Sports game quest. Game-quest "We are for a healthy lifestyle!". The task for the quest script climb into the hoop without opening your hands

natalia zasemkova
Scenario of sports leisure on the street. Quest "Treasure Search"


Formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity of children;

Creation of conditions conducive to the consolidation of friendly relations within the children's team.



1. Develop cognitive interest

2. Develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity

3. Development of physical.


1. Promote the development of attention, coordination abilities

2. Contribute to the rallying of children in a team


1. To cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, an attentive attitude towards others;

Welcome children to health island! Explain the meaning of the game, choose a captain and a place to store parts of the map!

Pirate: Hello kids! I lost the magic key and now I don't know how to open the magic chest with gold. Can you help me?

caregiver: Certainly. help, but how?

Pirate: I heard from one fortuneteller that the key was broken, and its fragments were scattered on different islands, we need to find it. Well, are you ready for adventure, where will there be different tests on your way? So I bought a map from a familiar sailor. I just can't figure out how.

The pirate takes out a map, and the guys go in the direction indicated by the arrows to the first island.

1. Island "Warm-up".

Children are given the task to come up with movements and dance. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

2. Sea island.

On the island, it is proposed to find a leaflet with a task.

Task, game "Shark".

The driver is chosen - he is a Shark, the rest are marine inhabitants. The shark is hiding (sitting on a chair, the rest are playing.

An adult reads a poem, children perform movements.

In our sea, that's a miracle

Life is calm and beautiful.

Happiness and love reigns

Even the whale knows this. (children hold hands, make a big circle)

Here is a carp in the quiet sea

Surrounds the waves famously, (run around in circles)

A flock of little jellyfish

Together like a string of beads. (children line up, hugging each other tightly)

Swordfish and hammerhead dance

Forget about hunger. (dance randomly in pairs, depicting fish)

Dolphins are jumping

Arching your back straight. (jumping in place "soldier")

Quietly splashing wave

She is the protector of all. (stop in place, hands depicting waves)

But the shark is hiding far away in the cave,

And the formidable Shark goes hunting,

She says to her friends, clicking teeth:

"I'll cook for lunch today..." (Shark comes out, says any word)

If the leader (Shark) says something edible, then the children run away, the Shark catches up with them, whom it stained, takes them to itself. If it is inedible - the children freeze in place, the Shark looks carefully - whoever moves is enough.

3. Island of pictures.

Collect 2 puzzles.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move on the map to the next island.

4. Island "Obstacle Course".

Pass the obstacle course. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move on the map to the next island.

5. Island "Ball Trap"

The game: the fabric is stretched, and on top of the fabric throw balls, from below the children must knock them down.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move on the map to the next island.

6. Island "Jumpers".

Relay race "Jumping on fitballs". Divide the children into two teams, arrange in circles. On command, the guys alternately perform jumps on the fitball, passing it to the next one. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move on the map to the next island.

7. Island « Disorder» .

Collect scattered cubes, balls, bags in baskets. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

After that, the children are invited to run around the kindergarten building and run up to the person (recognizing him from a riddle).

Who are all the tales and riddles

And knows the verses by heart?

In dolls, balls, horses

Who plays to old age?

Who has all the questions

Got an immediate response?

Who takes everything out of the house,

Regardless of the budget?

Who can out of the box

Make a TV

Fix electrical plugs

Drive carnations into the wall?

Who is on the Christmas tree

The kids amuse

And just anyone

Is he pretending to be?

The teacher turns the collected picture into a real key. The key opens the chest, where sweet coins lie.


Compiled by Musina G.T. physical education teacher

MAOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 84 named after Gali Akysh"

The game QUEST on health stations is intended for students in grades 7-8, but participation in teams of older students is not excluded.

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyles;

    the formation of students' motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


In accordance with the route map received in their hands, the teams visit Health stations in turn, where the station managers set tasks for the teams, evaluate their performance and put the points earned on the route sheet. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


    Team building . Options: based on the class, the collective of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for the event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game must not exceed the number of stations. The composition of the teams should be as equal as possible in terms of the age of the participants and their number. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Props preparation. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared (Appendix No. 1), signs on the doors of offices with the names of stations, props at the station (see description of stations).

    Training of stewards at stations. The facilitators can be high school students, schoolchildren, teachers who have received the necessary installation and advice from the organizers of the event, aimed not so much at determining a team with a stronger level of training, but at expanding the horizons of students on healthy lifestyles.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where the winner is supposed to be revealed, the moment of awarding should also be present when summing up the results. As awards, there can be both medals according to the number of team members with a symbolic inscription “We are for a healthy lifestyle !!!”, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the organizer of the competition)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

And we are not here by chance. April 7th is World Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be healthy and exercise. To this end, we celebrate the Day of Health. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health is the most important value of human life. To become a resident of this country, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the correct daily routine, nutrition and hardening, love sports, not get sick, and if you happen to get a little sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.

Let's meet our participating teams. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, your team will be expected by station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the specified order of passage of stations will serve as a guide to the country. Station managers will enter the points you earn at the stations into these sheets. Keep in mind that the team that completed the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and the team that violated discipline while traveling through the country of Health will lose points.

Good luck! Have a good trip and new knowledge necessary for the future life!




Props: 2 sets of cards: the first - with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations.

Unfortunately, almost everyone gets sick. But our mother nature took care to help a person cope with his illnesses and ailments with herbs and plants. I have two sets of cards: one with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations. It is necessary to bring the cards in line with folk methods of treating diseases. For each correct answer - 1 point


1. Chamomile - sore throat

2. Raspberry - high temperature

3. Plantain -- cuts, abrasions

4. Mother and stepmother - cough

5. Nettle - sciatica

6. Celandine - skin diseases

7. Garlic - flu

8. Blueberries - diseases of the eyes

9. Valerian - a nervous breakdown

10. Kalanchoe - runny nose






Station manager's comment:

1. Name the diseases of "dirty hands".

Correct answer: gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, hepatitis, ascariasis, enterobiasis.

2 . What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

Correct answer: dysentery, cholera, helminthic diseases, hepatitis.

3 . How to avoid pediculosis?

The correct answer is: do not use someone else's comb, headdress, underwear, wash your hair more often.

4 . What are the measures to prevent influenza in winter.

The correct answer is: vaccination, dressing according to the weather, good nutrition, observing the daily routine, eating garlic, etc.

5 . Why can't you change clothes, shoes, hats?

Correct answer: you can get infected with various infectious and fungal diseases, lice.

6 . Explain why you shouldn't bite your nails.

Correct answer: there are a lot of bacteria under the nails, and there may also be worm eggs.

7 . What is caries? What does it come from?

Correct answer: this is the destruction of the tooth enamel, and then its other tissues; lead to caries: non-compliance with oral hygiene, the habit of gnawing hard objects that destroy enamel, taking cold food after hot food.

8 . What are vaccinations for?

The correct answer is that after vaccination, immunity against the disease is developed.

9 . What is the harm of smoking?

The correct answer is: substances contained in tobacco smoke poison the entire body, cause lung cancer, tuberculosis, blood vessels and the heart suffer, the brain reduces its efficiency, as brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, memory deteriorates, a person becomes inattentive, digestion is disturbed.

10 . Why is a bath useful?

The correct answer is: this is a hardening, vascular training procedure, improves blood circulation, harmful substances are removed with sweat, the skin is cleansed, all pores open, the body relaxes and rests.


№ 3

Props: completed in accordance with the terms of the competition first aid kit,

Red felt-tip pen, bandage, iodine, cotton wool, scissors.

Station manager's comment: Fast paced modern life requires a person to know the basic techniques and methods of providing first aid to himself or his loved ones. How much you possess such knowledge and skills will be shown by this stage of the competition.

Theoretical part: name medicines from the first-aid kit and indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir application.


1. Iodine - a disinfectant for damaged skin

2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes

3. Analgin - pain reliever

4. Aspirin - antipyretic

5. Paracetamol - antipyretic, with headache

6. Ammonia (ammonia) - with fainting

7. Activated charcoal - for poisoning, stomach pain

8. Valerian tincture or extract - nervous disorders, nervousness

9. Citramon - for headaches

10. Validol - for pain in the heart





Props: questions in this quiz.

Station manager's comment: Guys, let's check how informed you are about sports and healthy lifestyles. In life, knowledge is useful to everyone, and with it sport. And so we will offer you our sports crossword puzzle.

1. We play in this room. You need to have big growth

So that the enemy in the heat of the moment can score a goal with a ball. Basketball

2. It will help to develop the muscles of the hands, as of old,

Rubber sports equipment.Expander

3. I don't understand guys, who are you? Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard? - Don't interfere with the game

You'd better move away, we're playing...Volleyball

4. He plays hockey deftly, an Olympic champion,

He performed well for the army team.

In CSKA, he is like a beacon. This is Vladislav...Tretyak

5. And in football, and in hockey, everyone knows that team,

Because that team is called...Spartacus

6. What is the name of the competition of athletes? (competitions)

7. What sports competitions are held every four years? (Olympic)

8. Name the sports in which competitions are held on ice. (hockey, figure skating, speed skating)

9. In which sport is the ball played only with the feet? (football)

10. In what sport is the ball hit with a racket? (tennis, badminton)


№ 5

Props: stopwatch, hoop, pen, basketballs, jump rope

Station manager's comment: Movement is life! This slogan has already been tested by more than one generation of people. Only an active lifestyle, and even better - a sports and physical culture will help us save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all - from cardiovascular and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Teams need to complete tasks on time.

(The time spent on the task and the number of exercises performed in task No. 4 are entered into the team card. The jury puts down points based on all the results obtained in a comparative analysis).

1 TASK: Line up by the first letters of the last name in alphabetical order.

2 TASK: Relay race

3 TASK: All team members take turns climbing through the hoop, starting from the feet.

4 TASK: Throw the ball into the basket from the foul line



Props: Sheets of paper with the words of proverbs, sayings about sports and health

Station manager's comment:

1. Give time to sports - in return you will get health

2. The disease will not catch up with the fast and dexterous

3. Move more - live longer

4. Harden your bodies for good

5. Who saves on sports, he does not find health



Props: Projector, interactive game, laptop. Auditorium.

Station manager's comment:

An interactive game is displayed on the screen. Students choose the category and difficulty of the question. The number of points won for a correct answer. Thinking time 10 seconds.



    Remember and sing as many songs as possible about sports, health, physical education, exercise.


The Council of Station Managers and Event Organizers, based on the results of passing the stations by the teams listed in the route sheets, calculates the points and announces the results of the game.

The winners are being awarded.


Our journey has come to an end. We hope that you guys will want to visit this country of Health more than once, or maybe move to live in it. May your every day be filled with health, joy and a fulfilling life.

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save, improve health.

It is for a long journey -

The main condition.


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folk wisdom




not limited






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ROUTE MAP TEAM ____________________________


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folk wisdom




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folk wisdom




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folk wisdom




not limited






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folk wisdom




not limited
































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Scenario of the quest game "In search of the key to health" for children 4-5 years old

Target: consolidation of motor skills and knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
- to form the need for conscious physical activity, physical improvement as the basis of health;
- to promote the harmonious development of children;
- to educate children about the value of health;
- develop motivation to save your health.
Location: the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Driving route: sports ground No. 1, vegetable garden, knowledge corner, sports field No. 2, ecological corner.
Equipment: route map, envelopes with tasks and parts of the health key, 2 baskets, 10 hoops, healthy and unhealthy food (dummy), 2 hedgehogs, throwing rings, health track, tent, rugs.

Progress of the quest game

The sports ground is decorated with balloons, music plays, children enter the playground and form a circle.
FC instructor:- Hello guys! How many of you know why people greet each other and say: “Hello!” ? (wish you health)
What is health and what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers)
- All people want to be healthy. No one wants to get sick, lie in bed, drink bitter medicines. Therefore, today I invite you to search for the key to health. When we find all the constituent parts, we can learn the secrets of health.
Zdorovyachok enters the site:
- Hello guys! I heard that you are going in search of the key to health. But you need to know where and what to look for. That's why I brought you a map with a route to follow. By completing tasks, you can find the key of health. I will go with you and help you.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Healthy. I suggest doing a warm-up before you go in search.
1. Warm-up "If you like it, then do it."
FC instructor: - Well done guys! Is everyone ready? Let's hit the road.
2. Walking the path of health:
- on stumps;
- by pebble;
- on the sand;
- on wooden sticks;

By pebbles;
- on stumps.
“Now we need to go faster and run.”
3. Running along the edge of the site.
4. Walking at a calm pace.
FC Instructor:- Guys, so we found the 1st envelope with you, it contains part of the health key. Let's see what is shown on it (charging).
What is the secret of health? (during morning exercises)
- Let's see in which direction we need to move on.
(everyone goes to the garden)
big guy: - Guys, why do you think the path to the garden is indicated to us?
What is there that helps us to be healthy? (children's answers)
- A wat and an envelope with a task for you.
5. Relay "Disassemble healthy and unhealthy foods."
big guy:- Well done boys! For the correct completion of the task, you get another part of the health key. Let's call it (proper nutrition).
FC instructor: fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen our body and help maintain health.
- And we are going further along the route!
(Come to the playground)
FC instructor: - children, why do you think we stopped here? What can you do on the sports ground? What helps a person to be healthy? (physical education)
- And here is the envelope with the next task for you.
6. Relay "Hit the target." You need to throw rings on the hedgehog's needles.
7. Jumping from hoop to hoop on 2 legs.
FC instructor: - well done and completed this task, for this you get one more part of the health key. What is on this part? (physical education).
(Children move on the map to the next point)
big guy:- Here we are in the corner of knowledge. Now look how well you know what to do and when to do it. (takes questions out of the envelope and reads them to the children).
What should you do after waking up from sleep? (wash, brush teeth)
What do children do in the morning? (charging)
When should you wash your hands? (before a meal, after a walk, as it gets dirty)
Do children need to sleep during the day?
When should you go outside?
Can kids stay up late?
Zdorovyachok: - you are smart! Here is the next part of the health key. What is this? (observance of the daily routine)
FC Instructor: - So we came on our map to our last destination Corner of Nature. I suggest everyone to sit on the rugs and relax after a long journey.
8. Relaxation. Let's close our eyes, imagine that you and I are in the forest. Let's sit quietly. Let's listen to the chirping of birds, how the leaves rustle in the wind. Perhaps you will hear some more sounds ... Now slowly open your eyes. Have a rest?
9. Facial massage "Washer"
Kittens washed their eyes and noses,
And cheeks and foreheads, even mustaches.
And a kind word to each other
Meowed in clean ears.
10. Breathing exercises "Fragrance of flowers"
Children take a slow breath. On the exhale, a long: "A-a-ah."
- What is the last part of the key of health? (camping)
FC instructor: - Guys, we found with you all the parts of the health key. Let's collect the key and remember what components the key of health consists of (exercise, proper nutrition, physical education, daily routine, outdoor recreation.
big guy:- guys, did you like our adventure? And what is your mood now? A good mood is also a guarantee of health. I really hope that you will always remember all the components of the key to health and observe them. You will also remind your parents of this.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Zdorovyachok, for your help. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
big guy:- do, children, physical education and be healthy! Goodbye!

Hello everyone, today we will upload a large selection of ideas and tasks for a sports quest. Here are ideas for children, teenagers and adults. Moreover, many adult tasks for the quest can be adapted for children, and vice versa - adults will be happy to play children's games built into the quest script. I divided all games, tasks, and tests into topics. Each task can be developed (complicated) or simplified (for young children). You can slightly change the task - take only the essence of the idea and implement it with other tools and tools. Any game you can insert into any episode of your turn based strategy game. Quests can combine sports and intellectual tasks, tasks for ingenuity, dexterity, coordination, and accuracy. You will find all this in our article. Let's see what quest games we have prepared for your scenario today.

Quest game for children.

The task of two teams is to fill the buckets with water - the team whose bucket is fuller in the allotted time wins. A whistle blows, children carry water, at the end we weigh a bucket on a scale or a steelyard (a hook with a weight dial).

Ways to carry water can be different. We choose the method according to the ability of the children. Hanging cups with a rocker stick - it is very difficult to keep the second glass on the weight while pouring the first one.

And you can pass glasses of water along the chain, but in an uncomfortable position - OVER THE HEAD.

Or you can deliver water using the TRANSFUSION method through a chain of cups. From the first glass to the second, from the second to the third ... and so on up to the bucket. Speed ​​is important and do not shed.

And to make the transfusion fun, you can do it like this. The idea for a sports quest-competition on a hot summer day in nature.

Quest game

WALKING at speed.

Quest teams can compete with each other in the speed of arrival from point A to point B ... This can be done in many ways.

Prepare simple items - WALKING ASSISTERS.
Scenario text: “The earth is teeming with scorpions or cannibal worms - you can’t touch the ground, but we must get into the cave to the wise She-wolf Sarum. Here the sorcerer gives us magic stilts - only on them we can go through the valley of cannibal worms.

As you can see - such stilts are easy to make by yourself - 2 sticks - the beam is not thick but strong (cut or wrap with tape so that your hands do not splinter (or give children gloves from splinters). At the bottom of each stick there is a footrest - a piece of timber (for two nails not to spin).

You can make snowshoes - wide boards. Text "According to legend, only a beast with two legs and two hearts can enter the portal." It just turns out that wide snowshoes for two players create such a beast - 2 hearts of two players their combined two feet.

The production is simple - pieces of leather from an old belt (or pieces of a car tire) that are stuffed onto the board with screws (through an iron gasket) - this is clearly visible in the photo above.

You can make rope multi-stupas. It is enough to drill holes in them and stretch the rope (as in the photo below).

And here is the solution if you need a THREE-LEGED mythical creature for the quest. We tie two pairs of legs with a rope and get a beast with three legs ... and move with each other.
Such a task is also suitable when a child works in tandem with an adult - quest games for uniting family relationships (dad - children, mother - child, family ties, dependence of family members on each other). A good idea for a quest or sporlandia for Dad's Day...

Quest game
task for adults and children
MOVEMENT with element replacement.

The essence of this task for the quest is that here MOVEMENT FORWARD occurs according to the principle of rotation of elements. The rear element is carried forward... again the rear element is carried forward...
In the photo below, everything is clear - the raft rolls on the barrels LIKE THIS, when the last barrel is released, it is removed. is transferred to the front of the raft, and placed under the raft in front, the raft runs over it and a new barrel is immediately released from behind ... it is also transferred forward under the raft ... and so on ...

Teenagers really like this element of the quest. Children are delighted. Everything is in business - there are 2 guys on oars (pusher sticks), there is a man who takes out the last barrel and a man on the bow of the raft who puts a new barrel under the front of the raft. The crew is running the ship is sailing.

It is easy for children to lift plastic barrels. Board - the usual cheap furniture board, or strong plywood.

You can use any cylindrical objects - for example, plastic pipes.

Rolling cylinders can even be human bodies (photo below). We put a soft foam mat on top and rolled forward. Such a quest task is suitable if the game is played indoors in a room with a smooth floor.
We begin the rotation of the bodies at the same time - on the count: one, two, three - we spin!
The released back log man runs forward and lies down in front of the mat, ready for a new collision.

If the cylinder raft option is EXPENSIVE in terms of money (buy pipes and barrels), then you can create other tools. And also move according to the principle of rotation ... we transfer the released rear element to the front.

just below we see how two participants move forward changing three elements with holders for arms and legs (regular boards ... tin blotches or doorknobs for hands .... rubber bands for inserting legs).

But a simple movement is not two elements (pieces of a rug, pieces of cardboard, oilcloths are suitable). Good to use in simple quests for young children.


ways of movement for the game-quest.

Below, let's see how else you can diversify the tasks for the quest in nature or in a spacious room.

Recall children's competitions in physical education. Movement in pairs - the trolley method.

But the movement with balloons sandwiched between the legs. Dropped the ball - stop, find it, hold it with your feet and go ahead. Do not be sad - the enemy can also mess up and you will break ahead.

But the game CATERPILLAR is a favorite fun for quests for both children and adults. The principle of movement is like that of a TANK TRACK. A team of players moves inside a giant caterpillar track.

A closed strip can be made by blinding with adhesive tape or sewing together pieces of a dense awning fabric, oilcloth for a greenhouse,

And you can mold such a model of a game engine from a newspaper and adhesive tape as in the photo below.

And here is another movement according to the principle of rotation - the last one becomes the first. Imitation of the game in the brook.
Only the participants of the brook stand on all fours with their booty up. The last player crawls under the stream and becomes the first (also on all fours) ... and the new last player crawls down to also become the first butt up. And so on until all players reach the goal of their movement.

You can move towards your goal in different ways. There are no limits to human ingenuity. Even regular plungers can be used to propel them to victory.

Any awkward ways to move forward are OK. Sneer, mock, make fun, figure out how to deprive people of comfort ... the harder it is, the funnier it is. And the main thing is to drive forward to victory.

Tight ropes can be an interesting quest-fun for climbing from above. Excellent agility exercise, team building and it can be adjusted to any quest scenario. It’s easy to explain why it’s necessary, maybe the taut ropes are the fetters of an evil witch ... maybe this magical forest extended branches to us so that we climbed over a terrible swamp .... figure out for yourself how to beat this element of the quest in your scenario story.

Quest task


Tug of war is classic fun. The winner is not the one who falls, but the one who moves the BANTIK beyond the line of his zone. Tie a scarf in the center of the rope. We draw two zones - each team pulls the rope to its own zone. This quest task will be won by the team that drags the bow into its zone.
The zone can be drawn with paint on the grass, it can be marked with a rope on the ground.

Or you can arrange a tightrope TO DELIVERY the enemy from his base. On the ground we establish bases (boxes, hoops-circles) The task is to displace the enemy from his fulcrum. An excellent quest task for a game with a sports power bias.

And you can make a RING-COUPLING from a rope, two or more players are placed in it and the task is to reach the base in order to put an object on the base - WIN THE FIGHT.

Task for the quest script
without opening hands.

But an interesting task for the quest for children and adults is to move the hoop along the chain of people with closed hands. The hoop must pass through all the players from the first to the last, you can’t unclench your hands, we climb and pass the hoop to the neighbor on the other hand. I saw how fat people play this game - funny, amazing, but they succeed.

Quest game task
Get more.

The task of the players is to collect a full box of popcorn. This product is poured into glasses that are attached with an elastic band over your shoes. You need to reach the box and pour out the contents of the glass without removing it from your foot. Difficult quest-task for children and teenagers.

Similarly, it is difficult to carry eggs in spoons. Instead of eggs, we carry empty containers from Kinder Surprises. The team that quickly transfers their eggs from one bucket to another wins. If the egg has fallen, you need to pick it up without hands, also with a spoon.

You can also fill baskets with balls from a dry pool in such a fun way. Just rolling on your stomach on a skateboard board with a basket in your hands. Two teams and two skates also work - two competing players take a place on the skate and they are given one minute to catch, then the next two players get the balls in their minute and so on until all the balls are collected. After that, the balls in the basket are counted and the winner is announced.

Quest games

for hand and foot coordination.

It is very difficult to pick up objects with your feet. Game for the quest collect the balls with your feet. A basin with water in it floats balls for a dry pool from which you need to catch and poison it in a basket nearby. If teams work, then they are given 2 balls per person.

Also, the quest team can collect plastic cups in a pile with the entire composition of the players at the same time, using only their toes.

Or the players (one minute per team) must collect as many rice or corn balls as possible into a box. We work not with our hands, but with Chinese sticks (or two pencils). Filled boxes are compared by eye or by the weight of a culinary scale.

And here (photo below) we collect M-Mdems sweets, sucking them on the tip of a cocktail tube.

If you have a large team of children and want to involve everyone at the same time, then you can organize an upside-down RELAY. Children lie on their backs, legs are raised and we pass a large object with our feet to each other.
In the scenario of the children's quest, this can be played as MONKEYS SHARE BANANA .... or you can transfer a teddy bear, like a bear jumping on ice floes ... think about your scenario and beat this element of the quest for your characters and their story.

Quest task


Game tasks for the quest can be fun and funny. Here is one of them. Here you need to fill the balls of a person. The team on a thin and frail person puts on clothes of large size and tries to fill it with balloons. The balls can be cut off from the garland which the hall is decorated with, it will disappear anyway, but the money has already been paid. You can pre-inflate the balloons yourself. And you can immediately inflate the whole brigade at speed and stuff it under the player’s clothes.
According to the quest script, such a task may mean that you create a giant who must fight the dragon.
Or maybe later arrange a battle between two giants- they will, like two sumo wrestlers, try to push each other's stomachs and bodies out of the "totami" wrestling mat. The video will be killer. Funny puffing with explosions of bursting balloons.

Or in your quest, you can prescribe the birth of two-horned good fairies ... Large tights are filled with balls and put on the heads of the players. The one whose horns are taller and more erect wins.

Quest game


Here I present a selection of team building games. The whole team should lead one common process for all. Each player acts as a vector force that directs the overall total movement of the object (gee, how abstruse). And it's easier - look at the photo.

The players together draw a given figure (company logo, letters, spiral) to hold by the ropes tied to the felt-tip pen. The team that did better and more evenly or faster wins.

A variation of the same game - but with blind artists and a sighted boss. An excellent game to find out how the department is able to carry out exactly the orders of the head and how the head is able to properly organize the work of people subordinate to him.

The blind method of the game is suitable if the quest is conducted among adults or smart teenagers.

Here is another option that is very popular with teenagers and adults. It is necessary to build a pyramid of glasses with a rope loop. The bottom row is built on the principle of tension pushing. But the upper rad is already more difficult, you need to clamp the cup with the side edges of the loop and lift it, land it in the right place without weakening the lateral tension of the loop.

Often we throw away the scraps of foam insulation, and you can make a fun labyrinth out of it. We glue strips of insulation in the form of maze barriers on cardboard (pizza box) or on wooden plywood.
At the base - along the perimeter - we drill holes, stretch the ropes and start the game process, you need to deliver the ball to the address - from the entrance to the labyrinth to its exit.

Or you can just glue the gymnastic hoop with a sheet of paper (adhesive tape) and cut a round hole on the side. The task is to drive the ball into the hole by manipulating the ropes in the same way.

For children, it will be easier and more interesting to transfer the balls from one basket to another while holding on to the ropes and controlling them. An excellent training for uniting the children's team (camp, class, kindergarten group). And a fun activity inside the quest script. You can beat this in different ways - depending on the theme of our quest.

It is also difficult to carry the ball on two ropes. It is difficult for children to hold the ball even on two sticks. But tight ropes are an even higher level of difficulty, for teenagers or adults. Try to take the ball with the ropes and move it to the basket. Working in pairs is a good thing. It pays and brings together. And fun and funny. And the rest of the team is rooting for you.

Games-tasks for a children's quest.
We move objects BY THE FORCES OF NATURE.

Air can move objects. Water can be an engine. Feel the power of nature. Feel how it works. Quests for the fun elements of the science quest.
Let's play who will blow the glasses off the table faster. Straws and empty plastic cups and a smooth table surface. Simple and easy quest game.

Move the inflatable ball with the power of the jet from the water gun. Two teams can drive their ball to the goal, whoever is faster wins.

Plastic cups can be hung on a strong thread between the post and the fence of the cottage. You need accuracy to hit a glass with a water pistol and make it come to the wall first.

Fun games for the quest

And here are two fun for the quest scenario, where the players must work simultaneously in DEFENSE and ATTACK.
As in the photo below - protect your ball on your leg, and at the same time try to burst the opponent's ball.
A double challenge. An excellent mobile game for the quest of any scenario group.

And here is a fun RUNNING game "Catch up and fill" ... Here, too, each player is an attacker and a defender. The players are divided into 2 teams - we tie white boxes on the back of one, the second gets blue boxes. The White team catches up with the Blues to throw a ball of paper (or a plastic ball or a Styrofoam ball) into their box. But at the same time, they must remember that the blue team players are chasing their own boxes on their backs.
That is, you yourself run away so that they don’t throw at you, and at the same time you yourself throw at opponents.

Quest game


This is where the neck will work. We put the cue ball in tights, put the tights on our heads and knock down skittles (water bottles, empty cans) with a cue ball. You can complicate the tasks and knock down a tangerine lying on a glass, but the glass itself cannot be knocked over. A difficult game of coordination of unusual muscles.

Quest game element


Here is a good idea for a quest game episode. We make a web from sticky masking tape and a hoop for gymnastics. We will throw wads of paper into it. The team with the most flies in the web wins.

You can make your own separate web for each team (2 hoops). And you can make a game for two teams in one hoop - but they will throw lumps of different colors - a team of white lumps and a team of newspaper lumps - the one whose lumps stick more to the common web wins. Good game for preschool children.

Game for children's quest.

It is necessary to fill the cups with colored fluffy balls exactly as shown in the picture next to the glass. We work in teams. Those who do it right and quickly win. The game is very popular with young children.

Quest game
Find candy.

Pour powdered sugar into a bowl, or put candy in flour (or a key to a treasure chest, or a note with a hint). The player must find it with his mouth and get it. A fun game for a quest. You can drip not in flour, which tickles your nose and makes you sneeze, but in a delicate, tasty cream (whipped cream or whipped protein cream, yogurt, cottage cheese). Think about how else you can change this idea.

You can pour fine river sand into a basin, hide the key in it and look for it with your toes.

Quest game.

Crystal Palace.

A palace with invisible walls of long spaghetti and soft marshmallow pieces needs to be built in 10 minutes. The team whose palace is taller wins. The game is suitable for older children. For small spaghetti, it is better to replace with toothpicks or skewers (not so brittle) or take shorter spaghetti (break in half, so it will be more convenient for children to work with them).

Balance task
for a children's quest.

It is necessary to fold a tower on the forehead of a neighbor from cookies, chocolate bars. Or other material that suggests itself according to the scenario of your quest. Let it be on topic.

Tasty task

to play the quest.

Eating at speed WITHOUT HANDS is not a problem. Especially when it comes to tasty things. Watermelon slices lying on a plate are easy, donuts hanging on a string are more difficult, an apple floating in a bucket of water is incredibly difficult. Think about what product suits your quest scenario, and decide how to eat it more difficult, but feasible for players of this age.

Game of erudition
Children's anatomy.

The team must in a short time remember the names of as many PARTS of the human BODY as possible, write these words on a sticker sheet and stick it in the area where the organ is located. Who remembered more and won this round of a fun quest. Suitable for any quest game scenario - body parts are a universal concept, it can be adjusted to any plot of any story ...

Games for erudition and logic for children's quests I will put in a separate article and then the link will work here.

Children's game for the quest
dexterous hands

It is necessary to make the ball fall into the hole - for each player in the team we give one ball. Those who quickly complete the task of this stage of the quest win.

Quest task
Blind architect.

Playing the blind architect is fun, especially for kids. This is very funny. Children fall to the floor with laughter, watching the blind attempts to put down the glass and not to drop the almost ready pyramid.

You can diversify this game and put not one but two blind builders into it. One can hold the tower and the other build floors. It will be funnier.
In the scenario of the quest - such a task can be entered into the theme of the NIGHT TASK, when we have to complete the task in the dark. As in fairy tales "build a palace in one night."

And here's another blind game. It is necessary to find by touch among all the figures given. Also find the black cat in the black room. The player feels all the toys, trying to find the cat. Or find a dinosaur from a photo. The child is given a photo of a figurine with a dinosaur, and he is looking for exactly this among other dinosaurs by touch. We mark the time with a stopwatch. We compare the time indicators of the two teams. Great game for kids quest.

And finally… you can set the time for speed quest tasks on your phone (stopwatch), or you can use an hourglass… or a pea clock… Think about what kind of attribute clock you can enter into the quest script for the desired theme and plot of the story.

The prizes that you will give to the participants of the quest can be SWEET MEDALS… like this…
For a child, this is the best gift for a completed quest.

Here are some interesting tasks and quest games you can offer your guests. Think about how to fit the ideas found here into the script. Something will fall on your story right away ... but something needs to be turned back and forth in order to understand how to change the game to suit your storyline and the logical stages of the quest-rpg.

Good luck with your game scenario. Successful completion of all stages of the quest.
Become a professional in organizing children's parties. And maybe this will be your calling.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Scenario of a sports quest for children 4-6 years old

"Fairy Paths"

Target: Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment-quest


contribute to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture.

to form motor skills and abilities;
to form children's ideas about the health impact
physical exercises on the body; teach team play.

develop speed, strength, dexterity, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;

to educate in children the need for daily physical exercise;
develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, interest in physical culture.

Educational areas: "Health", "Cognition", "Communication".
Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, cognitive, motor.

Whistle signal.

relay sticks. 2 pcs.

signals 2pcs.

big balls with ears 2 pcs.

cubes 4 pcs.

hoops 2pcs.

gymnastic stick-horses 2 pcs.

hint cards

gift prize



Hello dear guys! I am very pleased to see all of you today at our holiday! I invite you to take part in the exciting quest "Fairytale Paths". In order for us to come to the main prize, you will have to compete in strength, dexterity, ingenuity, speed!

Let's greet each other. (clapping)
now we will go on a short journey during which you will need to cope with the task. For each completed task you will receive a hint - a part of the picture, which at the end of our game you will have to collect in order to receive a prize. Which of the teams will be the fastest, the most agile, the most resourceful and, of course, the most friendly, we will soon see.

To achieve good results in competitions, you guys need to not lose heart and not be conceited. I wish you guys great success in our quest, I wish you victories, and all the teams: - Physical education!
Children: Hello!


Now for a little workout!

Every morning we do exercises!

We like to do everything in order:

Have fun walking (marching)

Raise your hands (exercises for hands)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jump)

Health is in order - thanks to charging!

Well, now you can go on the road to victory. You are ready?

Children: Yes!

Host: Well then, go ahead!

The teams, together with the leader, travel around the kindergarten, meeting cartoon characters and fairy tales.

Teams go to the first section to Shapoklyak.


Guys, do you recognize this lady?

Children: Shapoklyak!

Shapoklyak: Hello kids, girls and boys! How glad I am to see you all! I promise not to offend.

To become agile an athlete

Here is the relay for you!!!

Let's run fast together

You really need to win!

And for the victory, I will give you a hint that will lead you to the prize.

Relay number 1.

Inventory: baton.

The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the signal and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. And he gets a part of the picture with the cartoon character.

Shapoklyak (upset): Oh, are you leaving already?! And I want to travel with you, please take me with you, I will be good, I promise.

Host: Of course Shapoklyak, come with us.

The teams go to the second section to Masha (from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

Masha: hello guys! Do you like to jump on balls? And now we'll check it out!

Relay number 2.

Equipment: balls.

The first participant from each team sits on a large ball and jumps around the signal, then comes back. Passes the ball to the next player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Masha: Dear guys, I suggest you take a break and play a game of attention with me. Let's get up from our seats. I will show you cubes of different colors.

What color is this cube? (Raises blue. Children answer)

When I pick up the blue - you need to clap, green - stomp, yellow - to be silent, red - cheers. (Game in progress)

Masha: Well done! Well, I wish you good luck!

Host: Thank you Masha, goodbye and thanks for the cherished hint.

Are the teams ready? Line up! (Whistle signal)

King: Hello guys, how nice to see you. I heard you are athletes, you can jump, run and jump. Play relay races. Do you know how?

Host: We can, dear King. Only we still need hints that will help us get the main prize. Really guys?! We are ready for the test.

King: well then I'll check you now!

Relay №3.

Equipment: hoops.

The first to pass the baton are the captains. The team captain stands in the center of the hoop, holding it with his hands. On command, the captains run around the signal, comes back, where the next team member clings to the hoop from the outside. Together they run until the signal runs around it, the second participant remains at the signal, and the first participant returns for the next one. The relay continues until the entire team is behind the signal. The fastest team wins.

King: well done! Here's a hint for you. (gives picture)

King: but I still have one more task! I really like riddles for everyone! Do you like riddles?

Children: Yes.

King: Well then, listen.

He gives them riddles. Whose team will name more answers, that gets the next part of the picture.

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,
I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (Exercise)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a seat.

There are knitting needles, they, to be honest,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I'm calling, then you know. (A bike)

I'm not riding a horse

And the tourist on the back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearable!

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she - through me. (Rope)

Their feet are fast and agile.

That is sports ... (Sneakers)

King: well done, here's another card for you!

Host: Thank you dear King! And we guys are moving on.

Children go to the sports area, where the last task awaits them. Host: Guys, you completed all the tasks, got parts of the picture, but one team has one part, and the other has the second. And to get one picture, we need to combine our efforts.

Children put the pieces together and get an image of Pinocchio.

Host: Guys, let's call him!

The children's name is Pinocchio. Pinocchio is riding a horse.

Hello guys, you called me?

Children: Yes.

Pinocchio: Well, here I am. I really want to play with you. Shall we play?

Children: Yes.

Runs a relay.

Relay №4.

“Riders” (teams stand in columns. The first two participants hold a gymnastic stick between their legs. On a signal, they start running until the signal, run around it, return and pass the gymnastic stick to the next pair).

Moderator: - Today there are no losers in our competitions - everyone won, because. competition helped you make friends with the sport. Friendship won. And friendship, as you know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other the kindest smile we can.

But after all, we completed all the tasks and passed all the tests. We collected the picture and became the winners. Pinocchio, we are waiting for the prize!!!

Pinocchio gives a gift.

Moderator: And here we sum up,

Whatever they are.

We will be friends with sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And then we'll be strong.

healthy, skillful,

Both smart and brave.

Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! Be healthy, see you soon!

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