Where to download and how to install minecraft. Download and install

Installing Minecraft on your computer is quite simple, regardless of which version you need 1.5.2, 1.7.2 or another. It won't take long if you are at least a user-level computer savvy.

For the Minecraft client to work, you need to have Java installed on your device. Go to java.com, select your operating system version and download the utility. Run the setup file and restart your computer.

Then you can start downloading and installing the game client itself. You can find two versions of Minecraft: free and paid. To install the latest version and updates of Minecraft, you should go to minecraft.net and download the download file. The paid version costs about 500 rubles, while you will have access to the entire set of features that you can use in the game over the network on various servers. Also, to get started, you can try using the demo version, for which you do not need to pay. There are clients for mobile devices based on iOs and Android.

To download the file for installing Minecraft, you must first register on the site.

On the desktop, you can see the Minecraft shortcut after the installation is complete. Double click on it. In the window that opens, enter your login, which was indicated when registering on the site, select the game option (network or single player) and enjoy the construction and battles in the cube world.

How to install crack for Minecraft 1.5.2 or 1.7.2

If you know English well, then the version of the game installed from the official website will suit you perfectly. However, if you want to play Minecraft in your native language, you need to install the crack for Minecraft.

To do this, download a special add-on from any site dedicated to the game or from a torrent and start making changes to the Minecraft folder.

Find it through "My Computer". Remember which path you prescribed when installing Minecraft itself, or go to the place where the games are copied by default. Open the folder there

"bin". In it, find the Minecraft.jar file, right-click on it and select the "Open with an archiver (Zip, Rar)" command.

Hover the mouse over the downloaded crack files, right-click and copy them. Go to the open Minecraft.jar folder, drag the crack there using the "Paste" command. For the game to work after installing the crack, find the META-INF file and move it to the trash can.

Now, thanks to this instruction, you can independently install Minecraft on your computer and crack on it.

If you need earlier versions of the game, for example, the most popular Minecraft 1.5.2 or Minecraft 1.7.2, you can download the installation files from torrents or from amateur sites, but do not forget to check them with an antivirus first.

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In "Minecraft" there are many beautiful worlds that you can travel through using portals, however, this is not enough for the fans of the game, so they create new maps on which it is even more interesting to play. If you have created or downloaded a new world of the game, then you are probably interested to know how to install the map on "Minecraft" version 1.5.2 and higher.

How to install a map in Minecraft on a computer

If you have already chosen and downloaded an interesting map for the game, then it will not be difficult to install it in Minecraft 1.5.2. Pre-unpack the downloaded set of files with any archiver into an empty folder.

Open it and find the repository with the level.dat file. It is in it that all information about the created game world is stored. Here is the spawn point, the difficulty level, the weather, the name of the world and other important parameters. The same folder contains the region section, which contains the .mca files with information about all the blocks of the map. In the players section, the .dat files store all information about the players (experience and hunger levels, inventory, bed placement, and more). DIM1 and DIM-1 have built-in data about the lower, upper and other worlds in Minecraft. The data stores the in-game cards that the players made.

A very important function in the considered folder is performed by the session.lock file. It protects the map of the game world from unauthorized changes, so that new errors do not arise in the game.

Thus, in order to install the map on "Minecraft", these files must be copied and transferred to the saves folder. It can be found in Windows by going to "Start" and clicking the "Run" button by entering% appdata% \. Minecraft in the search bar.

If you have a Linux operating system, then the root directory of the game can be found at /home/%username%/.minecraft, Mac OS X - users /% username% / Library / Application Support / .minecraft.

If you are running the Minecraft client, you can open the desired folder through the game menu. To do this, click on the "Texture packs" section in the menu, click on the "Open folder" line and go to the section above.

When the map files are transferred to the saves folder, you can start a new game on the updated Minecraft playing field. To do this, select a new card in the menu.

How to install a map on "Minecraft" 1.5.2 and higher on the server

It is quite easy to create a new map on the server. To do this, the folder with the necessary world files, which was mentioned above, must be renamed to world. It needs to be moved to the server files, replacing the old folder with the same name.

You can go the other way. Copy the unnamed folder with the map to the folder with the server, open the server.properties settings file there and make adjustments to the "level name" line, after the equal sign, type in the name of the folder with the map.

Now you know how to install maps for "Minecraft" on the server and home computer, and therefore you can further diversify the game life of your character and achieve even greater success.

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Hello dear readers of the blog site, today I want to tell you how to install Minecraft on Windows. This guide is intended for those who want to install Minecraft on their own. We will be looking at installing the official version of Minecraft, so in order to start playing, you need to create a Mojang account and buy the game on the official website https://minecraft.net/store/minecraft.

For details on how to install a Minecraft resource pack on Windows, you can read my guide "Installing a Minecraft Resource Pack on Windows". You can find out how to install Minecraft Server on Ubuntu Server by reading my guide, Installing Minecraft Server on Ubuntu Server.

How to install minecraft on windows 10

Since a fresh version of the operating system from Microsoft has recently been released, codenamed Redstone 2, you may be wondering how to install minecraft on windows 10, below we will explain how to do it.

If the license is purchased, you can start downloading the distribution kit and installing the game. Go to the official website https://minecraft.net/download and in the “Minecraft for Windows” section click on the Download button to download the installer.

The distribution kit itself does not weigh much, a couple of megabytes. Next, click on the "Save" button.

After the file has been downloaded, click on the "Run" button to start the installation of Minecraft.

The distribution has been downloaded and now you can install minecraft on windows 10, run it. In the Mikecraft installation wizard, click on the "Next" button.

You can begin the Minecraft installation process. Click on the "Install" button

You must allow the installer to run the software on your computer if you have User Account Control (UAC) enabled. Click on the "Yes" button

I also want to note that you must have administrator rights on the computer.

Minecraft installation completed successfully. We put a tick on the item “Start Minecraft after closing the installer” and click on the button “Finish”

We enter the credentials that you provided when creating your Mojang account during the process of purchasing the game on the official Minecraft website. Click on the "Log In" button.

To start the game, click on the "Play" button.

Now you can change the language of the game interface. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the globe icon.

Select “Russian (Russia)” and click on the “Finish” button.

This is how easy it is to install Minecraft on Windows. I wish you all a pleasant game! Yes, if you need to set any non-standard settings, then click for this at the bottom of the button.

I want to note that the process of installing Minecraft in any version of the Windows operating system will be the same, so that it will work for Windows 10 too.


Minecraft cannot function without the Java software platform, so install it first (if you haven't already). Download the latest version from the manufacturer's official website, choosing the one that suits the bitness of your operating system. Having installed Java, go to its Control panel (through the control panel, which you will find in the start menu of the computer) and immediately enter the required RAM parameters in the line with Runtime Parameters - how much you want to allocate for the game (it is allowed to install them at a level below the total RAM ). This is necessary for it to function without errors.

Find on any reliable "ovsky" resource the installer of the game client of the version that you need. To start the installation, start the document with the .exe extension. In this case, Minecraft will be automatically installed in the directory where it should be located. If you only have a zipped folder without any visible exe files, you will need to redirect its contents to the appropriate directory yourself. How exactly to do this depends on which version of Windows you have.

If you have to deal with XP, go to the start menu of your computer, find the Run line there and enter% AppData% in it. You can try to find the folder you want in a slightly different way. Go to C: / Documents and Settings in the folder with your username and find the Application Data directory there. Copy the game files there. If you do everything correctly, a new folder will be formed at the above address - .minecraft.

For Windows 7 or Vista, copy the files from the game installation archive to another location on your computer. Go to drive C, go there to the directory with users and click on the folder with your name. To open it correctly, click on the address bar in this window. The resulting address should end with AppData \ Roaming. This is the directory needed to install Minecraft. Press Enter - and the game folder will appear there.

If, after the above steps, the gameplay does not start, and an error message with the video card drivers is displayed on the screen, it means that they are simply outdated or have not been installed at all. Correct this mistake by downloading and installing the appropriate software. Now open Minecraft, start creating a new world in it, adjusting its settings (mode, difficulty level, etc.) and enjoy the game.

We all have long gone through childhood, when it was possible to build castles, houses, roads, whole cities in a sandbox, but not all of us left the dream of creating our own unique world, of course not in a sandbox, but if not in the real world, then although would be virtual. And the game Minecraft wants to help us in this.

Minecraft Is a construction computer game in the style of a sandbox, which in the shortest possible time managed to gain immense popularity among gamers all over the world and made many people download Minecraft for free in Russian. Just imagine, for the state by April 2011, 12-13 thousand people buy the beta version every day. how much do they want then download Minecraft for free... And this despite the fact that the first version of Minecraft Classic was developed by Markus Persson only 2 years ago, and plus there was no advertising campaign. Now the game has 13.2 million registered users, of which about 3.5 million have bought it. And, I’ll add, you can download Minecraft RUS and Minecraft for free from our game portal.

Yes, about the very Minecraft gameplay there is nothing to tell, since it is ingeniously simple. The action takes place in a square virtual world, literally. The entire Minecraft universe is created from square blocks, even the hero himself and then from squares. All you can do in the free game Minecraft 1.8 beta in Russian is to break and build, but what to build! Just take a look at the screenshots, these unique cards can be made by the hands of a Classic player from the same blocks of different resources that must be collected in advance before being built. From living creatures in the downloaded free Minecraft beta RUS, you can find cows, pigs, chickens, sheep and other neutral mobs. Hostile mobs are zombies, skeleton, spider, creeper, slug, ghast and other evil spirits that will immediately start attacking you. In addition to weapons that will protect you from evil characters, you will need various tools made according to special Minecraft crafting recipes to quickly collect natural resources. Minecraft crafting recipes I will describe in more detail below. In fact, this is the whole gameplay of the game, but you can download Minecraft 1.9 pre-release for free and find your own features of this game and describe them in the comments.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say Minecraft download free in Russian will not be difficult as well as the version for a computer in Russian, but after that, you will not tear yourself away from it. Be careful Minecraft really sucks :)

Minecraft crafting recipes:

StickBoards - 2pcsSticks do nothing by themselves, they are needed to make equipment and weapons. From two fells we get 4 boards.
TorchCoal - 1pc: Stick - 1pcThe torch illuminates dark places in Minecraft, such as caves. It will also light up your brothel at night. 4 torches can be made from one stick and corner.
WorkbenchBoards - 4pcsAt the start of Minecraft you can create items i.e. craft, in a 2x2 grid, which prevents you from making useful items. The workbench solves this problem, after creating it you get a 3x3 grid. To create a Workbench, you will need 4 boards.
BakeCobblestone - 8pcsWith the help of the oven, you can cook food that will almost 2 times improve health than raw food. You can also melt rock to create good weapons. The furnace will need 8 units of stone.
BoxBoards - 8pcsThe chest is a very handy thing. In it you can store your things that you do not need yet. Also, if a player dies, his things remain in the chest. You will need 8 planks for the chest.
AxeThe ax is used for cutting wood. It is much more convenient and faster for them to cut trees.
PickBoards - 3 pieces or Cobblestone - 3 pieces or Metal ingot - 3 pieces or Gold ingot - 3 pieces or Diamond-3 pieces; Stick - 2pcsPickaxe is the most essential piece of equipment in Minecraft. With a pick you can mine various rocks, dig caves, etc.
ShovelBoards - 1pc or Cobblestone - 1pc or Metal Ingot - 1pc or Gold Ingot - 1pc or Diamond - 1pc; Stick - 2pcsThe shovel well and quickly digs the ground, sand and gravel.
HoeBoards - 2 pieces or Cobblestone - 2 pieces or Metal ingot - 2 pieces or Gold ingot - 2 pieces or Diamond-2 pieces; Stick - 2pcsHoe is a tool for sowing and harvesting in Minecraft.
SwordBoards - 2pcs or Cobblestone - 2pcs or Metal Ingot - 2pcs or Gold Ingot - 2pcs or Diamond - 2pcs + StickThe sword is the most important weapon in the hands of a Minecraft hero. Reaches the enemy up to 3 cells.
OnionStick - 3pcs + Thread - 3pcsThe bow is the main weapon against the most serious enemies - skeletons. The bow hits the enemy in the vicinity of 25 tiles.
ArrowsFlint + Stick + FeatherArrows can be found after killed skeletons, but you can also make, because without them the bow does not shoot.

Useful links:

Name: Minecraft / Minecraft / Mining craft
Genre: Sandbox
Developer: Markus Person
Platform: PC
Version: Latest
Interface language: Russian rus
Size: 166Mb v1.7.9 / 49Mb v1.8.1 / 56Mb v1.7.3

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows® XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Processor: Pentium 800MHz
RAM: 512 MB
Graphics: Any OpenGL compatible

Installing Minecraft 1.8.1 rus: Run the MineCraft_1.8.1_portable_PC_RUS.exe file, specify the folder for unpacking and launch the Minecraft game itself through the minecraft.bat file.
Installing Minecraft 1.9: You unpack the MineCraft_v1.9.rar file into the folder where the game will be. In the unpacked folder there will be an Install.bat file, run it. All files will automatically move to the directory they need. We play.

Download Minecraft for free in Russian without registration:

Minecraft download via torrent

An easy way to download the game Minecraft in Russian via torrent for free on your computer without registration in one click. Just click on the green button at the top of the page. Or select a version in the block with a red arrow from the list of links labeled torrent. Generally, the latest version of the game has a faster download speed. Perhaps you do not have a torrent client yet, then in order to download via torrent, install, for example, uTorrent. If you don't want to clutter your PC with unnecessary software, just download the game from the file sharing service directly.

How to download Minecraft for free?

Here you can download the game Minecraft to your computer by clicking on the download links from file sharing, which are located just above this text. But before that, we recommend that you pay attention to the characteristics and system requirements of the free Minecraft game, and make sure that the downloaded toy is fully installed and will work without interruptions on your computer. Then you can download Minecraft for free and be sure that your PC is compatible with this game.

How to download

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