April Fool's Day in the second younger. Leisure scenario "April Day" in the second junior group. Excursion "Learning to enjoy nature"

Marina Smirnova
Entertainment scenario "April Day" in the younger group of kindergarten

Entertainment Scenario« April Fool's Day» v junior group of kindergarten


Formation of positive feelings and emotions through a smile and emotional perception of the cheerful mood of children.


Give children as many happy smiles as possible.

Make the holiday unforgettable.

Develop collaborative skills

Event progress:

A clown with a painted chest runs into the hall.

Hello kids.

Girls and boys!

I came to tell you:

“You can start the holiday!”

But first, let's get to know each other. Guess who I am?

That's right, I'm a clown. My name is Bantik! Remember? Well, repeat everything in unison.

Well done! And what is your name? (Children answer all together in chorus)

Oops, someone forgot their name. Let's all three or four together one more time. Here is another matter! Here we met.

Friends, do you know what holiday is today? April 1 - April Fool's Day, jokes and fun. In that day everyone is having fun and playing pranks.

All of you without exception

Adventure awaits today!

Let's play games

We will sing and dance.

But first we need to unravel the magic chest, and for this you need to read funny poems by April 1st.

1st child.

Celebrating a holiday laughter.

That's fun, that's fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a mix for lunch!

2nd child.

Not every day but every year

It happens the other way around.

And the first of April

We don't trust anyone!

3rd child.

We live the best

Because with us laugh!

we will not part with them anywhere,

Wherever we are, we laugh!

4th child.

If you have a laugh in your mouth

Suddenly accidentally falls

Don't get angry, don't grumble

Laugh, chuckle.

Children read comic poems, a magic chest opens, and there is a surprise - small caps on their heads for children. The clown helps the kids "dress up".


Oh how I want to play! Do you like games? I can't hear you well! Let me now ask you questions, and those who love games and jokes, answer loudly - I am!

1. Game. "Who loves games?"

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?



Ice cream?



And the butt pads?

Who loves to sunbathe?

Who loves to yell?

Swimming in a dirty puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Sing and dance?

What about playing?

We just can't live without laughter We need it like air and water. So let's play a game to cheer up "The sea is worried!"

2. Game: "The sea is worried!"

One leader is selected, stands in the center of the circle, the rest of the children dance around him to cheerful music, and when the music subsides, they stand in a pose, freeze. And the leader catches those who moved. The first one caught becomes the next leader.

We blow on small balloons so that they fly into the hoop. Repeat 2 times

4. Game:"Find a shoe"

Two teams of 5 players take off their shoes and pile them up about 10 steps in front of them. Shoes should be well mixed so that from afar no one can recognize exactly their own.

Both teams line up and the first player in line runs to the pile and looks for his shoes. When he finds him, he dresses her and runs back to his team. The next player in line does the same, and so on until all team members are shod again.

Now let's all dance together! To the music, children repeat the movements of the clown

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster.

I invite everyone

Get in a circle soon!

5. Dance "Lavata"


Let's learn the words to our song

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our cheerful dance -

This is Lavata

Clown: Are our hands good?

Everything: Good.

Clown: And the neighbor?

Everything: It is better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

Clown: You feel hot? Are you blushing on your cheeks?

You must have been tired of the dance!

Now for the rest - the game,

It's time for you to rest!

The clown is thinking


For lunch son Vanya

Mom cooks soup in ...

in glass? in a saucepan!

Yulia's mother asked

Pour some tea for her...

pot? into a cup!

And in Voronezh, and in Tula,

Children sleep at night...

on the chair? on the bed!

I was able to choose

a couple of mittens for...

for legs? for hands!

Frost crackles in the yard - you hat dress for…

on the nose? on your head!

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...

Sausage? Cake!

Always dressed in sliders

Sleeping in the garden with a pacifier...

Grandfather? Brother!

cold place

In our house it is…

Stove? Refrigerator!

To iron a T-shirt, shorts,

Mom plugs in...

clock? Iron!

To my little sisters

Bought for the summer...

Felt boots? sandals!

Let's pick a bunch of flowers

And now we will weave ...

hat? Wreath!

At Irishka and Oksanka

Tricycles are…

Sled? Bicycles!

The bunny went out for a walk

the paws of the hare are exactly ...

five? four!

Look at the bird

The bird's legs are straight ...


Let's test your acting skills

7. Game: "Young Artists"

Need to portray a person:

who just ate well,

whose shoes are tight,

a person with a headache

the person who laughs the loudest.


What good fellows you are. Thank you guys for the holiday. You are so funny, smart, attentive. I really liked you. In a year I will definitely come to you for a holiday laughter and fun.

The clown says goodbye to the children and leaves them a souvenir "magic" caps.

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Holiday scenario in the first junior group: "April Day". Purpose: formation of the need for communication with peers; social contacts; development of the ability for joint actions in everyday life and play.

Day of laughter in the second junior group. Scenario

Purpose This material is designed to create a cheerful mood in children.
Description. The entertainment scenario "April Day" is intended for younger preschoolers, as well as teachers and other interested people.
author Ryzhkova Tatyana Ivanovna
Target. Creating a festive mood in children.
- Increase the emotional mood of children.
- Strengthen the skills of joint games.
- Give ideas about the celebration of April Fool's Day.
Cute carefree baby laugh
A brook murmurs, merging into rivers,
Even next to a gloomy person
He smiled at the fun.
How good are the childhood days!
Let no one darken their world,
And as long as possible them in silence
The sun shakes on its rays.
M. Bell

April 1 - April Fool's Day. Why? Perhaps we are trying to cheer ourselves up and appease Mother Nature with our mischievous fun after hibernation.

To the ability to laugh, it is desirable to accustom children as early as possible. Not everyone knows how to be able to joke and have fun in a kind way, but having learned once in childhood. this will help to maintain a good life mood in the future.

Guys, do you know what holiday is today? April 1 is the day of laughter. jokes and fun. On this day, everyone has fun and organizes pranks. We just can't live without laughter. We need it like air and water. So let's play the game "The sea is worried" to cheer up
Clowns run into a group or into a hall.
-We've been forgotten!
We want to play too!
The game "The sea is worried" is being played, one leader is chosen, stands in the center of the circle, the rest of the children dance around him to cheerful music, and when the music subsides. stand frozen in a funny pose. The host chooses the one he liked the most. The game is played 3-4 times.

Guys, we forgot to meet the clowns, let's get acquainted.
Competition-game "Acquaintance" is held.
1 clown
- Hello, hello guys! Hello adults too! Guess who I am!?
- That's right, I'm a clown. My name is Bom! Remember? Well, repeat everything together in chorus. Well done!
2 clown
- I'm a clown too. My name is Bim! Let's repeat to remember better. Well done! And what is your name? (children answer all together in chorus)
-Ouch. someone forgot their name. Let's all sing along one more time. three or four ... Now that's another matter! What is your mom's name? What about dad? (children call names together)
1 clown
- Well, that's how we met.
2 clown
Well, do you want to play with us again? I can't hear you well! Let's now Bim and I ask you questions, and those who love games and jokes, answer loudly - me! So. begin!
-Who loves games?
-Who loves cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
-Ice cream?
- Treasure?
-And the butt pads?
-Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
-Swimming in a dirty puddle?
Who doesn't wash their ears?
-Sing and dance?
-What about playing?
Well, everyone loves to play, then let's continue...
Guys, clowns not only know how to amuse people, they know how to walk on a tightrope, somersault, train animals...
- And we know how to show tricks!
Clown tricks (depending on what educators can do)
Guys, do you know that in addition to clowns, different animals also perform in the circus. Get in a circle, let's show a dance about animals.
Children dance to the music "Giraffe has spots" along with clowns
And clowns are very mobile and athletic. In the morning they do exercises and harden. They love to perform different beautiful movements. Are you good at moving? Do you listen carefully?
1 clown
- Then I'll play with you now!
A logarithmic game "Repeat" is being carried out (hands in a fist on a barrel ...)
Did you enjoy playing with clowns? And let's dance with them and with their parents.
Everyone is dancing the dance of the little ducklings.
We enjoyed playing with you so much!
We enjoyed dancing with you so much!
-What we want to give you gifts as a keepsake.
Clowns give gifts to children, say goodbye and run out of the room

I want to think
Such machines
To be able to do
Live mixes.
So that these laughs
Everywhere they hurried
So that the most gloomy
they laughed.
V. Kudryavtseva

Leading greets children with words:

Everyone, everyone, everyone!
Welcome everyone!
Everything is ready for fun!
Dance, sing, have fun
And let laughter reign everywhere.”

Today you have come to the Feast of Laughter. People say: “The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!”
Because: April 1 is humor,
April 1st is a joke
April 1 is laughter and smiles on your faces!
- Oh, guys, who's knocking there? Who is in a hurry to celebrate with us?


Hello, hello guys! Hello adults too! Guess who I am!

That's right, I'm a clown. My name is Bantik! Remember? Well, repeat everything in unison.

Well done! And what is your name? (Children answer all together in chorus)

Oops, someone forgot their name. Let's do it all together one more time - three or four ... Now that's another matter! Here we met.

Do you know why I came to you?

Certainly! Today is the day of laughter, this is, so to speak, my professional holiday. After all, my profession is to amuse everyone around.

Do you guys like laughter, fun, jokes? And do you like to play? Let's find out now!

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am! So!

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?


And the baskets?

And who loves cake?

What about ice cream?

What about chocolate?

What about marmalade?

Who loves treasure?

And the butt pads?

Who loves to sunbathe?

Who loves to yell?

Swimming in a dirty puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves to sing and dance?

What about playing?

Well then, let's play kids.


Bantik, look how the guys in the older group can play. Get out guys. Game "Smooth Circle"


What good fellows! What an interesting and fun game.


Why not listen to us in the faces of fiction?

Fables in faces
They sit in the lights
cracking nuts,
Let them make laughs.
Do you want to know which ones?
But what!

Several guys read fairy tales.


The village was passing by a peasant,
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.

Popped out a stick
With grandma in hand

And let's beat the horse on the man ...

Early in the morning in the evening
Late at dawn
Uncle rode on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And behind him then at full speed
jumping with your feet,
The wolf tried to swim
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up at the sky
There's an earthquake
From behind a cloud, jam dripped on him.


What funny stories.


Bantik, do I know that the guys in the middle group like to dance? Really guys? Then get out.

"Dance of little ducks"


And the girls of the older group will sing funny ditties to us.

Comic ditties

Oh, girlfriends, ditties
We'll sing today.
Let them remember for all the years
How we have fun.

I painted myself
Blanket with black paint.
Red cat slept on it -
Became a striped tiger.

Lazy in the morning Vova
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him.
She combed her tongue.

Allah is at the table today
I dozed off at the plate
Pinocchio sat down with her
And he ate compote and porridge.

Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand.

Two hours in Yulia's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad
And now we would like -
For you to clap!

Leading:- Well done! Thank you girls!


Guys, do you like relay races? I have prepared some interesting tasks for you.


I propose to compete with the guys of the preparatory group.

Relay race "Transfer

Clown: What clever, funny guys! Sit down please.

Clown(to the host): I look at you and think, are you or are you not?

Leading: What did they pour out? I didn't spill anything.

Clown: Yes, I didn’t pour it out, I say: “Are you, aren’t you?”

Leading: Oh howl! Who howled?

Clown: No, I'm saying - are you, aren't you?

Leading: I didn't howl.

Clown: Well, they didn't howl.

Leading: Yes, do not understand you ... What do you want? You are probably the only one who knows what you want to say.

Clown: No, I'm not alone. And we are all.

Leading: Who are we?

Clown: You, we, you, me. (Shows with a gesture.)

Leading: Ah, washed! And who are the unwashed?

Clown: Who are you talking about? Isn't it about me?

Leading: What has been changed?

Clown: Am I talking about me?

Leading: Oh, didn't they change? What hasn't been changed?

Clown: I'm telling you, isn't it about me?

Leading: No, we can’t figure it out in any way ... Let's play better with the guys.

Clown: Guys, do you want to play? Now I will check how attentive you are.

The game "It's me and all my friends!"

If the answer is negative, everyone is silent, and if it is positive, they answer with the phrase “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”

Which of you does not walk gloomy,

Do you love sports and exercise?

Who keeps the clothes

Does he put it under the bed?

Who knows what the red light is

Means: no move?

Who goes to bed early

In dirty shoes on the bed?

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?

Which of you, from the kids,

Walks dirty to the ears?

Which of you, going home,

The ball drove on the pavement?

Who loves to help mom

Throwing rubbish around the house?

Who likes to answer in a group,

Get applause?

Clown: Well done!

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end.

Clown: And I want to play with the guys. I have interesting riddles for them.

Leading: Guys, do you want to solve riddles?

Clown: Then listen.

Questions - riddles

I'll ask tricky questions.

If the answer is negative,

Please answer with "no"

And affirmative - then

Say the word "yes" out loud.

I have no doubt guys

Every mind has a chamber

But I have some advice for you:

Answers "YES", answers "NO"

Don't rush to give

Think hard and speak.

The builder builds cities.

Do wasps build honeycombs?

Cars are given the green light


Skinny boy, like a skeleton

EASY to lift the barbell?…

Pedestrians have a dream -

Stumbling, collapse INTO THE PIT?...

When the cold comes

All moose fly south?

We bake cheesecakes FROM ICE

In a hot oven, right? ...

You will answer me without difficulty:

cherry blossoms in winter?

We put the cups in the cupboard.

Shall we put a SOFA there? ...

The snow melts - there is water in the streams.

Does it happen in spring?

The elephant sits on the wires,

For dinner, right?

The toad doesn't have a tail.

Does the cow HAVE it? ...

Mommy WILL BUY me candy

Because I'm lazy...

In a trolleybus, having bought a ticket,


The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys, I.

The account has come to an end.

Who is not mistaken - well done!

And who made a mistake, even a little bit,

Not well done, but a hammer!

Leading: Let's invite the kids to dance.

Clown: Thank you guys for the holiday. You are so funny, smart, attentive. I really liked you. In a year I will definitely come to you for a holiday of laughter and fun!

Purpose: development of a positive self-perception associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence. Arouse interest in the characters of the holiday. To give children joy and pleasure from the holiday.

The holiday is held in the gym. There are funny songs.

Klepa and Iriska run out:

Klepa: Attention! Attention!

Toffee: Pampering, fun, laughter

We invite you to the hall

The day of laughter begins!

Children: Hurrah!

Klepa: I love to be mischievous

Do you want me to teach you? (referring to the guys)

Cheer up the bangs merrily (tears hair)

Put freckles on your nose.

And shout "Chubu, chubu!" (Like an Indian, he hits his lips with his palm and screams)

And I'll lead the hall!

Well, hold hands

Become cheerful in a circle.

If you are cheerful today, do this ... (Klepa shows movements)

Guys repeat

Klepa falls to him, Iriska runs.

Toffee: Cute Klepa "Oh yeah oh"

Are you deaf from screaming?

The workout is over, friends.

I invite everyone to play!

Cheerful music sounds in the hall, the Distracted Runs in from Baseyannaya Street.

Absent-minded: Guys, I was in such a hurry, I ran so

Sorry sir, I'm a little late

Klepa: Look, he pulled on his heels

Gloves again

Toffee: Instead of a hat on the go, he put on a frying pan.

Klepa: How many guys do we have

Do you want to become scattered?

Toffee: You see, everyone is silent with us

They want to be the same!

Absentminded: Of course, I don't believe you.

I will check you myself

Klepa: We are not afraid, check!

Absent-minded: Come on, be the first to answer

"Flies - does not fly" (Klepa gets confused and asks for help from the guys)


And the garden bed?

Children's doctors?

Jackdaws and rooks?

Are cats mustachioed?

Are tigers striped?

Red tomatoes?

Are swans beautiful?

Fast missiles?

Writers' portraits?

Green frogs?

Down pillows?

Planes and pilots?

Vegetables in the garden?

Chairs and tables?

Gray elephants?

Doves and sparrows?

With deuces notebooks, books?

Guys and girlfriends?

Delicious tarts?

Mosquitoes and midges?

Here the game is over.

Thank you all friends.

Klepa: Thanks, guys helped me answer!

Absent-minded: Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile

We can't live without a smile!

Everyone sings V. Shainsky's song "Smile".

Toffee: I ask those who love games and jokes to say "I" loudly.

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?

Washing gums?



Ice cream?



And the butt pads?

Who loves to sunbathe?

Who loves to yell?

Swimming in a dirty puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves to sing and dance?

What about playing?

Toffee: I announce a contest

Soap bubbles:

Who inflates more

Brighter and faster.

1 competition "Soap fantasies". This competition takes into account the size of soap bubbles, the duration of their "life", flight range and iridescence.

2 competition "Pass the ball." Children pass the balloon around while the music plays. The child who has the ball after the end of the music is out.

3 competition "Kangaroo". 2 children are playing. Everyone pinches the ball with their knees and in this position jumps to the pins and back. Who is faster, he won.

4 competition "Carry the ball with your stomach." 2 pairs of players play. Each couple pinches the ball with their stomach without the help of a hand in this position runs to the skittles and back. Whose pair is faster, she won.

5 competition "Baba Yaga". 2 players play. Each participant puts his right foot in a bucket (stupa, and with his right hand holds the bucket by the handle. The left foot is on the floor, and the left hand holds the broom. Whoever gets to the skittles faster in this position and comes back, he won.

6th competition "Funny Matryoshkas". Participants of the game need to tie a scarf on a balloon. The one who completes the task faster wins. Clowns hold the balls by the string.

Klepa: So our holiday of laughter and jokes has come to an end, but you can continue at home.

Toffee: The holiday is over, the meeting is over,

The hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and warmed everyone

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this fun April Fool's Day!

We wish you happiness, health, success!

Cheerful music sounds, the children leave the hall.

Varvara Albertovna Yurchenko
Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group for the Day of Humor and Laughter "We know how to have fun, laughter is useful to health"

Program tasks:

To acquaint children with calendar holidays;

Explain the meaning of the word humor;

Develop emotional responsiveness, sense of humor;

Create a positive emotional mood, a feeling of joy and fun;

Cultivate a sense of empathy, exercise the ability to distinguish and name various emotional states: sadness, joy, anger, resentment, etc.

Equipment: doll - Parsley, maracas, rattles, object pictures "emotions", soap bubbles.

Preliminary work: memorization of comic songs and nursery rhymes.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, look what a big letter I found today near our door early in the morning when I came to work. Let's see what's in it.

The teacher opens the envelope and examines with the children pictures that depict little men with different emotional states.

2. Picture conversation:"The mood is different."

Children name the depicted emotions and depict them with facial expressions of their faces.

Teacher: Which picture do you like the most?

Yes, you are right guys, it's very cool when our faces smile, let's smile at each other, because today is not an easy day, today is April 1st - the day of laughter. On this day, everyone jokes and laughs, trying to cheer each other up, and laughter adds health and joy. There is even a profession such a comedian, from the word humor. Humor is what makes us laugh, and a humorist is someone who comes up with different jokes and funny stories.

Where did you guys have a lot of fun, who made you laugh?

Children: It's fun at the circus, there are funny clowns joking all the time.

Educator: Guys, it seems to me someone is crying outside the door, I'll go and see.

Look, it's Petrushka - a fun toy! Why are you crying, what happened?

Parsley: That's why I'm crying .... I'm a fun toy, and my name is Petrushka .... every day the same thing, I'm tired of amusing everyone, I have no more strength ... crying. Nobody ever makes me laugh.

Educator: Wait, Petrushka, don’t be upset, today is such a wonderful day - the day of laughter. If you want, we'll have fun. Cheer Petrushka guys?

Parsley: How are you going to amuse me?

Teacher: It's very simple. Do you want us to tell you a funny tale of the tongue?

3. Articulation gymnastics"There lived a cheerful tongue-chok-chok"

Once upon a time there was a cheerful tongue-chok-chok. Behind the teeth on the lock-ok-ok. He woke up one morning and looked out the window like this (showing the articulation exercise “Needle”) the children repeat after the teacher.

He wanted to take a walk, but before the walk he needed to refresh himself and decided to drink tea with jam, and the jam was so tasty and he licked his lips like this (showing the articulation exercise “Delicious Jam”).

Then the tongue again looked out the window and looked around like this (showing the “Watch” articulation exercise).

I saw a swing and wanted to ride like this (showing the articulation exercise “Swing”).

He rode on a swing and it became so fun for him and he sang la-la-la, la-la-la, and then he began to mumble cheerfully like this - children play with tongues bl-bl-bl.

Educator: Look guys - now Petrushka has already smiled. We also know how to play with our fingers.

4. Finger gymnastics.

The spider walked on a branch,

And the kids followed him.

(Arms crossed; fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

Rain from the sky suddenly poured,

(The brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).)

Washed the spiders to the ground.

(Slap hands on table/knees.)

The sun began to warm

(The palms are pressed to each other with their sides, the fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining).

The spider crawls again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch.

(Actions are similar to the original ones, "spiders" crawl on their heads.)

So our fingers amused us.

Do you want us to sing a funny song for you? And you take maracas and play along with us.

5. Performance of a comic song.

On the fence, nonsense ate jam

Ate a rooster fly this Sunday

There is a glass on the table, and a cockroach in the glass

Olya thought the raspberry bit off half

In store number five, everyone is surprised

Sausage went for a walk jumped cookies

Between heaven and earth the pig rummaged

And inadvertently hooked on the sky with his tail.

Parsley: How great, what a funny song I have never heard, you can die with laughter ... the fly ate the rooster-ha-ha-ha, the sausage went for a walk where it has been seen ... laughs. Thanks guys, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. And now I will play with you.

6. Imitative play"Do like me"

Parsley shows different funny faces and movements, and the children repeat.

Educator: That's how fun we are, it's time to dance.

7. Dance "Boogie Woogie".

Leg right forward, and then her back

Left leg forward, and then back

And then again forward and shake a little

We dance boogie-woogie turning in a circle

Let's clap our hands cha-cha-cha!

Right handle forward and then back

And then again forward and shake a little

We dance boogie-woogie turning in a circle

Let's clap our hands cha-cha-cha!

Handle left forward and then back

And then again forward and shake a little

We dance boogie-woogie turning in a circle

Let's clap our hands cha-cha-cha

Right ear forward, and then back

And then again forward and shake a little

We dance boogie-woogie turning in a circle

Let's clap our hands cha-cha-cha!

Left ear forward, and then back

And then again forward and shake a little

We dance boogie-woogie turning in a circle

Let's clap our hands cha-cha-cha!

Parsley: This is fun, I have never had so much fun. Great, thank you friends, you saved my mood, I want to make everyone laugh again. I have a present for you.

Do you love soap bubbles?

Children: Yes, how.

8. Game-attraction with soap bubbles.

Parsley says goodbye:

The holiday is over

The hour of parting has come

They joked, played, warmed me

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this is a fun April Fool's Day

And I won't forget about you!

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