ENEMY FRONT Weapon in the game. ENEMY FRONT. Pragmatism against idealism. ENEMY FRONT: Game Review, Warsaw Rise and Fighter Reporter

American journalist Robert Hawkins, sitting on the porch of the house in some kind of forgotten by God, and did not even imagine that he would fall on the war and become a real hero, whose name perpetuates in the textbooks of alternative history!

Germany took the sudan region, Chamberlain was inactive, and in the sidelines they had already begun to happen that Poland would be the next one. But this was not too worried about: he, as a typical journalist, just waited for something new and extraordinary. In general, it was noted for any consequences if it was thrown out a sensation.

Enemy Front is not just a description of the everyday resistance to the second world, this is also a personal history of the GH, which from a quiet and measured life falls into this hell, about the realities of which he did not have absolutely no idea. The history of the metamorphosis of the American journalist is the key part of Enemy Front: everything is spinning around it, and everything else performs only Bekgrund.

The main merit of developers from City Interactive was not balanced and fascinating gameplay, namely the main character who, in the course of the game, you begin to worry and even involuntarily try on my own shabby skirt. Behind his transformation in which the player is directly involved, it is interesting to observe. This is an atypical reception for recent shooters, but he really worked.

However, the rest of the characters are not understood at all, as it often happens, and I'm not even talking about the minor characters speaking on our side, but rather about those who have to fight - about the Germans. At first, it may seem that personalized Nazis in stereotypical shape and spins are only the palls that hundreds of corpses fall on your way, but if you should look around and listen, you can understand that it is not. In the game there is an interesting moment when the German soldiers go through the ruined French village and one of them expresses frank doubts whether it was worth shooting civilians who helped the partisans. In the bar, another fascist soldier behind the Schnaps circle talks about how he misses without his wife, and then everyone is beginning to joke on a grained French Pale. All of this moment we are thinking of your enemies, and you are already shooting no mockups of people, but kill real soldiers, each of which has a little, but still history.

The overall picture of the storyline is also good. If you close your eyes to the fact that the feeding of the story is entirely devoted to Poland, the feeling as a whole is more than pleasant. Yes, you will have to fight in France and in Norway, but you will act under the "flag" of the Army Craiova - the Polish movement of resistance, and here everything is not so definitely. On the one hand, the atmosphere is very realistic: Hawkins is engaged in what the Polish partisan should do - hesitates the train, makes sabotage and conducts small stripping of key points, and the rebel commanders though superficially, but they say that the enemies for them are not only Germans But the Soviet troops. On the other hand, there is a light imbalance of filing negative moments from the history of the Kraiova army, such as ethnic cleaning or in-edge rivalry with other resistance groups. Against the backdrop of the careful statement of the historic portrait of the Polish partisans, it looks awkward and cannot be justified by the game conventions.

But Enemy Front does not forget to respond to constantly arising in the player's head questions. For example, half of the company can only be given a divide, where the most ordinary journalist learned so virtuoso to handle the firearms. At a certain point, in one of the dialogues, Robert explains it with one capacious phrase. Often something important for understanding what is happening can be carried out from banal jokes. In general, the persistent impression is created that Polish developers know how to write small local stories, but cannot realize them. And in the end, if you remove a strong idea, then the usual medium shooter remains without any kind.

Of meaningful minuses, stupid opponents should be noted and their monographs, almost complete absence of an interactive environment and bugs with textures. Stupidly, German soldiers behave during stealth missions: Even if Robert is crawling away from the enemies in front of the nose and he wants to hide in the bushes, until the power of secrets is filled, then no one will be alarming! The same problem and with quiet murders: the fascist immersed in his sublime Duma will miss past the ears of the groans and pleaders about the help of his fellow in arms, which two steps have a knife from him, after which he himself will take death, honestly, which dies for High ideals! Find destroyable objects in Enemy Front It is practically impossible: how much do you like the window of the riding truck in the driver, the glass will remain a whole ... True, the driver is dying that he cannot but rejoice!

Over time, you can get used to even to the Germans who are sticking out straight from the wall, who set up an ambush on you. This, of course, practically does not affect the gameplay, but it is annoying to bunda. The fact that eight years ago would not call the shortcomings, now looks like a completely frozen approach to the case and will surely scare from the game of many modern gamers.


ENEMY FRONT is an excellent story with mediocre realization. And this is one of those rare shooters in which the number of shootouts could be reduced. Nevertheless, Polish and Norwegian resistance in the Second World War Games are usually bypass, and perhaps it is precisely this for you to be a reason to play Enemy Front.
Final rating: 6.5 points out of 10.

Good day, gentlemen.

Do you think video games with the theme of the Second World War have already been kanal in oblivion? How wrong! From time to time, very worthy projects appear, capable of setting the heat titanam of the genre of the Call of Duty and Battlefield. And when they appear, then after passing you understand that it did not in vain spent time on the study of virtual locations, unusual plot turns and much more.

And my post " ENEMY FRONT: Game Review"Tells about one of the best recent shooters in the topics of the Second World War.

ENEMY FRONT: Game Review, Warsaw Rise and Fighter Reporter

Enemy Front came out on June 10th of this year. The Polish company (Joint-Stock Company, more precisely) City Interactive made the studio-developer and the publisher. City Interactive has been engaged in the series Code of Honor, Terrorist Takedown and Sniper: Ghost Warrior. Poles have already shown that sawing decent games can and can.

What is inside?

Inside, we have a very good game. The plot is good: Robert Hawkins correspondent wished to warn the whole world about the threat from the Nazis, but in Spain, something happened to him that it forced the Gestapo to terminate the fat and begin to pursue Robert. Going to return home, the newspaper is surrounded and the unilles joins the Warsaw uprising.

I asked a little Warsaw uprising, which occurred in 1944 (yes, Just read Wikipedia). In the war, the uprising was against the German occupation, and in the political and against the early liberation of the Red Army of Poland. Although the USSR has provided support for the counterpart (cargo, bombing of the enemy, the air cover of the rebels), the Poles still require apologies from Russia and the Western powers for the lack of support.

In general, the uprising estimates are very ambiguous. And in the game we have to deal with sabotage in the enemy's rear, the salvation of comrades, defense busy by the uprising territories. Robert himself other heroes often accused of desire to get good photos for the article using participation in military operations. However, it is already secondary.

You can try to pass in stealth mode or shoot all in the open. Personally, I choose the second method. You can get binoculars and explore the terrain, placing enemies in advance. And then kill everyone from the back or take the Germans to the hostage. There are moments of A la Call of Duty: We are embroiling the door and in the Slow-Motion mode unceremoniously shoot all in the room. Sometimes I am glad, and sometimes just infuriates, because we have already seen it in other games.

Surprise well implemented a sniper simulator. Lingering breathing-and time slows down, which helps to get into the enemy. Realism and does not smell, but pleased. And especially savory shots are made in the Sniper Elite style: the trajectory of the bullet from the rifle and to the enemy is shown.

Otherwise, we are engaged in ordinary things: we use machine guns, lay mines, tear into the houses, undermine tanks, etc. It is a pity that it is impossible to use the technique. Big and beautiful cards are good, but run on them on your two-very hard lesson. And the graphics are very good: Cryengine 3 decides. Beautiful forests, realistic environment.


Enemy Front is very good, and it is worth passing it at leisure. If you miss, you hardly lose something from it. But such projects come out quite rarely. Let the games on the basis of the Second World War are already morally outdated, Enemy Front is worth remembering the youth and to scratch the fascists of the ass.

For the sim my post " ENEMY FRONT: Game Review"It is over, thanks to all for your attention.

We liberate Poland as a military journalist and admire the beauties of Cryengine 3


The topic of the Second World War will live forever. Already there were all imaginable variations, we beat for different directions, we saw alternative reality and even zombie-Nazis shot. But for some reason, WWII as a whole and the Great Patriotic War in particular remains a very popular setting for shooters. In a fresh look at the events of half a century, we were, let's say so unusual. And Poles out City Interactive. They did not wise anything. We are offered all the same that you have seen more than once. Because of this, the Mig is forgotten; After passing, you can only be asked by one question: what did seven hours of campaign gone?

The main character is used to hurt not a gun, but with a pen. Robert Hawkins is a military journalist who was pretty manned in the occupied Europe. The curve brought him to the Polish resistance, where and donkey for the time of the main events of the game is our ward. We will learn about his past merit from missions Flashbekov. The vague story did not affect the storyline: it is easy to lose the essence of the story, and then try to remember how you have been from sunny Poland in the snow-covered mountains. The geography of missions jumps from one country to another and tries to be the most original. Sometimes it turns out, but we have ever seen all tasks in other shooters. Sticking snipers, the destruction of aircraft using a turret, undermining the bridge, eliminate the VIP-Nazis ... Run any, and see about the same thing.

Developers clearly wanted to give the scale to locations. At certain points, we even allow to make a conditional choice: go to the left or right. Most approach reminds, but in a meat shooter Epic Games. The development was truly diverse, involving a different gameplay. There is no such thing here, the gameplay is not changing. Locations themselves are quite spacious, you can find a workaround or crawl out the window and go from the rear. It is a pity that there is almost no destructiveness: it would be great to undermine the wall and shoot the happier opponents to the emphasis.

Hawkins can not only schedule on a typewriter, but also shoot from all types of weapons. Oddly enough, the sniper rifle often turns out to be more useful than automata. When shooting a shot, the camera even demonstrates a flying bullet and hit itself - just like in. Enemies with caution are chosen to the hero, but very crookedly hide behind drawers and barrels. Almost always visible the head in which the bullet is asked. Separate Germans show courage and climb. Bypass and catch their surprise elementary thanks to the mini-card, where everything is like a palm. Without it, it would be a little more interesting, but the developers clearly had an idea to focus on stealth passage.

Merry shootouts and explosions now go out of fashion: in many shooters there is persistently proposed secretaries. The mentioned in the beginning of this sinned, but not as much as. Playing with artificial intelligence will not come by virtue of his stupidity, and a stone throw in size with a fist to attract attention and never once helped in passage. Neutralize a couple of Nazis in quiet really, but no sense has no meaning. The hero will notice anyway, because the enemies are too much for the stealth. And it looks absolutely absurd of the opportunity to stick on the armor's shoulder and hide it somewhere away from German eyes. What is interesting, the most efficient weapon on medium and near distances was ... Punch under the smoke. It acts trouble-free, the opponents fall with stacks from an ordinary tick butt. While the German turns into your direction, while it will shine something and aiming - you will have a couple of seconds to quickly cut it out. The best mockery is to drive the Germans to the Piglet and finish one after another, while they are trying to instruct you weapons.

In large-scale attacks, it will not work out to the nearby battle: they kill it quickly. Save mainly shelter and non-historicalness of enemies. They may not see you, but when they notice, shoot exactly in target. Occasionally throw grenades, which, fortunately, can be raised and threw back. It is worse, when endless hordes of the fascists begin. They are rarely found, but if at this moment the essence of the task was disturbed, start guess what they wanted from you. And at that time, the Germans continue to appear from somewhere because of the corner and run the laughed paths.

City Interactive. It has long been fixed in a niche of medium shooters and feels comfortable there. - Attempt to take a new height, but it turned out not so that successfully. Secondary "single" without a drop of fresh ideas, an ill-made stealth, rough graphics, even with a powerful engine. The developers' efforts are taken into account, but this is not enough for the game to become interesting.

Marsh throw in the occupied Europe is not bad, and only. The history of the military journalist is boring, a variety of gameplay is sudden from the finger, but saturated shootings sometimes swing up.

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