Didactic games on obzh. Winter Lifestyle Game for Primary School Students Lifestyle Games for Primary School

Personality is formed in a person from an early age. It is very important to convey to children the main rules of safe behavior in all possible situations. In the preschool educational institution, a lot of time is allocated for familiarization with the life safety. Various games on this topic are an integral part of the classes.

The value of games on the basics of security in preschool

Danger can lie in wait for anyone anywhere. In adults, a certain model of behavior in life-threatening situations has already been formed. Young children are the most vulnerable in such moments. The task of adults is to tell the kids in the most detailed and accessible way about the dangers existing in the world, how to avoid them and what is the best thing to do if they nevertheless come. At home, the child receives the first knowledge about possible security situations from the parents. Kindergarten workers should expand this knowledge and instill the skills of correct behavior in unforeseen situations. Preschoolers need a special approach. They need to convey very complex issues, show the importance of knowledge of safety rules and facilitate their memorization. The main activity of children is play. The information presented in the game is easier to convey to the child, and it is also convenient to visually show and act out actions to prevent or alleviate unsafe phenomena in life.

Danger can lie in wait for a child anywhere

The goals of the games will be to expand the concepts of possible warning dangers at home, in nature, in communication with people, on the street, including on the road, instilling a model of safe behavior and gaining skills for correct action in the event of an adverse event.

All possible dangers can be summarized in several categories:

  • natural hazards (bites of animals and insects, poisonous berries and mushrooms, thunderstorms, ice, etc.);
  • troubles arising from a person (robbers, kidnappers, fights);
  • threats in home life (electrical appliances, sharp objects);
  • fire hazard;
  • dangers on the street (traffic);
  • health hazard (non-observance of personal hygiene rules, improper handling of medicines).

Types of games and card file of topics for different groups

Games with which children will learn the basics of safe behavior can be of different types:

  1. Didactic, which include:
    • games with objects (toys) - based on the direct contact of children with objects, develop sensory perception;
    • desktop-printed games that take place on a certain playing field (lotto, dominoes, etc.);
    • verbal - involve the speech actions of children, these can be games for completing phrases, guessing riddles, etc.
  2. Mobile - games in which you need to be physically active, while simultaneously training your physical skills.
  3. Theatrical, suggesting a theatrical production on a specific topic.
  4. Training games that allow you to be mentally present in the situation being analyzed.
  5. Role-playing (children take on roles and participate and solve the task), etc.

When preparing for the games, you need to take into account the age factor. Introductory games are suitable for children of early preschool age, which can arouse interest in further learning the basics of safety (didactic games with objects or toys). In older groups, pupils are able to independently draw conclusions, understand the interconnection of events, therefore they are recommended games with complicated rules (board games).

Children by nature love to play, through the game they get acquainted with the world around them and try on various roles.

Table: possible life safety games in kindergarten

At what age is it recommendedName of the gameTasksContent
From the first junior groupDidactic game "Dangerous - flammable"Learn to identify objects that are flammableThe teacher shows the children a lot of cards, which depict objects that are dangerous. The task of the players is to choose from the cards those on which fire hazardous objects are drawn (for example, an iron, matches, a stove, etc.)
"Collect a car" (from 2 parts, from 4 parts)Fix the names of modes of transport and its componentsIn front of the children is a picture of a car (bus, truck). Material is given: pieces-elements from which you need to assemble a complete image of the proposed transport, focusing on the picture in front of your eyes
Role-playing game "Transport"Form elementary ideas about actions on the roadwayChildren assume the roles of drivers and pedestrians. Various situations are played out: to take the doll to the store, to deliver building material. You need to drive the car carefully, not running into people
Mobile game "Extinguish the fire"To form elementary knowledge about fire safetyChairs lined up in a circle with toy fire extinguishers on them. The number of chairs with fire extinguishers is one less than the number of players. Children run around chairs. At the signal of the leader, you need to take the fire extinguisher in your hands and lift it up. The one who did not get to the toy leaves the game. The winner will be the player who picks up the last fire extinguisher on the chair.
From the second junior groupDidactic game "Tell me what's wrong"Teach traffic rulesChildren are shown pictures with plots of traffic situations. You need to tell what the character is doing wrong on it (crossing the road at a red light, in the wrong place, etc.)
Role-playing game "Bus"Teach safety in public transportRoles are distributed: driver, passengers, pedestrians. Various situations are played out (a woman with a child, a grandmother, a blind man, etc.)
Mobile game "Bonfire"Clarify what to do in case of a fireThe game is played on the playground. It is necessary to take sand from the sandbox with a scoop (or other similar small container) and bring it to the place where the picture with the image of a fire lies
Mobile game "Transition"Develop knowledge of traffic rulesA zebra is painted on the floor of the group. The traffic light shows a red light. The players are standing. The yellow light turns on, the participants continue to stand. At the green light, you need to go through the painted "zebra", looking first to the left, then to the right
Training game "I'm lost ..."Form rules of conduct if lost on the streetThe character Bunny comes to visit the children and tells the children that he got lost on a walk with his mother. The children, together with the teacher, tell Bunny what to do if you suddenly find yourself alone in different situations (on the street, on the bus, in the store), who you can ask for help and who you can’t
Mobile relay game "Save the toy"Cultivate courage, desire to help the victimThe game takes place in the gym. Children take turns performing a combination of tasks expressing actions to save the toy (get the toy from the gymnastic ladder, run with it to a certain place). During the passage of the stages, the toy cannot be dropped.
From the middle group
"Edible fungus put in box"
  • Learn about varieties of edible and poisonous mushrooms;
  • learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible.
Models of mushrooms are laid out in front of the players. You need to collect only their edible species in the basket. Then one mushroom is taken from the basket, the players must announce its name
Role-playing "We are firefighters"
  • To consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules;
  • learn how to work in a team.
Children pretend to be a fire brigade. On a call about a fire that has happened, they rush to help in different situations (on the street, in an apartment, in the forest)
Didactic game "In the world of dangerous things"Continue acquaintance with the dangerous properties of objectsThe teacher shows the children one by one different household items. If the object is safe, the children should clap their hands. If dangerous - stomp your feet
Didactic game "We are friends with cats and dogs"Expand your understanding of the proper handling of petsThe teacher shows the children cards depicting scenes involving cats and dogs. Children should comment on the picture: mark the correct and incorrect actions (for example, it is wrong to pull animals by the tail, beat with a stick, tease)
From the senior group
Didactic game "Draw a road sign"To consolidate knowledge about the types of road signsIn the allotted time, the children must draw a road sign made by the leader
Role-playing game "Ambulance"
  • Expand understanding of the provision of medical care;
  • teach first aid skills.
Children act out various scenes in which they, in the role of a doctor, help the victims: with a cut on the arm, bruising of the leg, knee, fever, sore throat, bleeding from the nose. Need to consistently provide first aid
Lotto game "Plants for Health"To consolidate knowledge that medicinal plants can be assistants in the preservation and care of healthEach player has their own set of plant cards. The facilitator takes turns showing cards from his set. A player who has a card with the same plant must tell what it is called and what benefits it brings. If the answer is correct, the picture is given to the player. The first person to complete their set wins.
"Telephone"Strengthen emergency telephone skillsOn the table are toy cars of emergency vehicles. Illustrations depicting various dangerous situations are considered. You need to choose the right type of car for each situation and name the phone number by which you need to call it
Game-training "Stranger"Practice correct behavior in situations with a strangerThe situation that happens to Carlson is being analyzed. He met an unfamiliar aunt who offers him candy and invites him to go with her in a car. Children reflect on the correct responses and behaviors as they consider the possible outcomes of the situation.
Didactic game "So that trouble does not happen"
  • To consolidate knowledge about safe behavior on the street;
  • repeat road signs.
The game uses a street layout with various road signs and traffic lights located on it. With the help of game pieces or any small toys, various situations on the road are played out
From the preparatory groupBoard game "Journey to the Land of Health"Strengthen knowledge about health carePlayers take turns rolling the die and making their move. Depending on the circle with which image the chip fell on, you need to complete a certain task. For example, explain what to do with a cough, fever, toothache, or explain how movement, vitamins, swimming, etc. are useful. If the player answers incorrectly, a move is skipped. The winner is the one who first gets to the "country of health"
Mobile relay game "Territory of risk"Improve understanding of hazardous objects and their handlingThe game is played in the sports hall. Children take turns performing the actions assigned by the leader on the gymnastic ladder, bench, etc. Then a call is heard - an "alarm signal". The group found a lot of dangerous items. Everyone gets a map card with hints on where to look for the object (above, below, behind, in). Found items are placed in boxes by category (sharp, flammable, poisonous, etc.)
Word game "Rescue Service"
  • Consolidate knowledge of your personal data;
  • learn to describe the problem correctly.
The teacher takes turns showing pictures on the computer screen with different situations. For each picture, the children should make up a short story on behalf of one of the heroes of what is happening or an outside observer. All this children say into the handset of a toy phone
Role-playing game "Rules of the road"Consolidate and systematize knowledge of road safety rulesThe following roles are distributed between children: traffic police officer, car drivers, pedestrians. Situations are being played out during which players should not violate the rules of the road, this is monitored by a traffic police officer

The age limits of the games indicated in the table are very conditional. The use of this or that game should be based on the characteristics of the development of children, the successful assimilation of the material, their interests. For example, the game "Draw a road sign", which is recommended for senior preschool age, can also be used in the younger group. But more thorough preparation for the lesson will be required, as well as the constant help of the educator in adjusting the drawings. The selection criteria largely depend on the teacher's instinct, because who, besides him, will better determine what the children will need and understand now, what type of game will interest them the most.

Structure and timing of the games

Each game has several stages:

  1. Familiarization of children with the content of the game, explanation of the rules. This can be a show of pictures or objects, a short conversation in which the readiness of children to play is revealed (1-2 minutes).
  2. Game actions with a mandatory break for physical. wait a minute.
  3. Summing up (1-2 minutes).

It should be noted that the time of the game itself differs depending on the age of the children. The playing time in younger groups should not exceed 10-15 minutes, at this age it is still difficult to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. In older groups, the game takes an average of 20-25 minutes. These are conditional time frames. It must be remembered that everything depends on the characteristics of the game, the interest that children have shown in it, the degree of their fatigue. A break for a motor warm-up usually takes 2-3 minutes.

Photo gallery: materials for the introductory stage of the game

A drawing demonstrating a problematic situation of communicating with strangers can be shown in a preliminary conversation for the game.
It is easy to show its parts on a toy fire truck, it will be well used in the introductory stage of the didactic game of collecting a picture of a car from different parts with a stove, will help children better imagine the situation A picture of a game with matches will help to help what can happen if they are used carelessly A picture will demonstrate to the children that tablets cannot be played with A picture will clearly demonstrate to the children that it is dangerous to play with sharp objects Visual material will help children better understand what can happen in the event of an unsafe game Seeing the depicted dangerous situation, children will better learn how to act, for example, in the upcoming game, as well as in reality. used before With the help of animal toys, you can easily talk about the features of each of them, thereby preparing the child for playing about animals

Life safety games in the first junior group

The youngest preschoolers are familiar with the most common objects. In the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to continue the development of ideas about the immediate subject, social and natural environment, as well as to give elementary ideas about the safe use of objects and rules of conduct. With the help of games, it is necessary to form an interest in the problems of one's own security, to acquaint with the initial knowledge about dangerous situations, solving educational problems:

  • to give basic knowledge about the natural world and possible threats in it (an animal can bite, there are poisonous plants);
  • to master ideas about various transport: cars, public, water, air, their constituent parts, to give the concept of red and green traffic lights;
  • study objects and their properties;
  • to teach to perceive the words “it is possible”, “it is impossible”, “dangerous”;
  • to give basic knowledge about proper nutrition, lifestyle, accustom to the rules of hygiene;
  • to acquaint with the premises of the group, how to behave in a group, in the locker room, how to behave on the street (take dad or mom by the hand).

At an early age, children have a very developed sensory perception of the world, it is important for them to study the subject tactilely. For this, didactic games using various objects and toys are the best suited. At an early age, they often get acquainted with the outside world through playing with dolls.

In a child of 2–3 years old, the memorization of material is based on an emotional attitude towards it. Therefore, during the game, children will easily remember everything that arouses their interest, they must be participants in what is happening. This will help games where the child can transform into certain roles. Kids with joy and interest will take on the roles of doctors, and drivers, and firefighters, thereby acquiring elementary ideas about these professions. Role-playing games on the topic "Family" will emphasize the importance of parents in the life of a child and help to understand their role in the family.

Playing out various traffic situations, children learn important material at the same time

During the game "Red - Green", children, along with memorizing color, are taught the skills of crossing the road at traffic lights: if the teacher raises a circle of red, you need to stand still, if it's green - you need to look first to the right, and then to the left and go forward .

Do not overload the kids in the process of playing with unnecessary information that they will not be able to assimilate. At this stage of development, the main thing will be to master the initial ideas about the processes of the surrounding world and the fact that there is a danger in it.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "The doll got sick" (Ekaterina Ashaeva)

We take the doll to the hospital

  • The child in the role of a doctor accepts a patient-doll and begins the examination. Looks down her throat.

    Examines the doll's neck

  • The doll's throat is red and the doctor gives her vitamins.

    Giving the doll vitamins

  • Then the child doctor measures the body temperature with a toy thermometer. The temperature is elevated and the doctor invites his colleague for a consultation. The second doctor child listens to the doll to give his advice on the treatment of Masha's doll.

    We invite the second doctor and listen to the doll

  • One doctor decides to give the doll an injection, and the other decides to give her a potion.

    We give the doll a potion and make an injection

  • Then a nurse comes to the doll and makes her hot tea.

    Gives the doll hot tea

  • The whole group sings a song to the doll to cheer up.

    Sing a song to cheer up the doll

  • The doll was very happy and almost recovered. She asks the driver to take her back home.

    Taking the doll back home

  • At home, the doll asks to be put in her crib to rest.

    Put the doll under the blanket

  • Life safety games in the second junior group

    The children of the second younger group retained the study of objects based on sensations, sensory perception. Therefore, tactile contact with the studied material is also important. In addition, children are very interested in interacting with people, especially with their peers. There is a development of a joint game. In this regard, role-playing games will be very useful. The main tasks for the period of the second junior group:

    • continue to master ideas about the natural world and interactions in it: do not pick flowers and herbs, do not litter in the forest, do not touch other people's animals;
    • study the arrangement of the roadway, introduce the concept of a sidewalk, zebra, teach the necessary behavior near the road, hold adults by the hand, introduce the concepts of a yellow traffic light warning signal and road signs;
    • increase knowledge about domestic hazards;
    • expand knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in the room: open the door with the door handle, go down the stairs, holding on to the railing);
    • teach proper behavior during games: do not throw sand, do not swallow objects, do not taste toys, etc.;
    • learn to ask for help from adults in case of emergency.

    Toddlers 3-4 years old are very active and it is difficult for them to stop their attention on one thing for a long time. It is relevant to conduct outdoor games, exciting role-playing situations, as well as simple didactic games. When analyzing different situations with the help of game actions, children receive initial skills of behavior in an unfamiliar place (training game "I'm lost"), in public transport (game "Bus"), etc.

    In the second younger group, children are introduced to the yellow traffic light

    Conducting a didactic game "Good and Evil Fire" in the second junior group

    The objectives of the game will be:

    • to teach children to distinguish between "bad" and "good" fire;
    • to teach the rules of safe behavior at home;
    • develop mindfulness.

    To play the game, you will need a playing field divided into 2 halves (“good” and “evil” fire) and a set of pictures depicting various situations with the presence of fire.

    The game is played by 2 to 6 children. The cards should be laid out face down on the table. Children take turns approaching the table and take one card. You need to put it on the desired half of the playing field.

    Photo gallery: materials for the game "Good and Evil Fire"

    The playing field can be divided into 2 parts with images of green and red circles The cards contain images of various situations where fire is dangerous or not dangerous Cards can depict a situation where there is already a fire

    Lifestyle games in the middle group

    At the age of 4–5 years, children tend to imitate the actions of adults in everything, often overestimating their capabilities. In the middle group should:

    • continue to get acquainted with the varieties of animals and plants, expand knowledge about possible threats in nature: dangerous insects, poisonous mushrooms and berries, as well as the fact that there are medicinal, useful plants that will not cause harm;
    • continue to study the rules of conduct on the roadway, introduce new road signs and markings, study official modes of transport (ambulance, police, fire, Ministry of Emergency Situations);
    • to teach to monitor the state of one's health (to introduce personal hygiene items);
    • continue to get acquainted with the objects and the rules for their safe use (fan, washing machine, fork, knife, electric kettle);
    • to teach vigilance when meeting strangers;
    • develop ideas about the causes of a fire and the rules of behavior in its occurrence.

    Children of the middle group are actively improving their motor skills. Therefore, it is important to create conditions that will provide kids with physical activity. For example, in the room of the group, simulate a roadway, designate a sidewalk, a pedestrian crossing, a traffic light. Children in turn must wait for the traffic light to signal (it can be a green circle raised up by the teacher or any other structure), go to the edge of the sidewalk, look first to the left, then to the right, make sure that the cars do not go and then cross the road. Such actions in the game should create in children the habit of correct behavior. Also at this age, the first social contacts are established. Children love to play in groups of 2-4.

    Table: fragment of the summary of the didactic game in the middle group

    Author and titleTaskspreliminary workContent
    Ulanova O.N.,
    "Let's introduce Dunno to the rules of the road"
    • Fix the rules of traffic rules;
    • develop social and communication skills;
    • to form a positive attitude towards road safety rules and awareness of the need to comply with them.
    • Consideration of illustrations on the topic of traffic rules;
    • solving riddles.
    1. Educator: “Children, let's greet Dunno! He was in a hurry to meet us, but an unpleasant situation happened to him on the way. Dunno, tell us what happened to you?
    2. Dunno: “I was walking along the path near the road and playing with the ball, and he took it and rolled onto the road. I immediately ran after him. And I was almost crushed by a car, the driver began to scold me.
    3. The teacher invites the children to help Dunno and repeat the rules of the road with him.
    4. Children explain to Dunno that it is impossible to play with the ball near the road, but it must be done in the yard or on the playground.
    5. Then the teacher invites Dunno to tell about how to cross the road correctly.
    6. Children answer that the road needs to be crossed along the "zebra" and at the green traffic light.
    7. Dunno thanks the guys that they helped him a lot and promises not to violate the rules of traffic rules anymore. Children together with Dunno dance to the music.

    Life safety games in the senior group

    In the older group, children are able to consciously approach the study of safety rules.

    At this age, all skills are improved in children: movements become more accurate and coordinated, the development of mental processes provides self-control over their actions, but adult guidance is still needed. A child of 5-6 years old is able to assess the circumstances, the actions of the heroes of fairy tales or their peers. He has quite clearly formed preferences in communicating with certain people, in connection with this, the desire to play in small groups of 2-5 people has been developed.

    Older preschoolers are very inquisitive, they have well-developed cognitive activity. The types of games may not differ from those already held in previous years, but their content is much more complicated, since children have much more opportunities. In the older group, there is a great interest in board, creative games.

    Game activity contributes to the solution of the following educational tasks:

    • to instill the basics of ecological culture, to learn that not only nature can harm a person, but also a person to her, to increase knowledge about various natural phenomena (thunderstorm, tornado, earthquake) and the necessary actions in case of their occurrence;
    • improve and consolidate the basics of traffic rules, study new signs, consider possible difficult and dangerous traffic situations;
    • develop ideas about the spatial environment: memorize the names of the nearest streets, know the way to the kindergarten;
    • expand knowledge about the rules of conduct during game activities (slide, sled, skates);
    • to consolidate and increase ideas about the dangers in everyday life and precautions;
    • repeat the knowledge of the rules of behavior with fire, improve the skills of action in case of fire, remind the telephone number of the fire department;
    • train the skills of careful behavior with strangers, call for help without delay.

    Games will serve as a good consolidation of the knowledge gained from books, conversations, watched videos.

    Kids will love being involved in the board game creation process.

    Kids will love being part of the game. Rules can be invented in the process. Here is a description of the game “Be careful with fire, fire is possible from fire” by Elena Shishkina. Purpose of the game: fixing the rules of fire safety.

    1. You need to draw a playing field, prepare chips, as well as cards with tasks. The playing field will consist of circles indicating the moves. Some of them need to be marked: a fire icon, a question icon and an arrow, a bucket of water.

      You need to prepare cards with a question mark, arrows and pictures of fire

    2. The first player rolls the die and takes his turn.
    3. If the stop occurred at a question mark, you need to answer about fire safety rules. On the sector with the image of fire, you need to guess the riddle about fire safety. If the answer is wrong, go back a few moves to the bucket of water and wait for the next move. If the stop occurred on a circle with an arrow, you need to get a card with a number with your eyes closed and go as many steps forward as indicated on it.

      Children are divided into 2 teams, a captain is chosen, you can come up with a motto for each team.

      1. Teacher: "Guys! You will be going to school very soon. And you have to independently prevent possible dangers. Now let's check how well you know the safety rules we studied and have a quiz game." Children are divided into 2 teams, come up with a motto.
      2. The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children: the leader takes turns asking questions to the teams. Before giving an answer, the team should consult and come to a common opinion. For a correct answer, the team gets one point. If the answer is incorrect, no points are awarded, and the opposing team is invited to answer the same question.
      3. Warm-up "Traffic Light". On the signals of the leader, children perform actions: red - sit down, yellow - get up, green - go.
      4. Then the first competition "Who is more attentive?" Before each team is a set of cards with phone numbers. After the words of the leader, the teams must raise the desired card. Questions: What is the telephone number to call firefighters (101)? If you need help from the police, then call ... (102)? When a person became ill, he was seriously injured, then how to call an ambulance (103)? And how to call the gas service (104)?
      5. The next competition is that, according to the fairy tale named by the host, it is necessary to explain what rules its heroes violated (“Gingerbread Man”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, etc.).
      6. There is a physical session.
      7. Next, the teams are asked to solve riddles. For example: “Seryozha has a striped path under his feet. He will boldly follow it, and the whole people (“zebra”) will follow him.” “She covers everyone in the world, what she sews - she doesn’t put on (a needle).”
      8. In the next competition, the children are shown pictures of various objects. One team must show all dangerous items, the second - safe ones. The captains take turns calling one item each.
      9. The next task tests the children's first aid skills. It is necessary to bandage the hand of the "victim".
      10. Visual gymnastics.
      11. Then a competition to discuss situations on the road. The facilitator shows pictures on the screen. Teams respond in turn.
      12. The results are summed up and the results are announced. Awards (medals) are awarded.

      A selection of video materials on the topic of life safety games held in preschool educational institutions

      Videos showing games conducted on the topic of life safety can be useful in preparing for classes.

      Video: role-playing games within the framework of the My Family project

      Video: theatrical game in the middle group about fire safety

      Video: role-playing game "Hospital" in the first junior group

      Video: game according to traffic rules in kindergarten

      In a playful way, children can easily and clearly explain the important ways of safety that everyone needs to know. For this, various types of games are used: didactic, role-playing, mobile. It must be remembered that danger is easier to prevent than to deal with it. It is important to convey this to the kids.

    Games on the formation of the basics of children's life safety


    "Sources of Danger"

    Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of objects that can be a source of danger.

    Game rules: Select items that may be a source of danger.

    Game action: Search and name of items.

    Game progress.

    Children are given game cards with the image of various objects. The teacher offers to carefully consider the images of objects and answer the questions:

    What could be the source of the fire?

    What can be the source of human injury (cut, bite, injection, burn, poisoning)?

    What can be the source of human death? The one who correctly names all the images is noted.

    "Do you know?"

    Target: To consolidate knowledge of emergency telephone numbers.

    Game rules: Perform actions corresponding to the image.

    Game actions: Moving chips around the playing field in accordance with the number of moves that have fallen.

    Game progress.

    4-5 people take part in the game, chips of different colors are used. The child rolls the dice, moves the chips. Legend:

    Red cross - call the ambulance phone;

    Home - name your home address;

    Policeman - call the police phone;

    Fire - choose from three numbers needed in case of fire;

    The man in the mask - call the number you need in such a danger;

    Book - if an incorrect answer is given, the player is sent to this point;

    Hand - if the correct answer is given, the player moves to this point;

    Phone - dial the security service and go to the finish line.

    The winner is the one who quickly and correctly answered all the questions and came to the finish line first.

    "What the traffic light says"

    Target: To consolidate knowledge of traffic signals and the corresponding actions of pedestrians.

    Material: Cards depicting traffic lights (red, yellow, green on), pedestrian actions.

    Game progress.

    The teacher invites the children to show a traffic light signal, which means: "go", "stop", "attention". Then show cards depicting the actions of pedestrians at different traffic lights.

    "The Fourth Extra"

    Target: Teach children to prevent the danger of contact with dangerous objects (needles, scissors, matches, medicines, etc.) To consolidate knowledge about behavior on the street without adults. Distinguish between edible mushrooms and berries.

    Game rules: Find an extra item on the card. Prove why.

    Game action: Search for a dangerous item.

    Game progress.

    Children are given cards, each shows four objects, one of which is superfluous (carries a danger). The one that the teacher points to (the magic arrow) explains what is superfluous and why.


    1. Edible mushrooms and fly agaric.

    2. Toys and nails.

    3. Toys and medicine.

    4. Brush, pencil, pen, needle.

    5. Raspberry, strawberry, currant and wolfberry.

    6. Children play in the sandbox, swing, sled, the boy eats an icicle.

    Other combinations can be presented by analogy.

    "On a walk"

    Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the correct communication, behavior with animals.


    Cards depicting right and wrong actions when meeting with a dog, bee, goat, hedgehog, ants in an anthill.

    Game rules: To the teacher's question, show the picture with the correct answer, and then with the wrong actions.

    Game progress.

    The teacher invites the children to answer what they would do in different situations that arose during a walk on a day off (at the cottage, in the forest). You need to show first a picture with the correct action, and then show the wrong ones.

    On the road I met a dog. Can , n you can't (children show a card)

    In a clearing, a wasp (bee) flew up to me. You can, you can't.

    At the edge of the grass goat nibbles. You can, you can't.

    I saw a hedgehog in the grass. You can, you can't.


    Target: Reinforce knowledge of emergency phone numbers.

    Game progress.

    Cards with the image of ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, a fire engine, a sports car and cards with numbers 01, 02, 03 are laid out in front of the child. The teacher offers the child to choose any number and find the car that will come to this number.


    Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about fire safety.

    Game rules: To the question of the teacher, show the picture-answer.

    Material: Pictures with the image of a box with matches, phone 01; lightning hitting a tree; iron; 02; 03; burning table; buckets of water.

    Game action: The choice of the proposed - the correct picture.

    Game progress.

    The children are given cards. The teacher offers to answer the question by showing the correct card.

    Why is there a fire?

    What should you do if there is a fire?

    What is the phone number for help?

    For the correct answer, the child receives a token. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

    "It's Serious"

    Target: To teach children to select suitable objects for games, to know what things cannot be played with.

    Material: Cards with the image of a ball, scissors, a pyramid, a gas stove, matches, a knife, a tumbler, tablets, an iron, a needle, a doll, a typewriter, a fork, a glass vase, etc.

    Game progress.

    The cards are laid out in front of the children upside down. The child takes out any, looks through it and answers whether it is possible to play with this thing or not (explaining why). For the correct answer receives a token.

    "Pavement and Children"

    Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of the road. Teach children to choose the right place to play. Cultivate a quick reaction to what is happening.

    Game progress.

    Invite the children to build a house with an arch out of blocks. The arch should be large enough for toy cars to drive through. Have the children place them in front of the arch. The puppets will represent football boys or girls playing hopscotch. You can use a ping-pong ball as a soccer ball, and depict "hopscotch" with strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time, changing roles. During the game, the boys with the help of puppets depict the game of football, and the girls - the game of "hopscotch". At the same time, one child advances a toy car through the archway and honks loudly. Children quickly remove the dolls from the road and carry them away from the arch. The plot can be varied. For example, a bunny leans out of the window of a toy house and warns of danger. A similar plot can be played using a table theater.

    "Who will name more actions"

    Target: To teach children to correlate actions with the profession of people acting in emergency situations.

    Game rules: Name only one action of a person of this profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it to the leader.

    Game actions: Throwing and catching the ball.

    Game progress.

    The educator offers to name the action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be called (doctor, policeman, fireman). The one who names the most actions wins.


    "Can - can't"

    Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200beveryday items that cannot be played with.

    Equipment: subject pictures of dangerous and safe items for playing, a doll, a chest.

    Game progress:

    The teacher suggests remembering what can happen if you take dangerous objects without permission: a knife, scissors, needles, etc. Children take turns taking a picture and put it near the doll, if you can play with this object, or in a chest if this object is for games are dangerous. The teacher encourages the children to explain their choice.

    "Allowed - prohibited"

    Target: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior for children.

    Equipment: pictures depicting various situations of dangerous and safe behavior of children, symbols of green and red colors (circles, cubes or other objects).

    Game progress:

    The teacher distributes pictures to the children and offers to approach the red symbols to those who depict what is forbidden to do, and to the green symbols - with the correct actions of the depicted characters.

    Complication: supplement the equipment with images of the street, house, fire. Children should approach the pictures according to the situation, and then choose a symbol of a certain color.

    "For mushrooms"

    Target: consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; continue to form the rules of safe behavior in the forest.

    Equipment: baskets - according to the number of children, silhouettes or dummies of mushrooms.

    Game progress:

    The teacher reminds about the rules of safe behavior in the forest and offers to collect edible mushrooms for soup.

    "What the traffic light says"

    Target: consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and traffic rules; practice following the rules.

    Equipment: traffic light with color switching, cars for various purposes, road markings, puppets.

    Game progress:

    The teacher prepares a model of the road with markings for a pedestrian crossing, creates various traffic situations with the help of toys and invites children to show the correct behavior of pedestrians and drivers on the road.


    "Before and Now"

    Target: Based on the given situation, choose the correct answer.

    Rules of the game: the teacher briefly tells the children what actions were taken in the past in the event of a fire; the guys tell how in such cases you need to do today.

    1. How to find out and report a fire?

    What did you do before

    A watchtower towered over the city, on which an observer was constantly located. As soon as he noticed smoke, he immediately launched a signal balloon into the sky.

    How are they doing today

    They call 01.

    1. How do firefighters get to the fire?

    What did you do before

    Firefighters got on a cart, on which a barrel of water was already installed, and, driving horses, went to the place of fire.

    How are they doing today

    On a fire truck. On the fire train. On a fire helicopter. On a fire plane.

    1. What clothing (equipment) do firefighters have?

    What did you do before

    Previously, firefighters wore a canvas uniform, put on a helmet on their heads, and canvas mittens on their hands.

    How are they doing today

    Today, the life and health of a firefighter is protected by overalls made of refractory materials, a helmet, a gas mask or a respirator.

    1. What are the means of extinguishing a fire?

    What did you do before

    Hand pump, bucket of water, hatchet, crowbar, hook.

    How are they doing today

    A hose connected to a car pump, fire extinguishers, water, foam.

    "On - off"

    Target: quickly and correctly perform a responsible action;consolidate knowledge about the flammability properties of various objects and substances; help to realize the destructive power of fire and develop a quick reaction to the response.

    Rules of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher names an object or substance and throws the ball to one of the children. In the event that this substance is not combustible, the child must catch the ball, but if it is combustible, beat it off. A child who makes a mistake is out of the circle. The last child left wins.

    (Examples of non-combustible objects and substances: metal, water, ice, earth, air, stone, brick, clay, chalk, etc.)

    What do firefighters need?

    Target: quickly and correctly select pictures depicting fire-related items.

    Rules of the game: children are given cards depicting objects and phenomena that characterize various professions, including a fireman. The guys at speed choose from the total mass of cards those that relate to fire topics. The winner is the one who quickly selects the right cards and does not make mistakes.

    "Dialogues on the phone"

    Target: teach children how to correctly dial a number on the phone and give accurate and clear answers to questions;help children remember the generally accepted rules for talking on the phone, including those on duty with emergency services.

    Rules of the game: children take turns choosing cards with emergency phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04. The teacher tells the background of the emergency (3-4 sentences) and instructs the child, depending on the specific case, to call one or another service using a toy phone. The task is considered completed if, according to the child's story, one can understand where and for what purpose this or that service should come. (The role of the attendant is performed by the educator).

    "If there's a fire"

    Target: to teach children to rhyme to finish a riddle poem;to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules for the safe handling of fire.

    Rules of the game: children, holding hands, form a circle, in its center is a teacher with a balloon (ball) in his hands. He pronounces the lines of the poem and, pausing on the last word, passes the ball (ball) to the child, who quickly finishes the word and returns the ball to the teacher.

    This ball in the hands is not for nothing.

    If there was a fire before

    Soared up the signal balloon -

    Called the firefighters to fight the fire.

    Where people are careless with fire

    Where the balloon will rise into the sky,

    There will threaten us everywhere

    Evil, ruthless ... (fire).

    One two three four -

    Who has a fire in ... (apartment)?

    Smoke rose suddenly.

    Who has not turned off ... (iron)?

    The table and cabinet burned down at the same time.

    Who dried clothes over ... (gas).

    The flame jumped into the grass.

    Who burned at the house ... (foliage).

    I saw smoke - do not yawn

    And firefighters ... (call).

    Remember, every citizen -

    This number … (01)!

    "Good bad"

    Target: to form ideas about the beneficial and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

    Game progress:

    The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards depicting fire and objects related to fire (matches, firewood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) children must arrange the cards in the picture - to the right place.

    "Loto-fire safety"

    Target: using story pictures to form children's ideas about dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

    Game progress:

    The teacher gives the players cards drawn into 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation in a fire (the boy plays with matches, the girl ran out onto the balcony of the burning apartment, the iron was left unattended, the children turned on the Christmas tree, etc. ). The child, who correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. The one with the most closed fields wins.

    "Card Quiz"

    Target: consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

    Game progress:

    The teacher lays out on the table, or puts squats in a beautifully designed box with questions on the rules of conduct during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

    Question options:

    Name the possible cause of the fire;

    How to properly call firefighters;

    What to do if during a fire there is no way to call firefighters, and the paths from the house are cut off by fire;

    Is it possible to extinguish a fire without first calling the fire department;

    What to do if the house smells of gas;

    Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire;

    Is it possible to set fire to poplar fluff;

    Is it possible to create a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

    Is it possible to use the elevator during a fire in the house;

    What needs to be rescued during a fire in the first place: money, documents or yourself;

    How to leave a smoky room;

    Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.

    "Name the cause of the fire"

    Target: to form knowledge about the causes of the fire. Develop attention, memory, speech. Cultivate responsibility.

    Game progress:

    From the plot pictures proposed by the teacher (children collect autumn leaves, children hang burning candles on a Christmas tree, a boy plays matches in a closet, children water flowers, etc.), the child must choose those situations that can cause a fire and argue his answer, for who gets the chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of the game wins.

    "Choose what you want"

    Target: to form children's knowledge about the items needed to extinguish a fire, the rules for their use. To consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

    Game progress:

    The child is offered a set of subject pictures (a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, a TV set, a telephone, a box of sand, an electrical socket, a fire hose, a kerosene lamp, a fireman's helmet, a lighter, a gas stove, a gas mask) from which he must choose those used in extinguishing fires and causing the occurrence of a fire. The correct answer gets a token. The player with the most chips wins.

    Irina Tarasova

    Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed, and a solid foundation is laid for the experience of life and a healthy lifestyle in general. And therefore, the task of adults is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various difficult, and sometimes dangerous life situations.

    Safety Formula says:

    anticipate danger;

    avoid if possible;

    act if necessary.

    You can identify for yourself a number of all kinds of dangers associated with the place of residence of the child nka:

    1. Dangers at home;

    2. Dangers on the street;

    3. Dangers in nature;

    4. Dangers in communicating with strangers.

    In each direction in the kindergarten, work is carried out in all age groups.

    I want to present didactic games who teach children safe behavior.

    The game "Can-can't" consists of cardboard cards, which depict various objects, red and green chips.

    The game will help children determine which items pose a serious danger to life, and which should be handled with care. Contributes to the education of self-confidence and caution. Teaches to anticipate and assess danger.

    Options games.

    1. The host shows the cards to the players. If the object poses a threat to life, then the children raise a red chip. Green chip - the item must be handled with care. Situations are being discussed.

    2. Lay out the cards on the surface of the table. Invite the child to arrange the cards on their own into two groups according to the following featured:

    1-items that pose a serious danger;

    2-Items that need to be handled with care.

    Didactic game"Alone at home" introduce children to the sources of danger in everyday life, help clarify and systematize these ideas, teach them to distinguish between potentially dangerous objects; contributes to the formation of precautionary measures and the possible consequences of their violation. It will strengthen visual memory, observation and attention, teach the child to protect his life.

    Option games.

    Together with the child will study the color card "What around us can be dangerous". Invite the child to independently choose the sources of danger to life, while pronouncing the situation.

    Then offer to consider black and white drawings, mark all dangerous places in the apartment with red chips.

    Let it be your motto the words: “Being an example is not the best, but the only way to teach”.

    Cubes "What not to quarrel with fire"

    To not quarrel with fire,

    Need to know more about him

    Give up the habit

    Look down on matches

    And remember forever

    What happens if children

    Those who know everything in the world

    These matches are lit

    And they don't throw it there.

    We wish you all creative success!

    Extracurricular event on life safety "Territory of safety".

    Topic: Fundamentals of human life safety in dangerous and emergency situations.

    Goals: to generalize students' knowledge of the rules of behavior in extreme situations, to teach how to avoid and be able to prevent dangerous situations.

    Teamwork skills, highlight, sequence of thinking, explain;

    A culture of safe behavior, mutual assistance and support;

    Preliminary preparation:

    - Lead OB teacher - Organizes and directs children's activities.

    As part of the preparation and holding of the “Life Safety Week”, students of grades 7-8-9 are invited to take part in an intellectual quiz on the basics of safety. The quiz includes studied sections on the subject.

    A jury is selected from teachers, educators or classes. participating class leaders.

    The contests are divided into separate slides on the screen.

    Quiet music plays, popular youth songs.

    In each competition, I is determined. II. III. Place.


    In every the class has 3 rows and the team captains are offered a lottery to draw the name of the teams "Rescuers" "Firefighters" "Volunteers"

    Split groups

    Presenter introduction:

    Today, people live in comfortable houses, not in caves, look out for and get food in the windows, do not support fire, but use electricity and gas, fly into space and sink to the bottom of the oceans, and do not know who lives nearby BUT! Our lives don't get any safer!

    We turned our house into a fortress and died from an electrical household appliance; - we save ourselves from maniacs, but we can die from an insect bite;

    - we tell people that they are lying and trustingly listen to the words of swindlers on the street.

    The modern world is filled with dangers, they just become more diverse.

    1. Competition of proverbs. Intellectual warm-up before the competition

    2. When humanity was created he took care of dwelling, fire and food and transmitted and

    Example: DON'T KNOW THE WAD, DO NOT PUSH INTO THE WATER. -Berezhenogo and God saves.

    Variants of topics for proverbs;

    Competition number 2. Everyday dangers around us:

    (all members of the team participate ) For each correct example 1b.

    Task: within 3 minutes, remember as many safety rules as possible.

    behavior in various situations:

    at home, outdoors, social…

    « Firefighters» «Rescuers» «Volunteers»

    For addition for other teams, 1b is added to the complementary team.

    Competition No. 3

    Safe behavior with strangers.

    Select a task. - lottery by number from 1 to 9.

    1 student per team chooses 3 numbers.

    And now we will remember how to behave with strangers on the street. The player takes out and reads question 3. If he answered the question correctly, the judges count +1 , and if wrong - a sign 0 Addition +1 b. from other teams.

    Questions for the playing field.

      If a stranger approached you, how would you talk to him?(carefully, attentively, I’ll take a closer look, I’ll look around if someone is nearby other options……)

      From the car they asked you “how to get to the children’s clinic or hospital, can you show it, otherwise the child feels bad and points to him in the cab”

      Describe what alerts you in a stranger? . ( conversation, tattoos, jargon, appearance, etc………)

      If strangers come up to you and ask how to find a street or a house, what will you do? ( I don’t know, I’m busy, they call me sorry, I’m in a hurry, I’m not from this area ………….)

      We are from the lower floor and water is running from above - you need to check the condition of your pipes ...... ( I don’t have keys to open the door, I’ll inform my parents, I’ll check the taps……)

      They ring the doorbell and say “I am a meter controller, I need to take readings and check the condition of the electrical wiring………... What will you do?

      You feel like someone is following you. How will you do it?

      You see how on the street gypsy women surrounded the girl and wonder, and she begins to take off her jewelry and gives it to them ......

      On the street, adult teenagers pester the younger ones……….

    Competition No. 4

    Literary quiz about security.

    ( the whole team participates with the answers on the card.

    Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales: modern and Russian folk. But now you need to remember the fairy tales, where the violation of the life safety standard led to sad consequences. Explain why. Teams are given 3 minutes for this task, after which the captains answer.


    1. “Little Red Riding Hood”,

    Deceived the gray wolf.

    2. “Wolf and seven kids”

    don't open the door to strangers

    3. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”.

    listen to the elders not to drink anything from a dirty puddle.

    4. Sleeping Beauty

    be careful with piercing and cutting objects

    5. “Snow Queen”

    do not cling to the vehicle in front

    6. "Mashenka and the Bear"

    She entered a strange house, ate porridge, slept on the bed.

    7. "Wolf and seven kids"

    Didn't listen to the mother goat's instructions.

    8. "The sun and the crocodile"

    Matches in the hands of children - chanterelles

    9. Pinocchio

    Surrounded by swindlers, ran away from home.

    10. "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

    Ate a poisoned apple

    11. film "Just you wait"

    Violations of traffic rules, in everyday life.

    5. Rescuers competition No. 5.

    ( 2 participants from each team: the victim and the rescuer)

    There are situations when a person urgently needs to be provided with medical assistance, the state of his health in the present and future depends on this. Can we do it? We will provide first aid. The victim and the rescuer are members of the team.

    On the table are closed tasks for each team:

    Each team is given a “First Aid Kit”: a bandage, cotton wool, iodine, scissors, etc. In 3 minutes, participants must provide assistance to the victim:

    The performing team selects a closed lottery task. A start is given. Time is running out.

    - forearm injury;

    - shin injury;

    - head injury.

    - nose bleed.

    The team with the shortest time has the best result!...by the amount of time!

    Competition No. 6 . Collect a first aid kit for the victim.

    Each team is invited to choose from the list in the first aid kit when providing assistance: open lottery task :

    - 1. limb wound with bleeding;

    - 2. head injury:

    - 3. bleeding in the chest area.

    For each correctly chosen drug and action +1B.

    (ammonia solution)


    2. ANALGIN



    4. VALIDOL


    (potassium permanganate)


    14. GLUE BF





    Competition No. 7 . Erudite Competition. « Raised hand rule! »

    (whole team involved) in turn)

    Brain gymnastics.

      Today is Monday, and Vasya bought a ship ticket for the day after tomorrow. What day of the week does the ship leave the port? Wednesday

      -Glazed opening in the side of the ship? porthole

    3 -Before sailing, Vasya helped his mother clean the house. What soup did Vasya cook? Vasya has nothing to do with the departure.

      Why is the stop valve red on the train and blue on the plane?

    ( He's not there)

      - In what sphere can planes fly? ( atmosphere)

      What is the name of the direction shown on the compass in degrees? ( azimuth )

      - What NOT to buy in the store as a gift to the dearest person? ( health, love, understanding and other adjectives)

      - Why do ovens always whiten? ( sooty cracks are visible on white

      - Eyes - see, ears - hear, tongue tastes, and what is the name of the feeling when we recognize sharp, smooth, soft .. (touch …)

    Competition No. 8. : Establish compliance in rescue actions:

    - participants are offeredlottery with 3 situations:

    Write down the correspondence according to example 1-5; 3-4; 6-2 etc.

    - When shipwrecked

    1. Don't swim

    Hand 1


    Louder 3

    3. Scream

    behind the ship 5

    4. Unnecessary items

    Hope 7

    5. Don't lose

    Throw away 2

    6. Take care

    Clothes 4

    7. Don't drop

    Forces 6

    Combination:1-5, 2-1, 3-3, 4-2, 5-7, 6-6, 7-4.

    - On fire:


    Electricity 7


    Neighbors 6

    3. Shout out

    Fire extinguisher 5


    Help 4


    Fireman 3


    Windows 2

      turn off

    Florist 1

    Combination: 1-3, 2-5, 3-6, 4-1, 5-2, 6-4, 7-7.

    - In case of a terrorist attack:

    1. Help

    Terrorists 7

    2. To report

    Rescuers 6

    3. Call

    Directions 5

    4 .Remember

    Children 4


    Victims 3

    6. Take away

    Panic 2

    7. Soothe

    Assistants 1

    Combination: 1-3, 2-6, 3-1, 4-7, 5-5, 6-4, 7-2.

    Competition number 9. "Sit on a stump, eat a pie"

    You need to get ready for a trip in advance, the main thing is to properly stock up on food. After all, there, in the forest or by the river, there will be no store and a refrigerator. Products should be high-calorie and not perishable. Otherwise, you can get poisoned.

    Teams are offered (on sheets) a set of products, they need to choose products suitable for further trips, and mark them with a tick. The answer sheet is submitted to the jury.

    Mark +

    Grocery list







    Noodles dry.

    Required products: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25,

    The jury sums up the results of all competitions.


    TEAM "Firefighters"

    TEAM "Rescuers"



    Proverb competition.

    Safety at home, streets, social.

    Safe behavior with strangers.



    Rescuer competition attrauma

    Rescuers competition to collect a first aid kit.

    Competition-erudite Comrade.

    Set match.

    “Sit on a stump and eat a pie.


    While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, the team of the school "DYuP" read a poem.


    Don't let your uncle in the house
    If uncle is unfamiliar!
    And don't tell your aunt
    If mom is at work.
    After all, the criminal, he is cunning,
    Pretend to be a fitter.
    Or even say he
    That the postman came to you.
    He will show you the package
    (And under the arm a gun).
    Or he put on a robe
    And under it, about five grenades!
    And the "old woman" hurries after him
    She has a gun in her bag.
    Everything happens in life
    The one who opens the door.
    So that you don't get robbed
    Not seized, not stolen
    Don't trust strangers
    Close the door tight!


    To keep you from shedding tears

    rain stream,

    never meet

    By the hand you are with the current!

    To be closer to the sun.

    I climbed on the roof in winter.

    Slipped, hit the ground...

    Saved me a big snowdrift!

    Everyone with a thimble needs to sew,

    To protect your fingers.

    Even though he looks unimpressive,

    He will tame the needle!

    Do not yell in your friend's ear

    He might be deaf.

    Don't talk to the deaf

    You will only write letters.

    We live with electricity

    Fun, great!

    But stick your nose into it

    Scary and dangerous!

    Wide open and no hat

    It's fashionable to walk like this.

    Only mods will have to

    Pour tears from injections!

    Run around the apartment with a fork

    You can do hara-kiri!

    Don't remember if it

    You will eat a cutlet with a spoon.

    Good! Spring is coming!

    Ice is falling from our feet.

    Raise your nose

    There's an icicle flying from the roof!

    Most importantly, guys, to make you understand that many accidents can be prevented by following the most basic safety rules.






    Bunch of detectors





    our officer on duty,







    LIGHTER felt

    our duty officer CALLED

    To service number "01"!

    DYUPovtsev WARNED














    From the performance of the Team of Children's and Youth Union "Iskra" of boarding school No. 5, Nizhneudinsk, at the regional competition "Young Rescuer". Angarsk, 2011

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