The game is a fairy tale "In the kingdom of blocks"

Material: Dielesh blocks on one box for three people.
Purpose: To acquaint with blocks, their properties, develop attention, the ability to identify, abstract properties (size, shape, thickness), imagination, creative thinking.
Game description: Children choose color for their kingdom (yellow, blue, red). The presenter tells the fairy tale, and children prescribe blocks on the role of heroes, and build their kingdom of them.
"In some kingdom, there was a king in some state. He was strong, big, thick and looked like a rectangle (children choose a block - a large thick rectangle). The king had a queen, very similar to him, only thinner (choose a block - a large thin rectangle). They lived very happy, and they had two children, similar to them, only small (small thick and thin rectangles). And once ... "
Options: Next, the fairy tale can be continued by the plan of children or in accordance with the topic. (Went to the forest for mushrooms ..., took a pet ... etc.)
In games with ditash blocks, it is very convenient to use as an additional material card with properties and logic cubes, presented in the Didactic set "Let's play together."

Didactic game "Spaceship"
Material: Hoops of red, blue, yellow colors, a large triangle rocket from carpet or cardboard, cards with properties symbols or logic cubes, Dienesh blocks.
Purpose: Formation of the classification surgery and generalization of blocks one-four features, the development of logical thinking, attention.
Game description: Hoops are laid out on the floor in a row, a triangle rocket is added. Using cards with properties or logic cubes (except color), a condition for each of the hoops is determined.

Rules: To bring the comic ship in orbit, it is necessary to fill the fuel all three stages of the rocket carrier, in accordance with the condition.
Game options:
First option. Children are divided into teams, each of which fills their hoop, the conditions in the hoops are equivalent in difficulty.
Second option. Children choose the hoop on their own, which will fill, and / or condition, throwing the cube, the conditions in the hoops are different in the degree of complexity.
Third option. You can fill out any hoops, conditions in hoops can be both the same and different level of complexity.
Difficulty level:
Simple: The condition specifies only the color of the hoop, or is added another property (shape, size, thickness).
Medium: 2 types of properties characters cards, such as form and size, shapes and thicknesses, etc. are used.
High: All cards with properties symbols including denial are used.
Additional material: Sounds of the jet engine, the riddles of space.

Game "Decorate Christmas Tree Beads"

Material: image of the Christmas tree, 15 cards with symbols, a set of logical shapes
Purpose: Development of the ability to identify and abstruct properties. The ability to "read the scheme". Fastening the skills of the sequence account.

The course of the game: you need to decorate the Christmas tree beads. On the Christmas tree there should be 5 rows of beads. In each row there are three beads. The digit on the card indicates the sequence number of the bead thread (the account is starting from the top of the Christmas tree). Throw the first row of Bus (cards with digit 1). The circle sharpened shows us the place of beads on the thread. The first bead is a little yellow circle, the second large yellow square, the third small
yellow triangle. Similarly displacing other beads.

Movable game "Cats-Mouse"

Objective: Develop the ability to "read" cards with properties symbols, identify the necessary properties, stimulate the motor activity of children.
Materials: Tests on ribps with properties for cat and mice.
Game Stroy: Children (4-9 people) Choose tokens for mice and put them on their heads, get up in the dance. In the middle of the cat "Vaska" (it can be chosen using readings V.Live). Next to it tokens for a cat.
The dance is moving with the words:
-I wipe the dance,
On the laying a dreaming cat.
Hush, mice, do not make sure you won't be a cat.
That wake up Vaska-cat
And turn away the dance.
On the last word, the cat quickly puts on one of the tolens and turns to "mice". So that they see it. Tokens - information for mice, what kind of "mice" cat will bring. The remaining mice cat is not terrible, they can have fun, tease Vaska. The caught mouse becomes a "cat" and the game continues.
Note: You can use cards with properties symbols as tokens.
Difficulty levels: Start the game follows from the simplest color properties, then complicate, changing the properties and combining them. For example: Cat catches red and round mice.
High level of complexity - the presence of logical denial.

Didactic game "Find me"

Purpose: Development skill read code designation of geometric shapes and find the appropriate code.
Material: Set of blocks, 3 copies of code cards (2 - with normal code, 1 - with denial code).
Games: Children are divided into two groups. One takes cards, the other is blocks. Children of the first group in turn read (decoded) cards, a child from the second group, which turned out to be the corresponding block, it turns out and shows a geometric shape.
It is possible to use words:
"Blocks, blocks of different yellow, blue and red,
We all of them are familiar, find me! "

Didactic game "Snail"

Purpose: I exercise children in the classification of blocks on two signs; Color and shape.
Material: Playing field with a spiral image or color tape, block set.
Game Traffic: The educator proposes to build a house for a snail house from magic figures. The house is elegant and beautiful. Laying blocks begins with the middle of the spiral. One block is arbitrarily taken, then a block is attached, in which one characteristic of the previous block will be present.

Didactic game "Domino"

Purpose: develop the ability to identify the properties of geometric shapes.
Material: Dienesh blocks.
This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but not more than 4x). Blocks divide equally between players. Everyone makes the turn in turn. If there are no figures, you need to skip the move. Wins the one who will be the first to lay out all the figures.
How to walk?
Figures of another size (colors, shapes).
Figures of the same color, but of other sizes or the same size, but another form.
Figures of a different size and shape (colors and size).
The same figures in color and form, but of other sizes.
We walk the figures of another color, shape, size, thickness.

Hello, dear readers!

Each early development system has its shortcomings and advantages, which something is attracted more, somehow is not sympathetic at all. Let's look at one more, the logical blocks of the Dienah, I think heard few. And if you did not listen, then listen to the more.

A little about the author

The Zolovers from an early age loved mathematics, she seemed quite interesting and easy to him. At 23, he already became the owner of a doctoral degree.

Over the years, he decided to create something his own, in which it is easier to convey mathematical teachings to their little children who went to his classes.

From here, various logical games and exercises appear, which should not only teach the baby, but even more to interest him in further classes. He sought to this more. He wanted children to watch mathematics themselves and play again and again.

The essence of the technique

Dienes developed a methodology for learning mathematics and showed us on numerous examples that this is a rather interesting and entertaining science, and will use much more useful in its development.

Thanks to many years of practice among preschool children, Dienes presents us unique methodological guides for learning. Its method has 6 steps.

On the way of the development of mathematical abilities, it is also covered in parallel and the creative and intellectual potential of the child, and sometimes the parent playing with the baby himself without noticing, is fond of the game.

Each stage carries a certain load and without the previous one will not go to the next one.

Here you will not meet boring notebooks and boring textbooks, everywhere there is a game, funny drawings, unusual mysterious schemes and symbols that you want to solve. So,

The task for parents to explore the methodology and as you can become interested in the child.

Many didactic benefits are available to modern parents, with the help of which they can develop their babies from the very old age. Logic blocks of Dienesh are very popular - game with pictures, schemes and special albums. Classes with this manual help preschoolers in entertainment form to get acquainted with the foundations of mathematics. Find out what is the material and how to work with it.

What is Dienesh blocks

This is the name of a special didactic allowance for the development of mathematics developed by the well-known Hungarian scientific activity. Zoltan Dienes devoted all his life to this discipline. He sought to make it the most understandable and interesting for children. For this, they were specially developed by the author's Dielesh system for the early development of mathematics by children.

The gaming allowance is a set of geometric shapes in the amount of 48 pieces. They are represented by elements, among which there are no repeated. Figures are divided by such signs:

  1. Color. Blue, red, yellow.
  2. The size. Small, big.
  3. Thickness. Thick, thin.
  4. The form. Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle.


Dienesh logical blocks are designed to teach mathematics in a game form. Classes with them contribute to the development of memory, attention, imagination, speech. The child appears the ability to classify material, compare, analyze analytical information. The optimal age for the start of classes is 3-3 years. Working with logical blocks Dienesh will teach crumb:

  1. To identify the properties of objects, call them, explain what distinguishes and similarities are consistent with the arguments to reinforce their arguments.
  2. Logically think.
  3. It is better to talk.
  4. Understand what is color, thickness, shape and different size.
  5. Realize space.
  6. Self solve the tasks of the educational and practical plan.
  7. It is insistent to go to achieve the goal, to cope with difficulties, to be initiated.
  8. Perform mental operations.
  9. Develop imagination, creative and intellectual abilities, fantasy, modeling and design skills.

How to work with Dienesh blocks

Classes are held in several stages. Dienes developed his methodology, taking into account the psychological aspects of young children, so it is not necessary to be afraid that it will be too difficult to thinking a preschooler. Eliminate such stages of the development of mathematical abilities:

  1. Free game. The goal is to teach the crumb to solve unfamiliar tasks by the "trial and error" by trying different options.
  2. The kid smoothly goes to the game according to certain rules. In the course of classes, familiarization with basic information, for example, "what shapes are the same."
  3. Discussion, comparison of the content of mathematical games. You need to select different options with adjacent rules, but characterized by game materials.
  4. Acquaintance with the content of numbers. It is recommended to use cards, diagrams, tables.
  5. The last stage is the longest and suitable for senior preschoolers. It should offer different cards with the definition of rules that helps to come to specific logical conclusions. Gradually, such concepts as theorem and axioms will be familiar to the baby.

Logic blocks

The figures themselves are the basis of the method of Dieens. With them there are many exciting didactic games for children of different ages. The main purpose of the Dienesh blocks is to teach a child to understand the properties of objects. With their help, he will learn to distinguish and combine objects, make their classification. The presence of pictures and special albums will significantly diversify the number of games that you can offer a preschooler.


Images use images on which symbolic information about the properties of the figure. It looks like this:

  1. Color is indicated by the stain.
  2. Size is a silhouette of a house. Little is denoted by one-story building, large - multi-storey.
  3. The contours of geometric shapes correspond to the form.
  4. Thickness - two images of men. The first is fat, the second is thin.
  5. In the Dielesh kit there are cards with denial. For example, the crossed cross-crosswise multi-storey house means that the desired figure is "not big", that is, small.

Card sets can be used not only with Dienesh blocks, but also for independent games. Work with them develops logic, the skill decoding information on symbols. First, the child should give the simplest gaming tasks for acquaintance with Dienesh cards, and then gradually complicate them. A set of images is able to significantly diversify classes, make them much more interesting.


Such benefits will need to acquire several for each age range. It should be chosen by the level of child's development, and not by how much he is at the moment. Sometimes in 3 years in the baby, the development of the five-year-old, and sometimes the opposite. Albums features different games with Dienesh figures, patterns of drawings for which you can fold them. Tasks You can complicate yourself, to make diversity in them, focusing on the child's reaction.

Dienesh blocks for the smallest

You can engage with logical figures kids from a biennium. For them, a lot of simple games have been developed. Their main goal is to teach a child to distinguish the properties of the object, group items according to certain features. Such classes will not only be useful, but also interesting to each kid. Check out the most popular options for games.


These are the simplest games for kids who only get acquainted with the dienesh set. Example:

  1. Spread the elements of the Dieens in front of the child.
  2. Let it gripe them in different signs. First chooses all the same color, then size, etc.

Gradually, the game becomes more complex. Offer the child to sort blocks on two or more signs. For instance:

  1. Choose yellow rectangular blocks and blue square.
  2. Get all the flat figures of the same size.
  3. Choose thin round blocks.
  4. Sort all blue triangular shapes.


All kids love this creative game without exception. She is very simple, but fascinating. The child is proposed to add different figures from the elements of Dieens, and then without them, gradually complicating the task. Examples of objects that you can ask to construct:

  • house;
  • table;
  • house with windows;
  • christmas tree;
  • shop;
  • stool;
  • sofa;
  • chair;
  • steps;
  • armchair;
  • machine.

Continue ranks

The game is aimed at ensuring that the child has a knowledge of geometric figures, magnitude, thickness, color. Thanks to her, he will learn to find regularities. Options:

  1. Put on the table in front of the kid elements of the Dielesh so that each next difference different from the previous one. The child independently continues this series.
  2. Lay out the chain of the Dienes shapes so that there is no one else on two signs of items. Offer the child to continue this series.
  3. Put in front of the baby in the color of the figure of the Dienes in bloom: red, yellow, blue. It will continue a row, alternating shades in a given sequence.

Poor animals

Put a few of his favorite toys before the kid. Let him feed each pair of "liver" (blocks). Offer any conditions, for example, a bear must only give food red, and the kitten is a square shape. This game resembles samples, but children perceive it much better. Rarely, some of the kids refuse to feed their favorites.

Games with Dienes blocks for senior group

When the child grows up, the exercises for kids he can click, like seeds, and tasks will have to complicate. The technique of Dieensha for preschoolers is designed for kids 5-6 years. Exercises are more complex, not only the cubes themselves are actively used, but also cards, gaming albums. Tasks are aimed at developing in an adult child of logical thinking, the ability to explain the decision made. Examine several games for example, on the basis of which you can come up with a mass of exercises.


Give your child any dienesh figure or offer to choose yourself. It then will then give all those that match the first one given property from the total weight of the blocks. When he goes well a game, complicate it. Let the baby picks up blocks that have two identical properties with the initially taken. Then you can still complicate the game. The child should choose those blocks that do not have a single adjacent property with the first.


This game is suitable even for several kids. Rules:

  1. Each player receives an equal number of blocks. The sequence of participants is determined.
  2. The first makes the course of any figure.
  3. The second blocks block, which one property coincides.
  4. If there is no suitable figure, the participant misses the move.
  5. Wins the one who will first lay out all their blocks.
  6. The game can be complicated by changing the rules about the properties of the laid out figures. For example, you need to respond to a block, in which two similar features, etc.

Find too much

The following game will help children learn to group volumetric geometric shapes on various features. Rules:

  1. Put three pieces in front of the child. One of them should not have a single common property with the rest.
  2. Let the child calculate what unit is excess, and will explain why, as he came to this conclusion.
  3. Compare the task. Put 6 blocks. The baby must remove two unnecessary.

Find a couple

This game will like the kids who have already mastered all the simple tasks well. Rules:

  1. In front of the child, spread several figures in a row.
  2. Offer to each choose a pair using a specific property.
  3. Compare the task. Let the kid try to choose a couple not one by one, but on two or three properties.
  4. You can initially take, for example, 10 paired elements. Fold them in the package. Let the child himself build a couple, laying out the figures of Dieens in two horizontal rows.


For the game you will need several large sheets of color cardboard. They perform the role of sketches of paintings. For compiling the composition, additional cardboard parts are needed. The game teaches to analyze the form of objects, compare them, develops creative and artistic abilities. Rules:

  1. According to sketches, kids must "write" the picture.
  2. The billet they choose themselves. It shows schematically where which blocks should be. Thin will only circle along the contour, and thick - completely painted.
  3. Let the children on the right sketch sites will select missing blocks and parts cut from cardboard.


For this task you need cards with the image of items that will perform the role of goods, and logical elements. The game "Store" develops memory, the ability to reason, justify your choice, identify and abstruct properties. Rules:

  1. The preschooler comes to the store, in the assortment of which many cards are cards. He has three figures that perform the function of money. For each one you can purchase one product.
  2. The baby needs to buy that object in which no less than one property coincides in the money figure.
  3. Gradually, you can complicate the game by offering new rules.

Decorating Christmas tree

The next game contributes to the development of the skills of the sequence account, reading the scheme. For her you will need an image of the Christmas tree and 15 cards with symbols, blocks. Rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be decorated with beads in five rows. Each will be three beads.
  2. The digit on the card is the serial number number of the thread top down. The circle shown on it shows which a bead should go on the bill, and below it is indicated which element it will be depicted.
  3. Let the kid hang the first row of beads, and then all the bottom, clearly following the scheme on the card.

- what it is? Another popular for today "Development" today? A simple constructor, according to unknown reasons, is so popular among parents interested in early development?

"Magic" game for young mathematicians? Perhaps only little by little.

Zoltan Dienes, inventor of logical blocks - a Hungarian mathematician and a teacher who developed the theory of "new mathematics" and believed that it was better not for learning to study, but playing. Moreover, the "non-serious" form does not exclude serious content. Playing, children are able to comprehend very complex mathematical and logical concepts - up to work with abstract systems and symbols.

Dienes believed that the ability to work with the symbols, to understand their language - one of the last, the most "complex" stages in the development of mathematical thinking. What, you can't argue with it! We can all see the difference between the baby, a decisive task with the help of practical samples and high school students, operating abstractions. (Yes, and in ordinary life, the ability to see interrelations and causal chains between objects, objects, events, the ability to think systemically - one of the collateral of success. So the development of a child's logical thinking is useful not only for school, but also for the "big" life )

What is the famous Dienesh logical blocks and what are they needed by our kids? Logical blocks are a developing game designed for children from 2 to 10 years.

Main goal and task - Help the children learn to perform logical operations (that is, to get acquainted with the basis of the core of mathematics!) - Crane objects by property, encode information, summarize and find differences, compare, classify objects, etc.

Dienesh blocks help children get acquainted with signs of objects (form, color, size, etc.), develop spatial imagination, creative abilities, fantasy, design skills, modeling, speech, logical thinking and even independence and arbitrariness!

Of course, on each age stage - its level of "entry" in mathematics. And the charm of the blocks of Hungarian mathematics is that with the help of them you can invent games and classes for each of the ages - in accordance with the information that the child is ready to learn.

In fact, logical blocks are a "game for a growing", which will be useful for many years.

The kit consists of 48 logical blocks of different:

  • colors (Red, Yellow Blue)
  • forms (Round, Square, Triangular, Rectangular)
  • sizes (large and small)
  • thick (thick and thin)

There are no identical figures in the set, each has a unique combination of these four signs: colors, shapes, size and thickness.

With games with Dienesh blocks, additional cards are often used - with character character symbols: 11 cards with symbols of properties (yellow) and 11 - with denial properties (non-round)

Why start?

What can and need to teach two years, what will be interested in children of 4 or 6 years of age?

Formally, you can divide goals to the serial chain:

  • first teach children to identify properties
  • then compare items on the properties found
  • go to the classification, generalization
  • we master logical operations and symbol language.

Options for classes and gameswith Dienesh blocks .

How to play?

Theoretically the most simple, the first options are suitable for the smallest, and the last - for children older. Practically not necessarily to be attached to age. It is better to focus on what your child wants and wants. It is important not to force it to solve the tasks of the "high" level immediately and again and again play lighter and simple games until you prove the specified goal - for example, to get acquainted with the properties of objects or learn to divide blocks on a specific feature. For kids 2-4 years old classes, it is better to "beat" in a fabulous form - say, we do not just disassemble blocks in colors, but collect "flowers" or "mushrooms" in different baskets. When playing in the "chain" described below, you can not just collect this sequence of blocks, but to build "bridges" for a mouse over the river.

Acquaintance with properties.

1. Box for blocks has a wells corresponding to blocks. The smallest mathematicians will be happy to be removed in the "houses" of the shapes, respectively, their holes - that is, the game acts as an analogue of the liners.

2. "Do not look." We put different blocks into the bag and ask, without looking, that is, to the touch, recognize and get blocks of a certain form.

3. "We sort on the basis." We post all blocks into a common bunch and ask to separate all the circles. Then - all blue objects, etc.

4. "Find the same". Show one block and offer to find the same in thickness (color, shape, size). Then - "Not the same."

More complex version of this game - show blocks and offer to find "same as this, blocks" for two properties (size - color, for example) that is, find the same as this, blocks are all blue and square.
Another "step up" is the complication of the search criteria. We ask you to find all the blocks, the same as this, with two similar properties and one different. That is, for example, find blocks are the same in shape and color, but another size.

5. "Who is superfluous." We offer a child several previously selected blocks. One of them should be superfluous, that is, differ in one property. Let's say three blue blocks and one yellow. We suggest guess what is too much and definitely ask why?

Comparison by properties

1. If you imagine that the Dielesh blocks are treats for dolls, then you can offer children to divide the treat. Let's say the bunny eat only carrots (triangles or red blocks), and the bears are only honey (rectangular "barrels" or yellow blocks). We post the whole set in a shared bunch and ask the kid to choose all the treats suitable for bunny and bears.

A more complex version of the game is to take 4 toys - 2 pairs of similar, but different sizes. For example, we take two bunnies - the big and small and two bears, big and small. Accordingly, the Big Bear must find a big bear, but larger, little smaller. The same thing with bunks.

After laying the figures, the baby can be asked - what figures got a big bear? Large yellow (or big rectangles). And a small bunny?

2. "Who is faster?" You can choose blocks with the necessary signs on speed, competing with parents - who will quickly collect more red blocks? Or who will quickly collect blocks of his color (you collect all yellow, baby - all blue)

More complex option: collect the speed of all blocks of the same color, but, with the exception, for example, triangular. Or thin. That is, the child needs not only to highlight blocks of one general feature, but also to exclude some of them "unsuitable".

3. "Chains" - building chains, block sequences (figures). Please post a chain of blocks by defined features: all shapes of the same color or size. Then - all the shapes of the same color, but of different sizes, etc.

A more complex option is pleased to lay out the chain so that the neighboring figures had one common feature. For example, a child puts a yellow circle, the next figure can be either yellow, but not a circle, or a circle, but not yellow. Say, blue square. Accordingly, the next figure will be a blue circle or yellow square, etc.

Another game option is to build a chain when each next block differs from another 4 properties.

For lovers to solve puzzles, you can offer a chain, where there is a start - one block - and the end is absolutely different. For example, you put a yellow thin rectangular block and a blue thick big round. This is the beginning and end. The baby builds a chain so that the new block differs from the previous one property. Accordingly, the penultimate block should differ from the last (laid) only one property.

4. "non-property." We take the unit and ask the child to describe its properties, using the "not" particle. For example, what's the blue triangular block? Non-red, non-square, non-thin. You can then ask to find all the similar "non-blocks" - all "non-blue" or "non-triangular".

5. "Guessing". For this game you need logical blocks and a bag. The presenter (for example, you) takes one block and so that the second player does not see, hides it into the bag. The second player (child) should guess what kind of figure in the bag, asking questions to which you can only answer "Yes" or "No". Accordingly, questions should be such as: "This figure is yellow?", "She is a rectangle?"

Classification, logical operations

Give an arbitrary set of dienesh blocks, including different shapes, colors, etc., and ask - what is more - squares or blue blocks? The kid's task is to strip all squares and blue blocks, calculate them and compare. Thus, the child learns to divide into classes and comparison.

1. Game with regions. Blacks on paper or lay out on the floor from the rope 2-3 (we can start from two) non-intersecting spaces (for example, a circle). We ask the child inside the first put, say, the red blocks inside the second - blue. Along the way, we explain what is inside and outside if the child is not yet familiar with these concepts.

The following task. We work only with one circle. We liberate the space and ask you inside one all square blocks, and all triangular, for example - outside it.

Following. We draw (lay out) already two intersecting circles. We take three types of logical blocks - for example, different colors. We ask all the blue blocks to position the left circle. All blocks of square color - in the right. And all blue squares - in two circles at the same time (that is, in the area where two circles intersect). The task can be added - all non-blue and non-commercial blocks (which we do not call) are located outside both circles. This task is a training on the partition of sets by classes - is not so simple, by the way!

If the child is hard at the beginning to cope with this task itself, you can start "from the other end" - you lay the blocks by fields yourself, and it proposes to the child to call, the blocks with which properties are inside the first circle, the second, inside two circles at the same time, out of them. When the kid will understand what you are talking about, you can try to return to previous tasks.

2. "Drawing." For this game, the cards are desirable with the designation of properties and "non-properties". Pre-draw a drawing, such as a house or a lock, where each element is indicated by the property (card). For example, the base is two non-yellow rectangular blocks, they cost non-circular, non-blue blocks, then yellow non-triangular, non-thin, all the non-square red roof peers. The kid must build a lock according to your written drawing (or oral instructions). You can arrange a competition - you simultaneously draw drawings for each other and build locks to speed - the correctness of the execution is also taken into account when evaluating.

The logical blocks of the Dieensh, as you see, suggest countless games that can be invented and yourself. Designing, modeling, account, memory development and speech, imagination, the ability to make logical operations - all this makes it possible to develop wonderful "cubes and triangles". And, if at some point you will become little, look close to additional materials that are designed specifically for working with blocks and are aimed at the development of individual skills and skills for children of many different ages. Good luck!

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